What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

In chemistry, a  mixture  refers to the union of at least two substances , in varying proportions, without there being a chemical combination. This means that each of the substances that make up the mixtures contribute their properties to the whole.

Within the mixtures, two variants can be identified, which are the following:

  • Homogeneous Mixtures :  In this type of mixtures it is very difficult to identify which are the elements that compose them. In this way, the human being can only detect a single physical phase. Within the homogeneous liquid substances, called “solutions”, the solvents of the solutes are identified. While solutes are low in quantity and are almost always liquid, solvents predominate in proportion. Eg wine , beer , gelatin , water and alcohol .
  • Heterogeneous Mixtures :  Unlike homogeneous mixtures, in these it is very easy to identify, even to the naked eye, which are the different components that make them up. This makes it much easier to separate these mixtures. Eg water and oil , water and sand .

Lettuce and tomato salad. Water and sand
Water and oil. Helium and air.
Air and earth. Soup with noodles
Rice and beans. Water and sugar
Vinegar and oil. Sausages with mayonnaise.
Water and naphtha. Potatoes and egg.
Stones and wood. Water and stones.
Papers and tapes Milk with marshmallows.
Water and paraffin Cookies with sweet and butter.
French fries and peanuts. Wood and stones

Over time, different techniques have been developed to separate the components that make up the mixtures.

Some of them are:

  • Screening : This is used for solid mixtures that are in the form of grains. What is done then is to pass them through one or several sieves, as necessary. In this way, while one element remains in the sieve, the rest falls.
  • Magnetic separation  (or magnetization ): This technique is very limited since it can only be applied in those mixtures in which some of its components have magnetic properties . Then, these are captured by some magnet.
  • Filtration : At the time of wanting to separate those mixtures that contain non-soluble solids and liquids, you can choose this option, which consists of using a funnel made of filter paper on the inside. Thus, the elements that pass through the funnel will be separated from those that are retained in it.
  • Crystallization and precipitation : In this technique, the temperature of the mixture rises and thus it is possible to concentrate it, then filter it and place it in a crystallizer, where it is allowed to rest until the liquid evaporates. Once this happens, the solid part is preserved, in the form of crystals, on the crystallizer. As it is observed, this is the appropriate technique to separate mixtures composed by a solid solute dissolved in a solvent.
  • Decantation : To separate liquids that have different densities , this technique is used, which consists of a separating funnel in which the mixture to be separated is placed. After letting it rest for a while, the densest part will be located at the bottom. What is done then is to open the key of the funnel of decantation, until all the substance of greater density falls, while the rest remains in said funnel.
  • Distillation : Finally, this technique consists of boiling the mixture to be separated , as long as it is composed of different liquids that are soluble among each other. What happens is that different liquids require different boiling temperatures, which allows them to capture their vapors in test tubes, as they evaporate, and then return them to liquid state.

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Page 2

What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

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Improving your life knowledge health and family

What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

The CRM or Customer Relationship Management are beneficial for both large companies and small. Because they help to better manage customer information and improve the service provided to them. But like all management software also has a number of drawbacks. Next, we will see the Advantages and disadvantages of CRM .

Advantages of CRM

Enter the advantages of CRM we can find:

  • Centralization of information . All the information about the clients is in a single place and is accessible to all the people involved in the treatment and attention to that client.
  • Personalization of the treatment and the service or product . This allows an adequate response to any management. In addition, this will improve customer service and allow you to offer more appropriate services and offers of fully customized products.
  • Promotion of loyalty . If we get our customers to be satisfied, they will buy another of our services and products. As a result, customer loyalty is created. It is more profitable to maintain and sell to customers that you already have to get new ones, right?
  • Capacity to adapt the CRM tool to any type of organization, according to your needs. It does not matter the size or the organization of the company . CRM can be used by both large, medium and small businesses.
  • It is always accessible . Normally the CRM adapt to any type of device (computer, tablet or Smartphone).
  • More organized sales . They allow a better follow-up of the clients, with which the commercial department will be able to make their tasks easier. In addition, the life cycles of each commercial proposal are more visible and it is easier to determine where the sales process fails.
  • We will solve problems faster . With the data of the management program we will be able to analyze them and we will obtain the trends, the problems to be solved, the patterns in a faster way. Likewise, it will also allow us to develop new projects with the knowledge acquired about our clients.
  • Community building . CRMs allow the construction of communities that will allow customers to share their experiences with the company. Likewise, customers may qualify the products or services and register customer service inquiries. They also encourage interaction with other customers to share their experiences with the products.

The aforementioned are just some of the pros of the use of CRM, now we will analyze the cons that are much smaller in number.

Disadvantages of CRM

Despite the amount of benefits that the use of CRMs possesses, we must take into account that there are a number of risks and problems involved in its implementation:

  • The price of licenses to use CRM . Most computer programs are paid. Some of these tools offer free time. This can vary between the week or the month. After the deadline you have to pay for it. What is a monthly expense for the company. The fee to pay will depend on the contracted plan. Although there are also free CRM for your company .
  • CRM does not work for all customers . This tool must be implemented in those customers most valuable to the company. In this way, we can build a learning relationship that allows us to detect the specific needs of that client. As a consequence we can deliver more personalized services and products and we will differentiate ourselves from the competition.
  • Training . Like any computer program, the CRM also requires a period of learning and business training to know how it works. So we will need time for our staff to learn to manage it, and get used to using it.
  • Resistance to its use . Everything that represents novelty, sometimes creates a certain rejection. So maybe we should spend time motivating staff to use this tool.

We have analyzed the pros and cons of CRM . But we must remember that the success of a CRM strategy lies in understanding it as a business strategy keeping the main focus on the customer and their satisfaction.

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

  • What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

What are 10 examples of heterogeneous mixtures?

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