What causes social anxiety in a child

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Social Anxiety Disorder/Social Anxiety Measures- self and parent report

MeasureSubscalesNumber of itemsPros and Cons
The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C; 50)Somatic, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms of social anxiety disorder across a range of social situations and settings.26 itemsPros: Assesses the specific construct of Social Phobia. Good psychometric properties and discriminant validity.
Cons: Length. Scoring can be difficult.
The Social Anxiety Scale for Children-revised (SASC-R) and the SAS-A for adolescents (51)Three factors: (a) Fear of Negative Evaluation,; (b) Social Avoidance and Distress-New (i.e., new situations or unfamiliar peers); and (c) Social Avoidance and Distress-General (generalized or pervasive social distress/discomfort).22 items for children
18 items for adolescents
Pros: Good psychometric properties and discriminant validity. Brief and easy to score. Useful in measuring continuum of social interactional anxiety.
Cons: Not developed to specifically assess symptoms of DSM based social anxiety disorder.
Social Worries Questionnaire (SWQ; 54)Assesses social fears and socially anxious behaviors.10 itemsPros: Brief. Easy to score. May be useful as a screening instrument for social anxiety disorder (Bailey et al.).
Cons: Limited psychometric evaluation.

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