What two features made Dr Beadle believe that teosinte was an ancestor of modern maize?

SCIN130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn

V2 12.2020 Messina Felicetti

Page 1 of 5

SCIN 130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn

General Instructions

Be sure to read the general instructions from the Lessons portion of

the class prior to completing this packet.

Remember, you are to upload this completed packet in the

Assignments link.


Ten thousand years ago, corn didn’t exist anywhere in the world, and until

recently scientists argued vehemently about its origins. Today the crop is

consumed voraciously by us, by our livestock, and as a major part of

processed foods. So where did it come from? Popped Secret: The

Mysterious Origin of Corn tells the story of the genetic changes involved in

the transformation of a wild grass called teosinte into corn.

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SCIN130 Lab 6: The Origin of Corn

V2 12.2020 Messina Felicetti

Page 2 of 5

Specific Lab Instructions



Go to: The Mysterious Origin of Corn from HHMI Biointeractive

Watch the short film, and answer these questions as you progress.

1. What was the purpose of domestication in ancient civilizations?

2. What TWO features made Dr. Beadle believe that teosinte was an

ancestor of modern maize?

1. Teosinte and maize have nearly identical chromosomes.

2. They both could be crossbred to produce fertile offspring

3. Stop the film at the 6:55 and answer the following:

a. Answer the Let’s Review Questions. Embed a screenshot of

your answer to question 1 in this packet:

Question 1:

b. Why did botanists expect the wild relative of maize to look

similar to modern maize?

To produce desirable traits in plants over many generations, animals

were domesticated t produce more milk for humans to increase their

muscle mass and for humans to start living better when they lived in

larger settlements.

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