How to eat in minecraft chromebook - The hunger mechanic was not implemented in the early version of Minecraft. But developers started to think about adding a challenge to the Survival Mode as well as adding the hunger mechanic. To restore their hunger bars, every player in Survival Mode or Hardcore Mode must learn how to eat in Minecraft.

If a player has a low hunger bars amount, the player can't sprint. This way, the player will start losing health if the hunger bars are totally exhausted. No food means death. That's why it's important to learn how to eat in Minecraft.

This Minecraft tutorial explains how to eat in Minecraft with an easy step-by-step guide to level up your game. Let's explore the steps on how to eat in Minecraft!

Part 1. How to Find Food in Minecraft

It's better to know how to find food first before we move on to the steps on how to eat in Minecraft.

1. Kill animals if you want to eat meat

Fun fact, many animals in your Minecraft world will drop meat when they are killed. Those meats are safe to eat raw. But, you must remember that chicken meat can cause food poisoning. 

To avoid food poisoning, we suggest you to cook chicken meat. It can also increase the benefits of the meat. In Minecraft, you can eat meat from cows, rabbits, pigs, sheep, chickens, and mooshrooms.

2. Try fishing for food

Besides killing animals to get meat, you can also try fishing to restore your hunger bars. Try fishing for food if you have a fishing rod. Clownfish, raw fish, and raw salmon are safe to eat. 

But keep in mind that pufferfish will cause nausea and food poisoning. Just like chicken meat, we suggest you to cook the raw pufferfish to avoid food poisoning.

3. Harvest crops

Once harvested, food can decline in different crops and plants. You should eat multiple crops at once, such as onions, cabbage, and melons. You'll need to create maize, sugar cane, pumpkins, and cocoa beans to grow fruit. You will grow maize, onions, carrots, beetroots, apples (with trees planted), pumpkins, and melons. 

These plants are to be found in different locations throughout your world, though you may be able to find a lot of concentrated in village farms.

Part 2. How to Eat in Minecraft (Desktop)

Step 1. Play in Survival mode. In Imaginative mode or Friendly mode the Hunger bar does not deplete.

Step 2. Check your Bar on Hunger. You should feed even while the Hunger bar isn't completely loaded. Chorus fruit, golden apples, and milk are the only exceptions to that. The Hunger bar shakes as it begins falling. When you continue to deplete at least one of the hunger symbols you will feed.

Step 3. Choose which food you want to eat. Open your stock and drag the food object to the bottom of the screen onto your hotbar. To pick the product, click the hotbar number and keep it in your pocket.

Step 4. Click and hold the button "Use Item" This is usually the right mouse button but you can switch to other keys. Keep pressing the button until full food is consumed.

Part 3. How to Eat in Minecraft (Minecraft PE)

Step 1. Play Mode for Survival. The Hunger bar doesn't go down in Creative or Peaceful mode, and whether you do one of these, you won't be able to eat.

Step 2. Check your Bar on Hunger. You'll only be able to feed if you're not completely loaded with Hunger Plate. Golden apples and honey are the only examples. If your Hunger bar shakes, it will start to lower. You'll be able to eat at least once you start to get used to the first hunger icon.

Step 3. Choose which food you want to eat. If you pick up food without anything in your hands, it is automatically selected. To open your inventory, press the "..." button, tap a hotbar box, then tap your food item to add it to your hotbar. You can then tap this to hold it in your hotbar.

Step 4. Tap and hold the selected food on your screen. You might need to look around a little before you can start feeding, because you may unintentionally try to click on a button. Push and hold down the phone before you eat the meal. 

Now that you have got all the steps on how to eat in Minecraft, try to eat something, and don't let yourself starve!

Some, but not all, of the controls can be reconfigured in the options screen.

How to eat in minecraft chromebook



The mouse controls turning and aiming.


W Forward
S Backward
A Left
D Right
Space Jump
Shift Sneak

Double-tap the “Forward” key to sprint.


In Creative Mode, double-tap the “Jump” key to fly. When flying, press “Jump” to move upwards and SHIFT to move downwards.

Mouse Buttons

Left Button

The left button is used hit things - i.e. to break blocks or attack an enemy. It will use the item you are using in your Main Hand.

Right Button

The right button is used for a lot of things:

  • placing blocks
  • using certain tools (hoeing farmland; shearing sheep)
  • firing bows (hold to build power, then release)
  • throwing missiles (eggs, snowballs, splash potions)
  • eating and drinking
  • using the item in your off hand
  • operating buttons and levers
  • opening doors
  • accessing containers (chests, furnaces, brewing stands, etc)

When you click the Right Button, it can be a little bit difficult to predict what will happen.

  1. If your crosshairs are pointing at something that can be used or opened, such as a switch, lever, door or chest, then that will be used or opened.
  2. If you are holding an item in your Main Hand that can be used with a right click, that will happen. Examples:
    • firing a Bow or throwing a Snowball;
    • using a Hoe to create Farmland or a Shovel to create a Grass Path;
    • placing a block
  3. If you are holding an item in your Off Hand that can be used or placed, than that will happen.

TIP: To place a block against a container, you can hold down SHIFT whilst right clicking, otherwise the container will be opened.

Inventory and Toolbar


E Open the Inventory
Q Drop the item in your hand on the floor.
Ctrl Q Drop a whole stack of items on the floor
1–9 Select an item from the Toolbar
F Swap the items in your Main Hand and Off Hand

Main Hand and Off Hand

Your Main Hand is the one contolled by the Left Mouse Button - this will usually be your right hand, but if you prefer to be left-handed you can change this in the Options screen. You can place an item in your Main Hand using keys 1–9 to select it from the toolbar.

Your Off Hand is your other hand. You can put an item in your Off Hand using the Shield Slot in the Inventory screen, or you can press “F” to swap items between your main hand.


  • Open the inventory if you want to click outside the Minecraft window (e.g. to look something up on this website) without pausing the game.
  • It's a good idea to change the "Drop" button to something further away from the movement keys: it reduces the risk of accidentally throwing your stuff into lava.

Mouse controls

The middle button (if you have one) will Pick the target block (ie the block that your crosshairs are aimed at).

  • In Survival Mode this will select that block type if you have it in your inventory.
  • In Creative mode, it will select that block if you have it, and add it to your Toolbar if you don’t.

The mouse wheel (if you have one) can be used to select items in your Toolbar.

If your inventory window is open, pressing 1–9 will add whatever item your mouse is over to that slot on your Toolbar.

Other Controls

Esc Show the menu (this pauses a single-player game).
F1 Hide the interface.
F2 Take a screenshot.
F3 Open the debug screen.
F5 Change the view to one from behind or in front of you.
F8 Toggle mouse smoothing.
F11 Full screen mode.
T Open the chat window.
/ Open the chat window and type / to begin a command.
TAB See list of players (Multiplayer only) or suggest commands in chat window.

Taking Screenshots

Press F1 to remove the toolbar etc from the screen to take a cleaner screen shot.

Press F5 a couple of times if you want to be in the picture yourself.

Press F2 to take a screenshot.

TIP: On some laptops, the F keys are set up to do other things such as control volume and brightness. In this case there will be a key marked fn or function that you have to hold down to get your F key to work.