Bayu buana tour ke harbin desember 2022 berapa harganya

MUSIM liburan akhir tahun tinggal beberapa bulan lagi. Keluarga Indonesia yang hendak berlibur menghabiskan akhir tahun tentu sudah mengincar destinasi liburannya.

Bagi keluarga yang ingin melancong ke luar negeri, sudahkah memilih negara mana yang akan disambangi? Bila belum, mungkin kini sudah waktunya berburu destinasi lewat beberapa travel fair yang sedang berlangsung.

Selain menyiapkan bujet, Kamu pun perlu mempelajari negara mana saja yang jadi favorit keluarga Indonesia, agar tidak salah pilih. Nah, ternyata dari sekian banyak negara yang ada di dunia, negara-negara di benua Asia seperti China, Korea, dan Jepang masih jadi primadona. Sedangkan, untuk benua Eropa, negara yang kerap dikunjungi oleh keluarga Indonesia, yaitu Belanda, Prancis, Belgia dan lainnya.

Bagaimana Menyikapi Anak Laki-Laki yang Suka Make-Up? Ini Jawaban Psikolog!

"Keluarga masyarakat Indonesia yang memilih berlibur ke Eropa, karena liburan bisa berlangsung selama dua pekan dan dapat mengunjungi sampai tujuh negara. Destinasinya pub cocok dikunjungi untuk keluarga, orangtua bisa foto foto, istri shopping, anak-anak pun bisa bermain di Disneyland Paris, harga hanya Rp32 juta sudah all in cukup murah jikalau dibandingkan dengan destinasi lain," Jelas Manager Departemen Europe, Mediteranian, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, Amerika, Kanada, dan Afrika Selatan, Bayu Buana Travel, Fabio Soelaeman dalam Konferensi Pers Bayu Buana Holiday Travel Fair, Jakarta, Senin (8/10/2018).

Lebih lanjut, dalam pemaparan Fabio, jadi keluarga Indonesia nantinya tidak hanya mengunjungi satu negara saja, tapi paling sedikit lima negara dalam sekali perjalanan. Untuk akhir tahun, khususnya Desember, biasanya banyak keluarga yang berlibur ke negara Skandinavia yang semenjak dahulu terkenal dengan cerita atau sebutan desa Sinterklas.

Berapa Lama yang Dibutuhkan Otak untuk Menyerap Kebiasaan Baru?

Bayu buana tour ke harbin desember 2022 berapa harganya

"Wisatawan Indonesia kalau pergi ke Asia paling banyak ke Korea dan Jepang, China juga favarit terlebih bertepatan dengan winter season. Namun, untuk Korea dan Jepang tidak hanya di akhir tahun, awal tahun pun banyak dikunjungi dan tiap tahun meningkat," ujar Airinne Sutrisno, Manager Asia dan China Departemen, Bayu Buana Travel.

China sebagai negara destinasi liburan mempunyai Kota Harbin yang tiap tahun rajin mengadakan festival. Meskipun festival akan berlangsung pada awal Januari tahun depan, tapi sudah mulai dibuka pada Desember 2018 ini. Yang menarik dari Harbin salah satunya suhu udaranya sampai minus 30 derajat celcius.

"Biasanya di kombinasi penerbangan lewat Beijing, setelah berkeliling ke kota lain baru masuk di Beijing dan berakhir di Harbin," imbuh Airinne.


2021 - 2022 Harbin Ice Festival tours, departing throughout the end of December of 2021 to the end of February of 2022, have been adapted with handpicked hotels, theme parks of Harbin Ice Festival, must-see attractions in Harbin & beyond, and interesting activities that are best done in winter.

If you're looking to travel in winter, REQUEST the below tour packages.

3-day Harbin Ice Festival Tour

Consistently our best selling Harbin snow ice festival tour. This trip covers theme parks of the ice festival, plus plenty of time to explore the historical and cultural sites in Harbin City.


6-day Ultimate Harbin Tour Package

Spend 2019 International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival with Harbin expert guide! Including skiing, ice lantern show, ice and snow sculptures, ice and snow world, winter swimming watching, interesting...


5-day Harbin Winter Adventure Tour

The itinerary offers a tour of ice festival including the main attractions in Harbin. An overnight stay in the awesome beautiful China's Snow Town affords unique opportunities to experience the local peasa...


4-day Harbin Ice and Snow World Tour

This is a perfect trip to Harbin ice festival 2019! Make safari-style adventure, enjoy skiing in the world-class ski resort, get lost in the wonderland of ice and snow world in the evening and more.


3-day Harbin Family Winter Holidays

This year our NEW family experience program provides winter fun for the entire family. Making a winter trip to Harbin a memory that will never be forgotten. This is not some ordinary theme parks! Ice...


3-day Harbin Ice Festival and Russian Flavor Tour

On this classical trip, we will spend the Harbin International Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival, experience the authentic Russian culture, historical sites and more...


4-day Harbin Ice Festival Highlights Tour

This relaxing winter break package offers you the best opportunity to see the beautiful ice sculptures, snow sculptures, ice lanterns, and experience the authentic village life in northern China.


5-day Unforgettable Harbin and China's Snow Town Tour

This winter travel package of Harbin will be an unforgettable experience in your life-time, from the ice lantern fair to the ice and snow world, from the International Snow Sculpture Expo to Harbin Polarla...


2-day Harbin Ice & Snow Festival Tour

If you are pinched for time and have only 2 days to spend the Harbin Ice Festival, here's an itinerary that highlights the best of the best. Tour Guide, Transportation, Driver and Admission to select attra...


4-day Harbin Winter Tour

This Harbin winter travel package provides the ultimate freedom and flexibility to see all the Harbin winter highlights and experience Harbin's incredible nature and culture at your own pace. Get intimate...


1-day Harbin Private Tour

A private Harbin winter tour is an enjoyable way of seeing Harbin and its top attractions, such as Ice and Snow World, Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Expo, and the Siberian Tiger Park.


4-day Harbin Ice Festival & Chagan Lake Winter Fishing Tour

This interesting winter tour will offer you an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend the ice & snow festival in Harbin and see the Monglian fishermen use their unique skills to catch fish in the icebound...


5-day Harbin Ski Tour Package

This popular tour will give you the opportunity to witness the best of Harbin. The magic, tranquility and stunning beauty of the Harbin's winter will surround you like a downy quilt. The itinerary includes...


2-day Harbin Winter Getaway

This Harbin winter trip brings to you a variety of fun things to do and see! It is suitable for both individuals and groups. Daily departure from January to February.


2-day China Snow Town Tour

China's Snow Town, also known as China Snow Village. The town has become a heaven of photographers since its pictures were posed on some tourism websites by the explorers in several years ago. If you are...


4-day Top Harbin Ice Lantern Tour

Discover all the theme parks of Harbin Ice Festival! Spend some wonderful days and nights to see the ice and snow sculptures, ice lanterns, and enjoy various interesting winter activities.


5-day Harbin & Yabuli Ski Tour by Train

Lose yourself in a winter wonderland at Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. The theme parks of the festival are lined with beautiful snow sculptures, ice sculptures, and fantastic ice...


4-day Harbin Volga Manor & Ice Festival Tour

A classical tour package including 3 theme parks of the Harbin International Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival, the famous Volga Manor and some historical sites in Harbin. Don't miss!


6-day Harbin China's Snow Town and Yabuli Ski Tour

Enhance your winter vacation to North China by engaging in this unique and fun tour. Experience the sensational Harbin Ice Festival, see the picturesque sights in China's Snow Town via snowmobile, enjo...


5-day Harbin Ski Holidays

Experience the most remarkable and unique trip to Harbin where you will be amazed by a blend of ice & snow sculptures and beautiful ice lanterns, with the most fascinating and invigorating winter activitie...


3-day Incredible Harbin Ice & Snow Festival Tour

Discover the ice city of China which is packed with all the theme parks of Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival and the must-see cultural, spiritual and historical landmarks.


4-day Harbin Ice Festival & Jewish Sites Tour

This tour is perfect for those who are interested in the Jewish sites that existed in Harbin during the World War I and World War II. A visit to Jewish sites will help you better understand how the people...