Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others

Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. Personality is generally defined as the deeply ingrained and relatively enduring patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour. In fact, when one refers to personality, it generally implies to all what is unique about an individual, the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd. Personalities is the sum total of individuals psychological traits, characteristics, motives, habits, attitudes, beliefs and outlooks. Personality development plays an essential role not only in an individuals’ professional but also personal lives. It makes an individual disciplined, punctual and an asset for his/her organisation. An in-disciplined individual finds it difficult to survive in the long run.

Personality development teaches one to respect not only one’s boss and fellow workers but also family members, friends, neighbours, relatives and so on. PD sessions help you differentiate between your personal and professional life. It is really essential to keep a balance between both the lives to lead a peaceful and stress-free life. PD helps an individual to develop positive attitude in life, approach problem with a smile, enthusiasm to learn more, empathise with others and adjust to any situation.

The Program involves Confidence building sessions, Improving Communication skills, Creating a positive mine frame, Awareness on Body Language, Conscious and subconscious mind programming. It also includes Health and Fitness and the importance of dressing to create a good First impressions.

HLC, pioneers in the field of training with more than three decades of experience in training people from various walks of life. Our training programmes are highly practical and result-oriented, with a combination of lectures, exercises, presentations, video recording, group discussions, role-plays, games etc. and hence the participants find the same to be extremely useful. We believe in inner grooming of personality with focus on moral values. Emotional Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Soft Skills, Total Personal Management, E-mail drafting and Interview tips are part of our curriculum. We successfully instil confidence and drive our fear in individuals by motivation and attitudinal changes.

Chapter 4 Personality & Values


Consider the following quote….“Regarding behavior – forget about personality – it’s the situation that determines how someone will behave!”

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Why not?

What is personality?

The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others, measurable traits a person exhibits.

Personality Traits

Enduring characteristics that describe an individual’s behavior.

Personality Determinants

§         Heredity – so we’re born to be “just the way we are”?

§         Environment – oh, so it’s the environment instead?

§         Situation – or is it the situation that determines our personality??

So – what determines your personality???

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

A personality test that taps four characteristics and classified people into 1 of 16 personality types.

Ex) Extroverted vs. Introverted (E or I)

Your score is a combination of four dimensions (e.g., “ENTJ”)

The Big Five Model

1.    Extroversion (sociable, gregarious, assertive)

2.    Agreeableness (good-natured, cooperative, trusting)

3.    Conscientiousness (responsible, dependable, persistent, organized)

4.    Emotional Stability (calm, self-confident, secure under stress)

5.    Openness to Experience (curious, imaginative, artistic, sensitive)

Major personality attributes influencing OB

·       Core Self-Evaluation (self-esteem, locus of control)

·       Machiavellianism

·       Narcissism

·       Self- Monitoring

·       Risk-Taking

·       Type A vs. Type B Personality

·       Proactive Personality


Definition: Mode of conduct or end-state is personally or socially preferable (i.e., what is right and good)

•    They contain a judgmental element in that they carry the individual’s idea of what is right, good, or desirable.

•    Value System -- a hierarchy based on a ranking of an individual’s values in terms of their intensity.

Note: Values tend be relatively stable and enduring

•    A significant portion of values are genetically determined.  Other factors include national culture, parental dictates, teachers, friends, and similar environmental influences.

      -  Importance of Values

•    Provide understanding of the attitudes, motivation, and behaviors of individuals and cultures

-         Influence our perception of the world around us

-         Represent interpretations of “right” and “wrong”

-         Imply that some behaviors or outcomes are preferred over others

–    Types of Values

•    Terminal values = “desirable end states”

•    Instrumental values = “modes of behavior or means towards achieving one’s terminal values”

Values, Loyalty, and Ethical behavior

•    Do ethical values and leader behavior impact the ethical climate in the organization?

Values Across Cultures: Hofstede’s Framework

•    Power distance

•    Individualism vs. Collectivism

•    Masculinity vs. Femininity

•    Uncertainty avoidance

•    Long term vs. short term orientation

Achieving Person-Job Fit

•    Personality-Job Fit Theory (Holland)

Six personality types are identified and a fit between these and occupation determines satisfaction and turnover.

Organizational Culture Profile (OCP)

Useful for determining P-O fit

Forces a choice/ranking of one’s personal values

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