How do you fix you dont have permission to access?

If you try to access a folder or a file on your PC, and you receive the error "You Don't currently have permission to access this folder", continue reading below to learn how to resolve the problem.

The error "You do not currently have permission to access this file/folder", usually appears on disks or folders, that were previously shared on the network with different rights. In other cases, the problem is caused by the HP Client Security Manager program that prevents the access to a connected external USB storage device.

How to FIX: You Don't currently have permission to access this folder/file. *

TIP: Before you continue to the methods below, check if you can access the folder with the permissions error in Safe Mode.

Method 1. Modify the Permissions on the Drive or Folder.Method 2. Allow Full Access on HP Client Security Manager.*

* Note: The method applies only to HP laptops that have the HP Client Security Manager installed.

Method 1. Modify the Permissions on the Drive or Folder.

The most common method to resolve the problem "You Don't have permission to access this folder", is to set the correct permissions on the folder or drive. To do that:

1. Right click on the drive/folder that you cannot access its contents and click Properties.
2. On Security tab, click Advanced.

3. Click Change Owner.

4. Type 'Administrators' (or your account name) and click OK.

5. Select Replace owner on subcontainers and objects and click Apply.

6. Click OK at the information message and then click OK twice to close the Security properties.

6. Now reopen the security properties of the file/folder (by following the steps 1 & 2 above).
7. Click Change Permissions.

8. Finally select the Replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permissions from this object checkbox and click OK.

9. Close the security properties window and try to access the file/folder. The problem should be solved.

Method 2. Allow Full Access on HP Client Security Manager *

* Note: This method applies only to HP laptops that have the HP Client Security Manager installed.

1. Launch the HP Client Security manager and navigate to Device Security.

2. At Device Permissions select Allow – Full Access to Removable storage devices.

3. Finally, if you want to disable the protection on the specific drive, navigate to Drive Settings tab and set the Device Access Manager protection to OFF.

That's it! Which method worked for you?
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Many web server configurations face issues related to file permissions. It often renders the server inaccessible to visitors and manifests in the form of a 403 error. Usually, the error message is something like "Forbidden: you don't have permission to access / on this server". It can be anything in the form of Forbidden: you don't have permission to access this resource.

Similar issues can also occur due to problems in the Apache configuration file or even because of a corrupt .htaccess file. This guide provides step-by-step solutions to all of these problems. Try them one at a time, starting from the first solution.

What Causes This Apache 403 Error?

This is a fairly common 403 error on Apache's end caused by a myriad of issues. However, in most cases, this error occurs due to the lack of proper permissions needed to access a site publicly. Apart from this, WordPress sites often face this issue due to a bad .htaccess file.

Moreover, since Apache version 2.4, there have been some changes in how directives work. This can also restrict public access to your website and result in a 403 forbidden error.

1. Fix File Permissions to Avoid the Error

Most people face this common 403 error due to the lack of proper permissions. If the site admin forgets to enable read access to the outside world, then end-users will be unable to access the requested resource. This is often the root cause of this error.

For example, say you're trying to access a file named textbook.php on a WordPress site and come up with an error saying you don't have permission to access /textbook.php on this server. It implies the file is there, but the site owner has disabled access to public users.

If you're a site admin instead, you need to make sure files intended for public access have proper read permissions. Else, if you're facing this error on a public site, inform the site administrator to solve this issue.

Setting the correct permissions for publicly accessible files can be a bit tricky. That's why admins should start with absolutely zero permissions and add them as needed. It's a good idea to have folders with permission mode of 755 and files with 644.

For a simple website, the directories need to have execute permission, and files should have read permission. Make sure not to give execute permission on files. Malicious users can gain unwanted access to public servers via such files

The permission mode for Read, Write and Execute access is 4, 2, and 1, respectively. So, a permission mode of 755 on directories means only the owner has full access to the directory contents. Group users and others can only read and execute. Similarly, 644 permission mode for files provides read and write access to the owner and only read access to everyone else.

To solve errors like forbidden: you don't have permission to access this resource on any server, fix your webroot directory permissions. The below command uses the chmod utility to set the directory permissions to 755:

sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

This command assumes you're using the default document root of Apache to hold your website. If you're using a different directory, replace the directory name accordingly. Use the below command to change all file permissions to 644:

sudo find /var/www/html -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

The above command uses the find utility to locate individual files and sets the correct permission via chmod. The ending {} \ holds the file paths returned by the find command, and the semicolon (;) marks the end of the iteration.

Plus, you can also change file permissions individually. For example, the following command will change the permission of textbook.php on the web root and make it publicly accessible. So next time someone tries to access this file, they won't see the dreaded "you don't have permission to access this resource error."

sudo chmod 644 /var/www/html/textbook.php

Once you've changed all file permissions as required, restart the Apache server to let your changes take effect.

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

This command restarts the Apache server on Ubuntu. However, many RPM-based distros like RHEL or CentOS install Apache as httpd. For such systems, use the following command instead:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

2. Fix the .htaccess File for Your WordPress Website

The .htaccess file serves as a distributed config file and tells Apache how to handle things like configuration changes per directory. Sometimes this file can get corrupted and may result in the "you don't have permission to access / on this server" error.

Luckily, if that's what is causing the 403 error on your server, you can easily fix this by creating a new .htaccess file. In order to create a new .htaccess file for your website, first, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Then, click on Settings > Permalinks.

You don't have to make any additional changes here. Just click on the Save Changes button and WordPress will generate a fresh .htaccess file for you.

So anytime you see "you don't have permission to access this resource" on Apache servers, try creating a new .htaccess file. This method usually works well for WordPress websites.

3. Configure Directives in the Apache Configuration File

Apache 2.4 makes use of a new configuration module named mod_authz_host. This module exposes several new directives. In short, this implements the following rules:

  • Require all granted: Allow all requests
  • Require all denied: Deny all requests
  • Require host Only permit requests from

If you're using Apache 2.4, make sure your main configuration file contains the following block of code. You can check out the contents of this file using a simple text editor like Vim. Add this block in the configuration file if they're missing. Then, you can save and exit Vim.

vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


<Directory />

Options FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None

Require all denied


<Directory /usr/share>

AllowOverride None

Require all granted


<Directory /var/www/>

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None

Require all granted


Moreover, if you're running an RHEL-based web server, you need to ease access to the /var/www section in your Apache configuration file. So make sure the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file contains the following block of code.

vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


<Directory "/var/www">
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Finally, restart the Apache server using one of the following commands:

# for Ubuntu and Debian
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

# for RHEL and CentOS
sudo systemctl restart httpd

Fix the Apache Server Permission Error on Linux

A lot of people face the above issue when accessing public websites or configuring their own sites. This guide covered several fixes to this problem. Resetting the filesystem permission for Apache should be the first resort. If the error persists even after changing the permissions, try creating a new .htaccess file and ensure directives are set properly in your Apache configuration file.

There are many more issues that can result in a server-side error similar to this one. You need to be proficient at troubleshooting Linux server issues to get your server up and running in such situations.

How do I turn on access permissions?

Setting Permissions.
Access the Properties dialog box..
Select the Security tab. ... .
Click Edit..
In the Group or user name section, select the user(s) you wish to set permissions for..
In the Permissions section, use the checkboxes to select the appropriate permission level..
Click Apply..
Click Okay..

Why does it say I don't have permission to access this resource?

A common cause of these errors is the file or folder permission settings, which control who can read, write, and execute the file or folder. There are two possibilities in this case: either the website owner edited the settings so that you couldn't access the resources, or they didn't set the correct permissions.

Why does Outlook say I don't have permission to access?

This issue occurs because the cache for Outlook is not emptied when you switch accounts in the same profile. Because the account that does not have permissions tried to access the folder, this account has ownership of the folder until you restart Outlook.

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