How do you make a drop

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You can use drop-down menus to group products, collections, or pages together and make it easier for customers to navigate your online store. For example, if you have a lot of products then you might want to add them to collections and then use a drop-down menu from the main menu to organize the collections. This can help a customer to find the type of products that they're looking for.

You can also add, remove, or edit menu items in drop-down menus, or in your online store's default menus.

You can view and change your online store navigation from the Navigation page in your Shopify admin.

You can build drop-down menus by creating or moving menu items so that they are "nested" below a top-level item. The top-level item appears in the main menu on your online store, and the nested menu items appear in a drop-down menu. The top-level item can have up to two levels of nested drop-down menus:

All themes will display nested items as drop-down menus from the main menu, and some themes will display nested items as drop-down menus in other locations.

The appearance and location of the main menu and drop-down menus in your online store depend on your online store's theme. Some themes will display an icon beside the name of a drop-down menu in the main menu to help customers recognize that a drop-down menu is there.

You can add a drop-down menu from any of the menu items in the main menu.

Add a drop-down menu from the main menu


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Navigation.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Navigation.

  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.

  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.

  3. Tap Navigation.

  1. Click the name of your main menu.

  2. Choose one of the menu items to be the header for your drop-down menu, or add a new menu item to be the header. If you don't want the header to link to anything, then you can enter # in the Link field when you add the menu item.

  3. Add menu items to include in the new drop-down menu. Click Add menu item, enter the name of the menu item, and enter or select a destination for the link.

  4. Click and drag the menu items to nest below the header item.

  5. Click Save menu.

Whether you're running a business or running a home, keeping things organized is key to success. There are tons of apps and websites to help you stay organized nowadays, but I always come back to old faithful: Microsoft Excel. I just can't seem to break up with it. 

Microsoft Excel is more than just what your parents used at their desk jobs. When used effectively, it can be a rewarding tool in your arsenal, whether you're running a business, a home, or simply need a budget. Drop-down lists simplify data input, which is helpful where time is money.

How to create drop-down lists in Excel

Drop-down lists save time when entering data

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

1. Select the cells where the drop-down lists are needed

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

In this example spreadsheet, there's a list of clients on the left and a column with Communication Preference on the right. We'll add drop-down lists for their communication preference, to select whether they want to be emailed, called, or texted.

2. Go to Data in your options, then select Data Validation

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

A Data Validation pop-up will appear after you click on Data Validation. 

3. Under Allow, select List from the menu

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

In the Data Validation pop-up, go to the drop-down menu under Allow and select List.

4. In Source, enter the items for your drop-down lists, separated by a comma

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

Enter the items you want to be able to choose from in your drop-down lists, each one separated by a comma.

5. Drop-down lists are ready!

Image: Maria Diaz / ZDNet

Whenever a cell is clicked on, a drop-down arrow will appear on the lower-right corner, click on the arrow and the drop-down list appears to select from. When you select an item from the list, it will populate the cell.


No formula is needed, all you need to do is change how the type of data input, from typing to selecting. So just going to Data and altering Data Validation will do it, like the steps above.

Though they are often mistaken, Data Filtering is different from drop-down lists. Data filtering is added to the headers of each column, so you can filter the visible data by category. For example, filter by month, place, and more. However, a drop-down list lets users select an item to fill the cell with.

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How do you make drop?

10 Top Tips to Create More Powerful Drops.
Dynamic Sub. For any track to be successful on the dance floor you need to have a sub bass that cleanly cuts through the mix. ... .
Pick a Main Sound. ... .
Dynamic Layering. ... .
Stay in Rhythm. ... .
Add Contrast. ... .
Leave Room. ... .
Symmetrical Main Lead or Bass. ... .
Mid/Side EQing..

What is a drop in a song?

A drop or beat drop in music, made popular by electronic dance music (EDM) styles, is a point in a music track where a sudden change of rhythm or bass line occurs, which is preceded by a build-up section and break.

How long should a drop be?

A drop can vary in length but are usually 8 to 16 bars. The second drop is typically either the same length as the first, or slightly longer to develop a little bit of additional energy.

How do you make a drop more powerful?

An EDM drop is also the climax of the song where rhythm and bass hit hardest. So, it's crucial to make this section sound powerful..
Mono Buildups. ... .
Volume Automation. ... .
Reverb Buildups. ... .
Filter Sweeps. ... .
Cut Elements in the Mix..

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