How to draw a decision tree in Word

By Jessica Reed

Updated September 28, 2017

How to draw a decision tree in Word

i Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

Microsoft Word provides several drawing tools that are helpful for both companies and individuals. You can create a variety of diagrams using these tools regardless of which version of Microsoft Word you are using. Microsoft Word is a good choice for creating a decision tree to help with important choices and decisions. Business decisions are often easier to make once a diagram is created showing the possible outcomes. Microsoft Word provides the tools you need to create a decision tree in a few minutes.

Plan your decision tree out on paper first. A rough sketch or a list will help you when you're drawing the tree in Microsoft Word. You'll have a general idea of how many boxes to create and how much room you need to draw the entire diagram.

Locate the drawing tools on Microsoft Word. If you're using Word 2007, the tools are located under the "Insert" tab in the "Illustrations" section. In older versions of Word, the tools are located on the Drawing toolbar, which you can open under the Tools menu if it's not already visible in your document.

Click the "Shapes" button to bring up a list of the shapes you can draw. You can choose whatever shape you want for your decision tree, but circles or squares typically work the best.

Click the icon of the shape and click on the screen where you want to start the shape. Drag the cursor outward to create your first shape. You'll want this first shape large enough to type your ultimate problem or decision in.

Click the Line tool next and choose either a plain line or one with an arrow on the end to chart the flow of the diagram. Drag two lines from the bottom of the first square out about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch. Create two new shapes and click the "Text Box" button. Drag a text box over each shapes and type a possible solution or decision in each one. If you have more than two options to choose from, create additional lines and shapes.

Repeat this procedure down the page, creating more boxes for each possible course of action you can take or decision you could make. Add text to the boxes as you go so you don't get confused. Once you're finished, check for any decisions you might have forgotten and add them to the decision tree.

A decision tree can help you examine all possible options when faced with a hard choice or decision such as choosing the best option for your company. Microsoft Word provides a simple way to create a professional looking decision tree to print off for consideration. Whether you have Microsoft Word 2007 or an older version of the software, you can still create a decision tree in less than an hour using a few drawing tools.

Open a new Word document. If the Clip art menu isn't visible, click "Tools," "Toolbars," and then "Drawing" from the list that appears beside "Toolbars." The drawing toolbar should appear either at the bottom or to the left side of your Word document.

Click the "AutoShapes" button and choose a circle or a square, whichever you think would best fit your decision tree. For more room, create the chart running vertically instead of horizontally.

  • A decision tree can help you examine all possible options when faced with a hard choice or decision such as choosing the best option for your company.
  • Click the "AutoShapes" button and choose a circle or a square, whichever you think would best fit your decision tree.

Drag the tool to create the circle or square that will serve as your starting point. In it, you'll state the decision or problem you're trying to solve. Next, click the "Line" tool and draw a line extending down from your main circle or square for each possible choice or decision you can make. Draw smaller circles or squares at the end of each line and more lines out from these representing more choices. Continue this to map out your decision tree.

  • Drag the tool to create the circle or square that will serve as your starting point.
  • Next, click the "Line" tool and draw a line extending down from your main circle or square for each possible choice or decision you can make.

Click the text box button, which shows a large "A" in front of some lines. Click on one of the circles or squares in your diagram and drag your cursor to create a box inside this part of your chart. Type the required text into the box. Repeat this to fill out the rest of the diagram. If you get confused about what goes in what box, fill out the text after you create each box instead of creating the entire decision tree before adding the text.

Open a new document in Word. Several options are available for drawing a decision tree, but the easiest way is to use SmartArt.

Click the "Insert" tab and choose "SmartArt." Different graphic selections will appear. Examine your options to find one that works best for you. A good choice for a decision tree is the "Radial List" found halfway down the choices under "Relationship" category. Each bubble can represent a different decision and the bubbles branching off from them can show possible results or choices.

  • Open a new document in Word.
  • A good choice for a decision tree is the "Radial List" found halfway down the choices under "Relationship" category.

Click the graphic you want, such as the Radial List, and click "OK." The graphic should appear onscreen. Click the different bubbles to insert new text into them. Press "Enter" after the last text bubble to create a new one. Save or print your work when you're finished.

You can also choose to draw the decision tree by hand in Word 2007. Click "Insert" and choose "Shapes." Then choose the shapes you need, such as boxes to represent different decisions and lines to connect various choices, and drag them onto the screen. Rearrange and add text as necessary.

How to draw a tree in Word?

Click File > New > Templates > General, and then open Block Diagram. From the Blocks and Blocks Raised stencils, drag block shapes onto the drawing page to represent stages in a tree structure. To add text to a shape, select the shape, and then type.

How do you draw a decision tree diagram?

Squares represent decisions, while circles are for uncertain outcomes. Nodes have a minimum of two branches extending from them. On each line write a possible solution and connect it to the next node. Continue to do this until you reach the end of possibilities and then draw a triangle, signifying the outcome.

How do you make a decision flowchart in Word?

From the Insert tab within the Ribbon, select a flowchart shape from the dropdown gallery. You can then click and drag it to the size you want on the page to place it. Continue to add shapes and lines to complete your flowchart.