How to stop dog barking at night Reddit

Our downstairs neighbor politely complained to me that our puppy's barking is waking her husband. I apologized and told her he's working with a trainer and on meds, and that I'd also like him to stop barking.

He's most triggered by the sounds of my partner moving about at night. He stays up later than us (puppy goes to bed with me), and our dog will react to him opening and closing doors, or generally moving about. It takes him quite a while to calm down. It doesn't help to leave the bedroom door open so our dog can see him, he still reacts. We have a fan running for white noise, but it has only helped with quieter outside noises.

I want to be fair to my neighbor and my partner. How do I keep my puppy from barking without banning my partner from staying up past 10?

Info: Age: 9 months Breed: GSD/pit mix Meds: 100mg trazodone 2x daily Issues: leash reactivity (dogs, people, and cars), defensive of apartment, overactive herding instinct

Hello again, My previous posts have been about my other dog (anxious koolie) who has been a lot better in the past few weeks thanks to the advice here! But this is about my rottweiler.

Kyra is one year and two months, and up until recently has been a very quiet dog - barely barks at all. During the day she's generally very well behaved. However at night, she's been having some issues. She has slept in our bedroom since she was eight weeks old, and the only problem we had was her wanting water in the middle of the night. But recently she's started barking, apparently at nothing. She has this very deep half bark half howl thing that she does, and it's very alarming to hear. She's been doing it between midnight and five in the morning every night for the past week or so.

We have sensor lights out the front that respond to things as small as cats and they're never on. We can never hear or see anything, and we do go out to check if she doesn't settle down. Generally she will wake up, bark a bit and then go back to sleep. Obviously it's disturbing our sleep quite badly because she's doing it several times a night. Jane, the other dog, never reacts at all. When Kyra barks she might sit up but that's it - and this is a very hyperactive dog who barks a lot.

Any ideas? How should I be reacting to this?

they never stop no matter what. i talked to my neighbor and he wouldn't listen. i thinking about drugging them. what would you do ?

I'm having some problems with 2 dogs, well, every dog in our neighborhood, I've taken the dogs on walks and every dog barks their heads off at the sight of any person or dog. In our area we have no animal control or legal enforcement on dogs, such as how people allow their dogs to roam around the place without supervision and it causes an uproar. They do not bark when I'm in the house and visually there to them and wait to bark when they go outside, but when I go to bed they automatically think I'm gone and start barking like hell in the house for 5 seconds before going out.

The main issue is their barking makes it difficult to sleep, I've had to take melatonin so many nights just to sleep a good amount. We do have 1 shock collar for barks, I understand some may be unhappy with that but it works to keep 1 quiet and I'd like to find an alternative to it to keep them quiet. Even if I go out of my room and tell them to be quiet it only works for 20 minutes.

TL;DR:Dogs won't stop barking because of loose dogs running around at night and won't let me sleep, need shock collar alternative.

**Edit: For those who get concerned I don't wish to continue to use the shock collar and it is not powered, it's dead and has been for a while, but it still makes them think they're not allowed to bark.

My dog is 10 years old. In the past, she slept through the night just fine. Sometimes she would cry to get her on my bed, but not very often and nothing too bad. In the last few weeks, she has been crying every night. She cries at the kitchen (even when she has food or water), to the front door (even if she went out before me going to bed) or at the living room. I have to get up from bed, and as soon as she sees me she follows me to my bedroom and sleeps for a few hours. She repeats this up to 4 times per night, and it’s starting to interfere with my sleep as I can’t sleep after I stand up from bed.

Any tips to change this behaviour? I work from home all day so I can train her (although she doesn’t do this during the day) As a note, I took her to the vet last week and everything is fine, so no health issues related with this behaviour.

My 3yo male shih tzu-bichon mix will often start barking in the middle of the night from his kennel in the spare bedroom or the living room while I'm in my bedroom and I just cannot get him to stop. I've tried letting him out, not letting him out, letting him bark it out, letting him sleep with me, yelling at him, covering the kennel, and crying in my bed. I have a neurological problem (chronic migraine), with constant headaches and other neurological symptoms. I'm just not on top of my game like I was when I got him as an 8wo pup. And I'm out of ideas for how to modify and correct his behavior.

I didn't take him to puppy classes (which I should have according to my friends), but googled a little basic dog training originally. He never has accidents, behaves on a leash, mostly only chews his toys (and the occasional sock or bra), doesn't bite, knows that he shouldn't bark, etc. Somewhere, I lost the way on barking at night. I think two things happened: I've been afraid of apartment neighbors complaining (still an issue) and originally I was worried about him having a accident in the kennel (no longer an issue).

Now, he will just bark FOREVER. And not I-know-I-shouldn't-bark so-its-just-a-whine, but full-on barking that brings me to tears eventually. I'm afraid I've ruined him and I don't know how to fix it. Please send help.

Note: It is a serious concern that my neighbors complain about the dog barking it out. If there are any suggestions for solutions other than letting him bark it out, I will prioritize those. Also, I just don't know that I physically handle him barking for an hour in the middle of the night for a week. The noise is too much, but if I use earplugs then I can't hear my alarm and will miss my carpool for work.

Thank you for ANY advice.

Hello! I live in an apt building and my corgi barks at every noise in the hallway (doesn't help my neighbor is a nut who likes to constantly bang on his ceiling) I don't blame her when she barks at these type of things. My husband and I have been trying to train her to be quiet with treats but it just doesn't work. She'll sometimes listen and will stop barking when we say quiet and give a treat but not always. Then there's times when she'll bark then run over to us drooling without us even saying anything as if she's demanding a treat and if we don't give it to her then she starts barking again. She'll even look us in the eye and bark at us.

My biggest problem with the barking is she use to bark at night and stopped for a long time but then in the past month every single night she wakes up (last night it was 4am, the night before around 3am) and just starts howling and then when we get her to stop she just does little like under her breath barks / a couple of loud barks. I'm not sure what to do to make her stop.

Honestly feels like she's the boss - we've tried so many diff types of ways to get her to quiet but nothing works.

Longer walks to make her more tired at night, quiet / treat training, "dog music", white noise, being assertive, being calm....I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared my neighbors will start to have enough of her 3am night time barking (also there's literally no noise happening when this happens so idk what she's barking at).

My dog has a barking problem. He must be hearing things outside because he barks at any little noise he hears. This is during the day and at night but at night it’s awful. It’s affecting our sleep very badly. I’ve already tried closing the blinds and using white noise but that does not work all the time. Some nights are better than others. I’m afraid if we don’t find a solution soon we will have to re-home our dog. We love him to death but this cannot continue. I could probably deal with ANY OTHER problem like chewing or bad potty behavior but not this. If it was during the day only I wouldn’t mind as much. But it wakes us up every night and we can’t get the full amount of rest that we need and are constantly exhausted because of it. Not sure what else to do. He only started doing this after we moved from FL to TX. Back in FL we lived in a home and now we live on the 2nd floor of an apartment. Someone please help! How do I get him to stop barking at what seems like nothing?? I had to smack his snout the other night because he wouldn’t stop no matter what.

Edit: The “smack” was light and it was only after 20mins of trying everything else. He was going ballistic as if we were in danger. Please don’t think I abuse my dog. I spoil him rotten.