Arti kata "queenslanders" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

There's only two states worth being in, Queensland and pissed.


Queensland: Why would you wanna be anywhere else.

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

The most Australian place in Australia the last true remnant of Australiana. Where snobby nosed euro wannabe, outsiders from the southern states fear to tread. Where XXXX is drunk and people are tough.


Queenslander: Oi where you from cunt! Outsider: Victoria mate! Queenslander: fuck off back there you greasy cunt before i knock ya out! and stop trying to speak like a queenslander ya mug Outsider: Ok im going home now to drink cat piss beer and root a hairy greek woman.

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

The most north-eastern state of Australia. Pretty women, even better looking backpackers. 100's of beutiful sunny islands including straddie (Stradbroke) Captial city Brisbane (also known as brisvegas), home of XXXX beer, also the home of the bevan. Known by the other states as the "different" state. Queenslanders don't take shit!


Stay out of the sun in Queensland, you'll get a bad farkin sunburn!

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

A northern state of Australia that has completely fucked up weather, Shop opening and closing times and last but not least, incredibly boring tourist spots. Trust me, I lived there for 5 years.


Bruce: Wanna' get a bite to eat terry? it's only 8:00pm! Terry: We can't, were in Queensland. all the shops closed at 6! Bruce: Then we'll go to McDonnalds! Their open 24/7! Terry: We better hurry, they close in 15mins!

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

Quite possibly the most laid back, relaxed state in Australia


All the Mexicans move to Queensland because it really is a better place to live. It rocks to be a Queenslander

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

Someone who comes from the state of Queensland, in Australia, making them the wickedest people alive!


Im a queenslander

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

A person that resides or is born in the state of Queensland, Australia. Also known as a canetoadthey usually deck themselves out in the colours of maroon once a year for the annual State of Origin} series


Proud to be a Queenslander.

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

Natives of the State of Queensland, Australia. Renowed for all being extremely good-looking and intelligent.


how hot are those girls! - they must be Queenslanders!

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

Queenslander was born of the festering hatred, resentment, jealousy and perceived injustice, done to them by New South Wales Rugby League, through out history ,only those who have been crushed beneath a tyrannical oppressor's heel, can truly know this feeling.


Ah mate here we go a bloody ‘gain The Blues are whinging and they’re crying It makes you flaming sick ya know But it’s a trick we just ain’t buying. They reckon they have rookies Who will never make the grade We know they never had a chance No matter who they bloody played. The time draws near, they start to shake That self doubt will rise again It will grow on their subconscious And play havoc with their brain. Take note how people that you work with Start avoiding all your crew Then you realise what is happening Their skin is turning slimy blue. Mate this is State Of Origin It’s a feeling you can’t hide That tingling through your body That unbending Queensland pride. Your guts begin a churning The sweat pours from your brow. There is no sitting on the fence It’s time to take that Queensland vow. And the Blues they just don’t get it They can’t understand that pride How we can love this state so much Just how we feel deep down inside. The battle lines are slowly drawn You know just what I mean You are either with us or against us There is bugger all in between. So bring it on you Roaches Feel the hatred and the fear The battle ground will run with blood Then you will hear our victory cheer. “QUEENSLANDER

Arti kata queenslanders bahasa

Queensland is the most northerly state on the eastern Australian coast. Natives of Queensland are commonly known as Queenslanders and generally regarded by other eastern Australian states as 'so laid back as to be retarded'. For some Aussies there's a competition on which eastern state is the best (Tasmania doesn't seem to count) and all three remaining states laugh at the A.C.T. when they try get involved. Victorians and New South Welshmen will argue over Sydney and Melbourne, no doubt going on about it until you're REALLY wishing to get run over so you don't have to listen to them anymore, but they'll rarely point out anything else about their states as good. Queenslanders, if they respond to the argument at all (alright, we really are laid back, or trying not to piss themselves laughing), will say: "Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Dreamworld, WetNWild, Movie World, Seaworld, you know, most of the theme parks? The Barrier Reef, Cairns and beaches filled with the tourists you wish you had. Oh, and you can have your bloody grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins back." In the Queenlander's mind, the argument is then settled and generously allows the others to continue arguing until they're bored of listening. Queensland's state capitol is Brisbane, situated on Moreton Bay. It is a quiet city, but given it has the Gold and Sunshine Coasts are nearby for relaxation, entertainment and glorious beaches, who needs to party at home?


Person: Why the hell if they're complaining about us, do so many bloody southerners move up to Queensland? I mean if we're supposed to be so crap up here, GO HOME!