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Page 2

VariablesModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5Model 6Basic modelBasic model + controlsKnowledgeParticipationInterestFull model
Age (ref: 31+)
 16–17−1.005 (0.517)−1.244** (0.458)−1.210** (0.467)−1.272** (0.438)−1.09* (0.424)−1.100** (0.419)
 18–21−1.562*** (0.361)−1.138** (0.375)−1.163** (0.366)−1.201*** (0.353)−0.429 (0.347)−0.600 (0.332)
 22–25−0.690* (0.329)−0.708* (0.306)−0.771* (0.306)−0.936** (0.302)−0.295 (0.294)−0.576* (0.293)
 26–30−1.040** (0.354)−1.118*** (0.330)−1.109*** (0.328)−1.040*** (0.306)−0.547 (0.293)−0.565* (0.284)
Political knowledge0.703* (0.277)0.672** (0.253)
Non-electoral participation3.396*** (0.499)2.423*** (0.511)
Political interest6.815*** (0.689)5.841*** (0.709)
Education1.332*** (0.250)1.013*** (0.251)1.012*** (0.249)0.659* (0.258)0.749** (0.242)0.533* (0.245)
Female0.075 (0.228)0.063 (0.216)0.089 (0.216)0.007 (0.208)0.154 (0.202)0.126 (0.197)
Rural residence0.156 (0.229)0.195 (0.222)0.179 (0.221)0.233 (0.213)0.254 (0.208)0.257 (0.202)
Migration background−0.392 (0.306)−0.513 (0.289)−0.521 (0.293)−0.431 (0.285)−0.432 (0.270)−0.393 (0.275)
EU attitude−0.0002 (0.474)0.063 (0.474)−0.496 (0.461)−0.135 (0.429)−0.409 (0.427)
Trust in institutions3.043*** (0.773)2.964*** (0.776)2.718*** (0.755)1.559* (0.748)1.464* (0.738)
Dem. satisfaction: National0.135 (0.281)0.126 (0.282)0.255 (0.276)0.103 (0.264)0.184 (0.263)
Dem. satisfaction: EU0.311 (0.259)0.302 (0.260)0.224 (0.258)0.479 (0.247)0.385 (0.246)
Impact of national parliament1.246*** (0.265)1.163*** (0.263)1.011*** (0.254)0.380 (0.253)0.256 (0.251)
Impact of European Parliament0.998** (0.309)1.024** (0.314)0.851** (0.296)0.419 (0.289)0.422 (0.286)
Constant7.217*** (0.245)3.960*** (0.529)3.522*** (0.553)3.479*** (0.504)3.044*** (0.498)2.413*** (0.496)

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