Under what circumstances would a low cost strategy be a likely successful strategy to pursue?

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From: Linking Porter’s generic strategies to firm performance

Low-cost strategy
LCS1 Insurance of raw material, negotiation about lowering prices with suppliers
LCS2 Standardization of products/services
LCS3 Efficiency in products/services
LCS4 Maximum capacity utilization of the firm
LCS5 Offering the products/services with a lower price than the competitors
LCS6 Control of the firm’s overall expenses
Differentiation strategy
DS1 Developing new products/services
DS2 The degree of releasing of new products/services in the market
DS3 Increasing the intensity of advertising and marketing
DS4 Differentiation through shortening the project time
DS5 Development and training of selling power
DS6 Creation of a good name and image
DS7 Offering unique products
Focus strategy
FS1 Aiming a specific part of the market
FS2 Offering products for that segment of the market that pays high prices
FS3 Offering of specific products to adjust to a particular number of clients
Firm performance
FP1 Increasing profit
FP2 Increasing incomes
FP3 Increasing parts of the market
FP4 Returning of investment (ROI)
FP5 Lowering costs
FP6 Improving quality