How to adjust the Print Preview in Excel

Print Preview displays your page exactly as it will be printed and is only displayed in colour in you have a colour printer.The worksheet name and page number will appear by default, although it is very easy to change the header and footer ??

You can display Print Preview either by pressing the button on the standard toolbar or by selecting (File > Print Preview). You should always preview you print,

It is not possible to view more than one page at a time (unlike Word).You can exit Print Preview mode at any time by pressing the ESC key.The majority of the available options can be accessed from the Print Preview toolbar.You can magnify an area of the page by moving the left mouse button over the page and pressing with the left mouse button. You can display the whole page again by pressing again.

The status bar in the bottom left corner tells you which page you are currently looking at and the total number of pages on your worksheet.

Understanding the Print Preview toolbar

Next - Moves to the next page if your worksheet has multiple pages. If you have multiple worksheets selected and click Next when the last page of a selected worksheet appears, Excel displays the first page of the next selected worksheet.
Previous - Moves to the previous page if your worksheet has multiple pages. If you have multiple worksheets selected and click Previous when the first page of a selected worksheet appears, Excel displays the last page of the previous selected worksheet.
Zoom - You can use the Zoom option to magnify and examine any particular part of the page. It is possible to zoom in by pressing the left mouse button anywhere on the page. There is no way to adjust the percent of the zoom though.
Print - Displays the (File > Print) dialog box.
Setup - Displays the (File > Page Setup) dialog box.
Margins - Displays the current margins on the page. Displays or hides margin handles that you can drag to adjust page margins, header and footer margins, and column widths.
Page Break preview - Displays the worksheet in Page Break preview. The same as selecting (View > Page Break Preview).
Close - Closes the print preview window and returns to the previous view of the active worksheet.
Help - Displays the Print Preview commands from the Help menu.

Adjusting the Margins

As you move a margin the distance is displayed in the bottom left corner between the margin and the edge of the page.To adjust one of the margins move the mouse over one of the margin lines, hold down the left mouse button and drag the margin to its new location.

You can also change the widths of the columns. To change the width move the mouse over the column, the cursor will change to a ???. Press and hold down the left mouse button as you drag the column to a new width.

You can reposition any of the margins by dragging them with the mouse. Note there is a margin indicator in the bottom left corner to give you the exact size.

There are six types of margin that can be adjusted


To magnify an area of the page, move the mouse over the area (the cursor should change to a magnifying glass) and press the left mouse button. To return to normal view press the left mouse button again.You can also define a group of non continous cells as your print area by using the Ctrl key and then selecting (File > Print Area > Set Print Area).Margins are only visible when you display your worksheet in Print Preview.The exact layout of your Print Preview window is determined by the Printer Driver.

Excel will include a small header and footer by default although this can easily be removed.

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Page Break Preview view allows you to fix the boundaries of the printable area of the document on all pages simultaneously. It also gives you a possibility to customize and optimize tables to the size and orientation of paper sheets.

In addition, this mode provides the most convenient preview before printing. You see all the document with the optimal scale, like miniatures of medium size. The situation is completely under your control. Let’s consider how to set, change, increase, reduce, or delete the print area.

To enter the mode for managing borders and areas, you need to go to the «VIEW» tab and in the Workbooks View section, select the «Page Break Preview» tool.

The second option is to click on the third switch in the right side of the status bar of the Excel window.

How to change a print area in Excel?

To define the print area, you need to set and fix the page layout boundaries that will separate all areas. To do this, click on the blue dotted line in the Page Break Preview view, and move it to the necessary position, holding down the left mouse button.

If the table goes beyond the white area, then everything in the gray area will not be printed. If you are in a Page Break Preview view, and all data is located in the gray area, then you’ll receive a blank document when printing. You can manually remove the print area by dragging the border between the gray and white fields.

Do define the print area, you must set and adjust the boundaries. How to add borders (page breaks)? Click on the cell that is in the place where there should be a document break and choose the «Insert Page Break» option.

How to add only a vertical page break? Right-click on the column where the border will be laid, select the same option: «Insert Page Break». To insert a horizontal page break, you should act the same way: just click on the row header.

Note. There is the «Reset Print Area» option in the context menu. It allows you to delete all document breaks and adjust the default settings. Use it to start all over again.

How to save print area settings?

All the settings of the areas can be saved in templates, the so-called «Custom Views». When you select the «Custom Views» tool, the Custom View manager is loaded.

To save this setting, click the «Add» button. Enter its name and it will be in the list of custom views.

New versions of Excel (starting with Excel 2007) have effective tools for preparing documents for printing. An Excel document is more specific than a Word document in terms of organizing data for outputting to a printer. Therefore, in Excel, tools for setting up and preparing documents for printing have more functions.

“PRINT PREVIEW” – The word itself explains the crux of this short tutorial. Viewing the worksheet previously before printing it can prevent many errors. So, this short tutorial lets you know

what and where the changes could be made before printing your final worksheet.

Following are the steps to set Print Preview

STEP 1 – File>>print.

This displays the first page and below you can find the arrow marks that helps you to navigate to the next and also to the previous pages.

You can also directly change the number by pointing to the page where you need to navigate instead of clicking on the arrow marks as shown below.

STEP 2 – Select “print active sheets” to print all the sheets that has been numbered below.

STEP 3 – In the settings part, you can choose the number of pages to be printed and also you can also set the orientation as potrait or landscape.

STEP 4 – As a keen Excel user, you must have noticed some columns missing in the first few pages and appearing after certain pages. To overcome this and get it printed in the same page as per assigned in the Excel worksheet, Choose “Fit all columns on one page”.

Now, you will be able to see all the columns on the same page and if you notice well, the number of total pages would have also been reduced.

STEP 5- Now, choose the margin style. It is nothing but the space left between the page and the beginning. You can chose according to your preference. There are also custom margins where you can specify your dimensions.

STEP 6 – Next, choose the page size such as A3, A4, B4, B5 etc….

STEP 7 – Then, finally choose the number of copies to be printed. Then, choose collated or uncollated. Collated prints the first set of copy and then the next set of copy. Uncollated makes copy of the first page two times. Then, proceeds page by page.

After finishing the modifications, click on the print icon.

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