Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks

Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks

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Unique clicks definition and calculation

What are unique clicks?

Unique clicks are the total number of subscribers that have clicked on any link in your campaign. It does not count how many times each subscriber has clicked on a link.

Even if a subscriber clicks on the link twice, it will be counted only once.

Total clicks definition and calculation

Total clicks are the total number of clicks received on your campaign. These clicks can come from the same subscriber or different subscribers.

Multiple clicks from a single subscriber will be counted as many times as the link is clicked.

Unique clicks will be less than or equal to the total clicks.

Example 1:

For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume 1 subscriber opened the email and clicked on it 6 times.

In this case,

Unique clicks = 1 (Repeated clicks are not counted as unique)

Total clicks = 6

Example 2:

Now, let’s assume a total of 4 subscribers opened the email.

Out of those 2 people clicked the link only 1 time.  The other 2 clicked the link twice each.

Unique clicks = 3 ( Remember the definition above Total number of subscribers that have clicked on any link in your campaign )

Total clicks = 1+1+2*2 = 6

Why Unique & Total Clicks Are Important?

Unique clicks & total clicks help you to understand if your email content was engaging and exciting enough for people to take further action.

Unique Click-through rate helps you get a clearer picture of your audience - their interests and what it takes to convert them. Total Click-through rates thus give you an idea about the repeat engagements and retainment of your subscribers.

Both of these metrics are part of the Click-Through-Rate metric that you will see in most analytics dashboards, like in the image below:

Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks
Unique Clicks and Total Clicks

Here’s a step by step guide on how to check Unique Clicks while using SendX.

Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks

Clicks (all) occurs when someone clicks on any link or media on your Facebook Ad.

Link Clicks occurs when someone clicks a link or CTA (Call-To-Action) on your ad that sends them to your defined landing page or follow-up experience.

The Clicks (all) metric includes Link Clicks so your Clicks (all) will always be equal to or higher than your Link Clicks number!

Clicks (All) Example

Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks

  1. Clicks on your Page Name
  2. Clicks on your ad’s Pictures/Videos
  3. Clicks on the See More link on a post
  4. Clicks on your CTA –Buy Now, Get Offer, Learn More, Book Now etc
  5. Page/Post Likes

Difference between link clicks and Unique link clicks

  1. Clicks on your CTA –Buy Now, Get Offer, Learn More, Book Now etc
  2. Clicks on an URL Link in the ad’s description
  3. Clicks to a Lead Generation Form
  4. Clicks that send people to your Shop/Landing Page

If you want to find out if your website could be ranking better & bringing in more qualified leads and customers then get in touch!

What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

Clicks are all clicks for a tracking link, whereas unique clicks are the number of the unique users that click on a tracking link of your campaign. If a single user clicks 5 times on a link, the servers will record 5 clicks and 1 unique click.
Facebook defines Link Clicks as “the number of clicks on links within the ad that led to destinations or experiences, on or off Facebook.” So, while Link Clicks are more focused than the Clicks (All) metric, they still include clicks on any links, whether they take people on or off of Facebook.

What unique clicks mean?

Ad Unique Clicks is a count of the number of people who clicked on your digital advertisement at least once. This is different than Ad Clicks or Total Clicks, because this is a count of the unique people who clicked.
The metric outbound clicks measures the number of clicks that lead people off Facebook-owned properties, while the link clicks metric shows clicks to destinations on or off Facebook-owned properties.