High carbon stock buku panduan

Pelatihan High Carbon Stock (HCS) untuk pertama kalinya diadakan oleh Asia Institute of Knowledge (AiKnow) by Remark Asia sekaligus merupakan pelatihan HCS resmi pertama yang diadakan oleh perusahaan konsultan. Pelatihan HCS merupakan prasyarat utama bagi penilai HCS untuk bisa menjadi Ketua Tim berlisensi yang dapat memimpin sebuah tim penilai HCS. Sebelumnya, pelatihan ini diselenggarakan langsung oleh HCSA Secretariat dengan kuota terbatas.

High carbon stock buku panduan

Peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan selama tiga hari di Bogor ini datang dari latar belakang yang beragam, mulai dari perusahaan industri perkebunan, perusahaan konsultan, sampai konsultan independen. Secara geografis mereka juga datang dari segala penjuru; Sumatera Utara, Merauke Papua, hingga Malaysia. Berkumpul pada tanggal 25 November di Swiss-bell Hotel Bogor untuk mulai menerima materi. Materi disampaikan dengan metode presentasi dan diskusi oleh trainer yang sudah berlisensi sebagai fully licensed assessor yaitu Dwi R Muhtaman dan Cecep Saepulloh, juga Devis Rachmawan sebagai HCS expert yang ikut menyusun panduan Toolkit HCSA pada awal inisiasinya. Dian Pratiwi sebagai GIS ter-register di HCSA (Registered Practitioner) juga ikut dilibatkan sebagai asisten trainer untuk memandu jalannya studi kasus.

High carbon stock buku panduan
Devis Rachmawan, Trainer HCS

High carbon stock buku panduan

Selama tiga hari penuh peserta dibekali dengan materi tentang pentingnya HCS, metode melakukan inventarisasi hutan, mendesain plot sampel, dan menghitung nilai karbon yang terkandung di suatu area. Peserta dituntut untuk aktif dalam setiap sesi diskusi, karena akan ada penilaian keaktifan yang ikut menentukan kelulusan. Di samping keaktifan aspek yang dinilai terdiri dari penilaian pre-test dan post-test. Peserta yang lulus dapat melanjutkan pendaftaran sebagai Registered Practitioner dengan membayar biaya pendaftaran senilai 50 USD. 

High carbon stock buku panduan

Selanjutnya pelatihan ini akan diadakan setiap tahun oleh AiKnow, yaitu tanggal 4-6 Mei untuk tahun 2020. See ya!

High carbon stock buku panduan
High carbon stock buku panduan

Prepare yourself to be HCS Registered Practitioner!

This training is focused on the project management and remote sensing and GIS components of the High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA), now conducted as integrated HCV-HCSA assessments for all new assessments. This will be both a theoretical and practical training course; formal presentations will introduce material and methods, while participants will be assigned to a group to carry out practical exercises and complete the case-study tasks. By fully attending the course and passing the evaluation, participants will be qualified as HCSA Registered Practitioners. The Registered Practitioner certification is one component of being able to lead or be part of an integrated HCV-HCSA team.

Objectives • Train HCV licensed assessors and GIS experts on the project management, remote sensing and GIS components of the HCSA as integrated HCV-HCSA assessments. • Develop the skills to understand and apply the HCSA components of a simulated HCV-HCSA assessment.

Preparation materials for participants Before the course starts, it is expected that participants are familiar with the relevant references and material. You will find a video presentation giving an introduction to the HCS Approach here: High Carbon Stock Approach video . We strongly advise participants to read in advance the following documents: • HCV-HCSA Assessment Manual • HCSA Toolkit Version 2 Participants are to download the HCSA Toolkit Version 2 on their electronic devices (laptop, iPad) prior to the training.

Participant profiles: Participants should already be familiar with the HCV, HCSA and Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) approaches. Participants must have relevant experience in biodiversity, ecology, community livelihoods, anthropology, forestry, GIS and conservation planning, natural resource auditing and management, social and environmental impact assessments, among other subjects. GIS and remote sensing experts should have sufficient expertise to carry out satellite-based land-cover classifications and follow the data requirements presented in Module 4 and 5 of the HCSA Toolkit.

The RSPO Secretariat wishes to announce that the ‘Guide on HCSA requirements for the RSPO’ has just been released for a 30-day public consultation from 19 November – 19 December 2021.

This guidance document was developed by the No Deforestation Task Force (NDTF) with the objective of assisting RSPO members who are required to conduct either a standalone HCSA or integrated High Conservation Value (HCV)-HCSA assessment. It highlights the pre-assessment, assessment stage, and post assessment requirements within the HCSA toolkit V2.0 and the High Conservation Value Network (HCVN)’s HCV-HCSA manual, and guides readers on where these requirements can be integrated within RSPO’s existing processes/ procedures/ requirements in order to:

  • Ensure the assessment requirements are met prior to submission of the standalone HCSA/ integrated HCV-HCSA assessment report for their respective review processes.

  • Streamline and minimise duplication of activities where both RSPO processes and assessments require similar elements [e.g. Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) activities, identification of peat, social and environmental impact assessment (SEIA) etc.] within each respective process. 

The draft of the document and commenting template can be downloaded from the links below. Kindly send in your feedback using the provided template to . Closing date for comments and feedback regarding the document is 6:00 PM (GMT+8), 19 December 2021.