Cara mematikan update microsoft office 2022 di windows 10

Cara mematikan update microsoft office 2022 di windows 10
[German]On July 12, 2022 (second Tuesday of the month, Microsoft Patchday), Microsoft released several security-related updates for still-supported Microsoft Office versions and other products. Here is an overview of the available updates.

General information

Cara mematikan update microsoft office 2022 di windows 10
The updates apply to the installable MSI version of Office (the click-to-run packages obtain the updates through other channels). An overview of the updates can be found on this web page (and here for July). Details are documented in the linked KB articles. Office 2019 does not appear in the list because it is distributed via click-to-run packages and receives security updates via the Office Update feature.

Office 2016

The following security updates have been released for Office 2016.

Office 2016: Description of the security update for Office 2016: July 12, 2022 (KB5002112); This security update resolves a Microsoft Office security bypass vulnerability (CVE-2022-33632).

Details about the Office updates can be found in the linked KB articles. I had reports, that this update destroys Access apps and Access run time (see my German blog post here).

Office 2013

Office 2013 requires Service Pack 1 for Microsoft Office 2013 to be installed. The following security updates have been released. They address the same security vulnerabilities as Microsoft Office 2016.

Office 2013: Description of the security update for Office 2013: July 12, 2022 (KB5002121); This security update resolves a Microsoft Office security bypass vulnerability (CVE-2022-33632).

Details about the Office updates can be found in the linked KB articles. I had reports, that this update destroys Access apps and Access run time (see my German blog post here).

More updates for Office/SharePoint Server

Microsoft has also released security updates for several versions of Microsoft SharePoint Server.

SharePoint Server Subscription Edition

SharePoint Server Subscription Edition: July 12, 2022, update for Microsoft SharePoint Server Subscription Edition (KB5002234)

SharePoint Server 2019

  • SharePoint Server 2019 Language Pack: July 12, 2022, update for SharePoint Server 2019 Language Pack (KB5002230)
  • SharePoint Server 2019: July 12, 2022, update for SharePoint Server 2019 (KB5002229)

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

  • SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016: July 12, 2022, update for SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016 (KB5002231)

Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

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Bagaimana cara mematikan update otomatis pada Windows 10?

Begini caranya:.
Tekan logo Windows+R secara bersamaan, lalu di kolom tersebut tiklah services.msc..
Cari tulisan Windows Update di daftar yang ada di layar monitormu..
Klik dua kali dan masuk ke Startup Type..
Pilih Disable dan klik Apply, lalu OK..

Apakah Microsoft Office bisa di update?

Buka dokumen aplikasi Office saja, seperti Word, lalu buat dokumen baru. Masuk ke Akun > File (atau Office akun jika membukanya Outlook). Dalam Informasi Produk, pilih Opsi Pembaruan > Perbarui Sekarang.

Microsoft Office Word terbaru tahun berapa?

Beberapa aplikasi di dalam Microsoft Office yang terkenal adalah Excel, Word, dan PowerPoint. Versi terbaru dari aplikasi Microsoft Office adalah Office 2021 yang diluncurkan 5 Oktober 2021.

Kenapa Microsoft Office Product Activation Failed?

Ada banyak penyebab mengapa masalah gagal aktivasi ini terjadi, mulai dari penggunaan aplikasi Excel bajakan atau tidak resmi, menggunakan program trial yang sudah habis masa pakainya, hingga masalah dari Microsoft Excel itu sendiri.