Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

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This is driving me mad - On an old worksheet which I use in the latest Excel Beta, I cannot view what I am typing in the cell until I press enter. It appears in the formula bar but not in the cell. Strangely, if I create a new blank worksheet, I can view cell content while typing in there so it seems it must be a option that I need to toggle for the old worksheet. I've looked everywhere but still cannot find it. Hope someone can help

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Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

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I have an excel worksheet that adds two other worksheets in a data triangle. I copied it to create a new data set and used find & replace to change the worksheet references to the new ones. The cells still contain the result of the old formula referring to the previous worksheets. The only way I can get the formula to return the correct result is to edit (F2) each cell and press enter. Calc now (F9) does nothing. I've seen this before, but this time, I need to calculate many thousands of cells and don't have time for this workaround. Any ideas? Thanks. Don S

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

when I type a number or letter into a cell and then press enter the cursor jumps way down the page to what appears to be a random cell. The one i originaly typed in remains blank. spreadsheet was previously ok this has just started to happen. help please thanks

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I have a textbox in my userform where anything typed in the box is entered into cell A2 in my worksheet. However, multiple lines of text are not properly displayed in my worksheet. I have enabled MultiLine and EnterKeyBehaviour in the properties window of the textbox so I can type multiple lines in my textbox. The problem is that when I press the button to enter the text from my txtbox to cell A2, the cell doesn't actually display the text in separate lines. It just places a square symbol in the place that enter should have been pressed and the text should have been split into separate lines. How can I get the separate lines of text in my textbox to be properly displayed in a cell? Thanks for your help in advance..

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Also, I cannot move the Pivot Table from the new Worksheet it is created in, to my existing Worksheet. I am running Excel 2011 for Mac. I have a Worksheet with a small amount of data, and when I click the Pivot Table button it automatically creates the Pivot Table in a new Worksheet. The Pivot Table data is fine, but I want it to display alongside the source data. I've tried using the Move Pivot Table option and choosing to Create Pivot Table in Existing Worksheet and choosing a source cell alongside my current data, but nothing appears. Also, I checked in Edit menu and found that the Pivot Table appears to have not even been created/moved because there is no option to undo it. Appreciate any help, let me know if you have any further questions. Hunter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Posted this on the Ozgrid forums, but haven't gotten any help yet, so I thought I'd try here too! I've been having a strange problem lately. I have a fairly lengthy macro that works perfectly most of the time. Occasionally it will run as expected but as soon as the macro ends, excel becomes unresponsive to mouse-clicks. When I click anywhere (trying to select a cell, or an excel menu item...clicking anywhere in excel) I'll get the a 'ding' system sound and nothing will happen. BUT, if I use the keyboard arrow keys, I can see that the active cell selection moves accordingly. Then it gets really strange - when I have a cell highlighted and press any key to input text, it gets duplicated. So if I press "s' it will input "ss" into the cell, and then when I press enter it will auto-move to the next cell down, but nothing ends up getting saved into the previous cell. I don't understand what's going on at all. I can't think of anything in my macro that would have these kinds of effects. I've made sure that screenupdating is turned back on at the end of every procedure. If I go into the VBE, I can manually run procedures and they all work fine. The only way I've been able to get back to normal is by force closing excel altogether and re-opening. Any ideas? ______________________ Still having trouble, and the same thing is happening with this workbook on two different computers, so I don't think it's a hardware, or OS specific issue. When it gets locked up like this, I can still do anything in the VBE (edits cells, run macros, etc.) with no problems. If I'm in the excel window, I can click alt on the keyboard and the shortcut keys for the menu come up, but I can't go deeper than that by clicking the letter shortcuts, they do nothing. If I use the delete key to delete the contents of a cell, then it gets deleted. But if I type anything else (numbers, letters, or symbols) then it types 2 instances of the key every time, yet when I hit enter, nothing changes in the cell. I also can't really bring focus to the excel window if something else (ie. the VBE) is on top of it, clicking into the excel window just gives the little system 'ding' sound and nothing happens. If I hit the save button in the VBE (since I can't click anything in the excel window), then it seems to snap out of it and go back to normal. I tried searching for anything simmilar to this and can't find anything... Any help would be much appreciated. This is driving me nuts!

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Hello, please help me out with this one. So I am at work workin on this report and I need a function that will make Excel automatically insert the today's date in a cell (let's say D90) when I fill the content of another cell (for example C90) and the that will be inserted will never change. I tried to use the =TODAY( ) function but it keeps updating the date in the cell to the current date if i reopen the worksheet 2 days later. I need the cell to keep in the cell the date of the day when I filled in the content of cell C90 and do not updated it every time i open the document to the actual date.. Thanks in advance!!

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I have entered a vlookup formula in a cell and it returns the correct value from the other worksheet. However when I copy the formula down it keeps returning the exact same value as the first cell. If I enter a formula in each individual cell it returns the correct value. Its driving me crazy ! I woyld be glad of any advice Many Thanks Karamazov

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I would like the contents of a selected active cell to be displayed in a certain other cell, say R4. When another cell is selected and active, that cell's contents should be displayed. I have an array of 9 columns and 20 rows with equity symbols and conditionally formatted to show the severity of price movement in either direction. Instead of typing in the value of whatever cell a trader is looking at I would like for them to just be able to click on the cell and have that symbol copied into R4 so some detailed information can be displayed for them. Can't find a thing about this on any forum or msdn. Hope I'm explaining this at least somewhat clearly. Thanks.

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Hi was wondering if anyone can help. I am trying to reference a cell on another worksheet, the cell is formatted to be a date. when i put in the following formula =Sheet2!A1 and i don't input a date into A1 on sheet 2 the cell containing the formula shows the date 00/01/1900, is there any way of stopping this showing, ideally the cell would be blank until I inputted a date into A1 on sheet 2 Any help would be very much appreciated

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Hey guys, I'm trying to write a macro which prints to PDF and saves the file name as the contents of a cell. I've been looking through all the posts currently on this forum to get something working. I'm using the following code - Sub PrintPDF() Filename = "C:\Documents and Settings\samb\My Documents\" & ActiveSheet.Range("Z1").Value SendKeys Filename & "{ENTER}", False ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:= _ "Adobe PDF:", Collate:=True End Sub The macro prints to PDF, but then it stops at the Save As stage, where I have to manually enter the name of the file and click Save. I want the macro to automatically name the file with the contents of cell Z1. I then want it to then automatically press enter. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Any help would be much appreciated!

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I've been using Excel for years and had very few issues. However, I recently went into a spreadsheet to update it and was unable to select and enter data into an individual cell. When I click on a cell and try to enter #s nothing happens (my num lock is on). Then when I try to click into another cell it just highlights that cell, along with any other that I move my cursor over. Once I click on one cell I can't stop the highlighting from happening. I can't even click on anything in the toolbar. I am extremely confused, can anyone help?

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Hi can someone help please? I have two worksheets and wish to copy rows from worksheet 1 to worksheet 2 if a condition is met in one of the cells within that row. Hope that makes sense.


Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I have excel sheets that cross link with each other. I've just migrated to Office 2007. When I open my excel sheet I always get the question at the bottom of the tool bar Security Warning Data connections have been disabled. And then I have to click on option and enable content. My question is, how do I always enable the content? Thanx

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

In excel, I am trying to find a formula or funtion so that when I enter a date (1/10/05) in cell A1 for example, then B1 automatically changes to 1/11/05, C1 to 1/12/05, etc. Can anyone help? Thanks!!

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I am trying to automatically capture and record the date of a cell's last change in value (date stamp). I have an item price list and if a particular cell gets updated I want to automatically record the date of change of that cell. I realize that after I change cell A1 I could tab to cell B1 and enter Ctrl+; but if I have a hundred new prices to enter I don't want to do that (plus me or the data entry person might forget). For instance, A B 1 $32.17 8/17/08 2 $43.20 9/12/09 If I go in and update cell A1 to $33.98 today I would like cell B1 to read 2/16/10. But I don't want cell B2 to change. Thanks

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Is there a way I can use conditional formatting or something to change the color of the cell once I enter a value or text into that cell? For example if I currently have the A2 cell color as a gray color, and I enter information into A2 can I have it set to automatically change to no fill or any other color without having to click out of the cell, back into it, and then clicking the button?? Does that make sense??? Can someone help me?

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I have never really used VBA and so am completely stuck at this problem. I need to create a macro which auto-populates a master worksheet from the individual user sheets in a shared workbook. Sheet 1 is the master sheet "Team Stats". There will be an undetermined number of individual worksheets to accomodate new staff. Each worksheet will be identical, using columns A-I with row 1 having the headings: Date, Name, Reference, Value, Price, Age, Purchased?, Destination, Add. Products (the last 3 columns will have a drop-down list which will be used to enter data into the cell). There will be a varying number of rows in each of the individual sheets. If possible I would like the macro to run every time data is entered into one of the individual worksheets. If this is not then it would be fien to update every time the workbook is opened. If anyone can help it would really cut down the time I spend collating these stats every day!

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

From limited experience I know that excel calculates dates via serial numbers. I have formulas to add a number of days to a cell containing an entered date and display the resulting new date (ie. 03/01/2011 (c34)+11 = 03/12/2011) I am seeking to leave resulting formula cell blank until a date is entered in the input cell. Currently when the input cell is empty the formula cell obviously displays 1/11/1900 using the above example. What conditional format would achieve leaving the formula cell blank until date data in entered into the source cell? Hopefully a simpler question for your experience level than mine.

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Hi, I am looking to change how an active cell is viewed. For instance when you are looking at your spreadsheet you can see the active cell has a thin black border around it. I would like to change the border to a thicker one and change the color to blue or red. I am trying to make it easier to the eye so when you are working on a large spreadsheet it is immediatly apparent where you are to avoid squinting.

If anyone can help me please let me know.

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

I have a formula in cell C1 (=A1/B1). I want to copy this formula down to row C20, however rows A2 to A20 are empty so C2 to C20 show (#DIVO!). Is there something I can put in the formula to make column C be blank until the data is enter into Columns A & B?

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter

Cant see what i type in excel cells until i hit enter