How long does accident stay on insurance record

When shopping for car insurance, it stands to reason that the lowest rates go to the cleanest driving records. Having a spotty record due to car accidents can make your insurance premium quite costly. However, car accidents don’t stay on your record forever, and you can avoid paying too much money for car insurance by understanding when accidents are removed from your record.

In this guide, we’ll break down how long an accident stays on your record; how accident type factors into the length of time it appears on your record; and what can happen to your insurance rates as a result of getting into a car accident.

How long do accidents stay on your record?

Getting into a car accident is usually a stressful and scary experience, not only in terms of physical well-being, but also financial well-being. When a driver has an accident, their insurance premiums are increased, as they are perceived as a higher risk in insurance companies’ eyes. However, these blemishes on your record can be removed with time. The length of time it takes largely depends on the accident’s severity and the state in which the accident occurred.

Many states employ a points system to track traffic violations, giving more points to drivers that have committed more egregious vehicular crimes. If you accumulate too many points, you may end up with a suspended driver’s license. However, states don’t use the same points systems to dictate the length of time an accident stays on your record. For instance, a DUI in California will stay on your record for 13 years while the same violation in Michigan will only remain on your record for two years. In general, however, you can refer to the table below to find out how long your particular accident will remain on your record:

Accident typeLength on record
First Minor AccidentMany insurance companies will offer accident forgiveness for first-time accidents, so this may not end up on your record at all.
Minor Accident3 Years
Hit-and-Run10 Years
DUI10 Years

If you have specific questions about your driving record, refer to your state’s guidelines or contact your local Motor Vehicle Department. In many cases, you can obtain a copy of your driving record for a small fee from your local DMV.

What if the accident wasn’t your fault?

Sometimes you just get unlucky and another driver causes an accident you can’t avoid. When this happens, the accident may still go on your driving record; however, it should not impact your insurance premium. Be sure to obtain a copy of the police report to verify who is considered “at-fault” in order to avoid unnecessary increases to your premium.

What happens to my insurance rates if I get into an accident?

The first thing you should do following a car accident is contact your insurance and see if it offers first-time accident forgiveness. If so, then you’re in the clear and should not experience any increases to your insurance premium (so long as you practice safer driving going forward).

If you don’t have accident forgiveness stipulated in your policy, you’ll likely have your rate increased. How much of an increase that is exactly depends on a few factors, including where you live, how many claims have been filed in recent history, how serious the accident was and how long you’ve been a customer with your insurance company. On average, your insurance premium will increase 34% following an accident. For more serious accidents, such as DUIs and hit-and-runs, insurance providers may even elect not to renew your policy when it expires.

Can insurance companies raise my rates if I didn’t cause the accident?

In short, yes they can. While it may not seem fair to the not-at-fault driver, insurance companies are at liberty to increase drivers’ rates as they see fit. According to research by the Consumer Federation of America, Progressive is the biggest offender in raising rates for not-at-fault drivers. During their research, the group found that Progressive increased rates by an average 17% for drivers that hadn’t caused the accident that spurred their claim.

However, some states have laws in place that prevent this type of rate increase from happening. In particular, California and Oklahoma both have laws to prevent insurance companies from raising premiums for drivers who did not cause the accident in which they found themselves.

What if I have accident forgiveness?

Some insurance companies offer accident forgiveness for their customers. This simply means that if a driver gets into an accident, regardless of whether or not they are at-fault, they will not have it reflected in an increase to their premium. The following insurance companies offer accident forgiveness to their customers:

  • Allstate
  • The Hartford
  • Liberty Mutual
  • Nationwide
  • Progressive
  • State Farm

The Takeaway

  • Most minor car accidents will appear on your record for about three years, but the length of time an accident stays on your driving record depends on severity, location and number of prior offenses.
  • Accidents of any kind (at-fault or not-at-fault) may result in an increase to your insurance premium.
  • Some states prohibit insurance rate increases for drivers who are found to be not-at-fault.
  • Drivers can avoid increases to their insurance premium if their providers offer accident forgiveness.


Generally speaking, drivers can expect a car accident to remain on their record for three years from the time the incident occurred. Drivers who have had many car accidents will pay the highest rates for their insurance; however, first-time offenses may be forgiven if the provider offers accident forgiveness. On average, a claim will increase your rate 34% or more. 

While many insurers do not increase rates for not-at-fault drivers who have been in an accident, others still do, so it’s important to carefully review your policy to understand what consequences you may incur as a result of an accident that’s not your fault. If you live in certain states, like California or Oklahoma, you’re automatically protected from increased rates due to a not-at-fault accident because certain states have laws in place to protect drivers from such occurrences.

When you’re filling out paperwork for a car insurance policy, you’ll need to report any car accident you’ve been involved in in the recent past, including ones that weren’t your fault. But how far back do you have to go?

Usually, insurers want to hear about your driving history over the past five years, but some are only interested in the previous three years. Sometimes, insurers will want to know about accidents from even longer ago - up to seven or ten years - although this is quite rare.

You’ll also be asked to disclose any other claims you’ve had to make on your car insurance, including for things other than road traffic accidents, such as vehicle theft or storm damage. Insurers typically want information about all claims within the past three to five years, including their value. 

During the three to five years an accident or another claim remains on your insurance record, you should expect to pay more for cover, especially if the accident led to a costly claim or was your fault.

Car accidents can be stressful and sometimes life-altering. Aside from the shock of an accident itself, there's also the process of insurance, paperwork, and police reports to deal with. If you've been in an accident, whether major or minor, you may be wondering if it will be reported on your driving record and if so, how long it will remain there. Understanding how accident reporting works can offer perspective on how long accidents can linger on a driving record.

  • Having an accident on your driving record can affect your car insurance rates and what you pay for premiums.
  • In general, your car insurance company does not report accidents to the DMV.
  • Many states have laws that require the police—or you—to file a report with the DMV; one must always be filed if someone is injured or killed in a collision.
  • The main reason why an insurance company communicates with the DMV about your driving history is if your insurance lapses, does not meet certain standards, or if you are convicted of a serious driving offense, such as a DUI.

When you're involved in a car accident, whether you're at fault or not, it can be reported to the Department of Motor Vehicles in your state. The accident then becomes part of your driving record. Which state you live in can determine how long an accident remains on your record.

Here are some examples of how long states maintain accident records for drivers:

  • California: Three years from the date of the accident
  • New York: Three years from the end of the year in which the accident occurred
  • New Hampshire: Five years from the date of the accident
  • Oregon: At least five years

As you can see, the typical length of time an accident can remain on your record is three to five years. But it's important to check the driving record requirements in your state as they may be different.

In terms of how a car accident can affect your car insurance rates, it typically depends on several things include:

  • The seriousness of the accident
  • Who was at fault
  • What type of driving violation you were charged with, if any
  • Your age
  • Prior driving record
  • Where you live

Your insurance company can also determine what you'll pay, as every insurer rates accidents differently. Though it can be difficult to predict an exact increase amount, it's safe to assume that if you're involved in a car accident you can expect to pay more for insurance going forward.

The time frame for how long other driving violations can remain on your record, such as speeding tickets or DUI convictions, may differ from the time frame for accident reporting.

In many states, a DMV report is required following any accident that you are involved in, regardless of who is at fault. This requirement is often subject to a property damage threshold that dictates which collisions are accidents that require reporting and which are simply "fender-benders."

For example, in New York, all drivers involved in collisions that cause at least $1,000 in collective property damage are required to report a "Civilian Accident Report" to the DMV. If anyone was injured in the accident, you have just 10 days from the date of the accident to file this report.

If someone is injured or killed in a collision, it must be reported to the DMV regardless of your state of residence. In most cases, accidents that meet your state's reporting criteria require the aid of the police or other emergency services. When the police are involved, they are required to make a DMV report. Your state may require you to submit a report first if the police cannot do so in a timely manner.

If the accident is not severe enough to require the aid of emergency personnel—and there is no police report made—the DMV is generally not aware of the incident, even if you make a claim on your insurance. However, having a police report certainly helps when making a claim, as the police report contains detailed information about the accident.

When an insurance company investigates an accident, it uses a police report to determine who is at fault and how to proceed with the claim, so make sure it's accurate.

In most cases, your car insurance company does not report accidents to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). However, depending on your state of residence, either you or the police are probably required to file a report with the DMV, regardless of whether your insurance company gets involved. In addition, your insurance contract likely requires you to alert your insurance company about any collision you are involved in, even if you do not make a claim.

The primary reason your insurance company would notify the DMV about your driving activity is if your insurance does not meet certain standards. In the United States, drivers are required to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance, even if they do not carry insurance to cover damage to their own vehicles.

If you allow your insurance policy to lapse, your car insurance company notifies the DMV, which may suspend or revoke your license until you are fully insured.

If you have an accident on your driving record, that doesn't necessarily bar you from getting car insurance. But it may limit your options for coverage so you'll need to do your research carefully.

When searching for car insurance after an accident, consider the seriousness of the accident, who was at fault and your previous driving record. If this is your first accident, it may not be as difficult to find coverage with a new insurer. Taking time to shop around and compare the best car insurance companies can help you find a policy that fits your needs and budget, without sending your premiums skyrocketing.

On the other hand, if you are convicted of a serious driving offense, such as driving while under the influence, you may have fewer options. Your insurance company can, however, file a Statement of Responsibility, or SR-22, with the DMV. The SR-22 proves that you carry the minimum necessary insurance required by your state. Keep in mind, though, that not all insurance companies offer the option of filing an SR-22 and most do not insure drivers who have lost their driving privileges.

Be sure to shop around for car insurance at least once a year to see if your rates might improve as the accident record ages.

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