Some apples are oranges All the oranges are grapes

Every native speaker has a different opinion about where the commas go when you list more than 2 words. Which is correct? “apples, oranges and grapes.” or “apples, oranges, and grapes”

Direction (1-5): Each option contains some statements. Determine from which statements the given two conclusions follow.

  1. Conclusions:
    I. No orange is grape.
    II. All grapes are apples is a possibility.
    A) Some apples are oranges. No lemon is orange. All lemons are grapes.
    B) Some apples are oranges. No lemon is orange. All grapes are lemons.
    C) All apples are oranges. No lemon is orange. All grapes are lemons.
    D) Some apples are oranges. Some lemons are oranges. No grape is lemon.
    E) None is correct

      Option B Solution:From B) All grapes are lemons.+ No lemon is orange=> All No=No=> No grape is orange or No orange is grape

    All grapes are lemons.+ No lemon is orange+ Some orange is apple =>{All+No} +Some=> No+ Some= Some not reversed=Some apple are not grapes=> All grapes being apple is a possibility is true

  1. Conclusions I and II follow
  2. Conclusion I and either II or III follow
  3. Conclusions II and III follow
  4. Only either conclusion I or III follow

Read the following statement considering them to be true and therefore judge their conclusions numbered I, II and III and given your answer accordingly.
Statements: All bananas are apples. Some apples are oranges. All oranges are grapes.
Conclusions: I. Some grapes are bananas. II. Some grapes are apples.

III. Some oranges are bananas.

  • one follows

  • Only I follow

  • Only II follows

  • I and II follow

Some apples are oranges All the oranges are grapes

From the above diagram, it's clear that: Only conclusion II follows.

Concept: Syllogism and Critical Reasoning (Entrance Exam)

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Hello Aspirants. Welcome to Online Reasoning Section with explanation in Here we are creating Best question samples from Syllogism with explanation, which is common for  competitive exams. We have included Some questions that are asked in previous exams !!!

Directions (1 – 10):
(A) only 1st follows
(B) only 2nd follows
(C) either 1st or 2nd
(D) neither 1st nor 2nd
(E) both 1st and 2nd

  1. Statements: All blues are reds. No red is a black. All yellows are blacks. All blacks are oranges.
    Conclusions: I. Some oranges are reds. II. Some yellows are blues is a possibility.

    (D) neither 1st nor 2nd
    I is not definite II – if any yellow is blues, then some blacks will be reds which is not possible as shown below

  2. Statements: Some oranges are apples. All apples are grapes. No grape is a guava. All cherries are guavas.
    Conclusions: I. All oranges are cherries is a possibility. II. No cherry is apple.

    (B) only 2nd follows
    I – if all oranges are cherries, then some guavas will be grapes which is not possible. II – is true because if any cherry is apple, then some guavas will be grapes which is not possible.

  3. Statements: Some apples are oranges. All oranges are papayas. Some papayas are grapes. All grapes are pines.
    Conclusions: I. Some grapes are not apples II. All grapes being oranges is a possibility.

    (B) only 2nd follows
    I – does not follow because all grapes are apples is a possibility as

    II is a possibility.

  4. Statements: All views are reviews. Some fonts are reviews. All clips are fonts. No style is font
    Conclusions: I. No style is clip II. All styles are reviews is a possibility.

    (E) both 1st and 2nd
    I is definite.

    II is a possibility.

  5. Statements: Some pages are pencils. Some pencils are fonts. Some fonts are spaces. Some spaces are dusters.
    Conclusions: I. Some pages are fonts II. Some fonts are dusters

    (D) neither 1st nor 2nd

    Both not definite.

  6. Statements: Some sets are mails. Some mails are erasers. Some erasers are scales. Some scales are sites.
    Conclusions: I. Some scales are not mails. II. All sites are sets.

    (D) neither 1st nor 2nd
    All scales are erasers is a possibility, so I does not follow. II not definite.

  7. Statements: All dogs are cats. No cat is a tiger. All tigers are rats. Some tigers are lions.
    Conclusions: I. All cats being rats is a possibility II. Some lions are dogs.

    (A) only 1st follows
    I is a possibility II is not definite.

  8. Statements: All news are olds. No old is a plastic. All plastics are shutters. Some shutters are houses.
    Conclusions: I. Some plastics are houses II. All news being shutters is a possibility.

    (B) only 2nd follows
    I is not definite

    II is a possibility

  9. Statements: All circles are square. All square are cone. No cone is triangle. Some rectangle are circles.
    Conclusions: I. No circle is triangle II. Some rectangle are cone

    (E) both 1st and 2nd
    I and II is definite

  10. Statements: Some pages are documents. All documents are inks. All inks are spaces. No letter is ink.
    Conclusions: I. Some letters are documents is a possibility. II. All letters being spaces is a possibility

    (B) only 2nd follows
    If some letters are documents, then some inks will be letters which is not possible. II is a possibility.

Some apples are oranges All the oranges are grapes
Some apples are oranges All the oranges are grapes

Home » Verbal Reasoning » Syllogism » Question

Direction: In each of the following questions, two statements are given followed by two/four Conclusions I, II, III and IV. You have to consider the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the given Conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statements. Indicate your answer.

  1. Statements: 1. All apples are oranges. 2. Some oranges are papayas.


    I. Some apples are papayas.

    II. Some papayas are apples.

    1. Only Conclusion II follows
    2. Both Conclusions I and II follow
    3. Neither Conclusion I nor II follows
    4. Only Conclusion I follows

First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A–type). Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I–type). All apples are oranges. ↔ Some oranges are papayas. A+I ⇒ No Conclusion

Some apples are oranges All the oranges are grapes