What is a speech style that is a private conversation between two persons who know each other extremely well?

What is the definition of sagacity?​

get your books pick five sentences from any page with modal verbs. the write its function. Grade-9 Sample Sentence.Modal verb used.Function.​

get your books pick five sentences from any page with modal verbs. the write its function. grade-9​

Identify whether the underlined word in the sentence is Denotation or Cannotation.1.A. this shirt is cheap enough for me to afford. B.that t-shirt was … so cheap it pilled in a matter of weeks. 2.A.the stars twinkle in the sky. B.there was a twinkle in her eye whenever she smiled. 3.A.dont trust him with any business, He is a player. B.jake is a player of our basketball team. 4.A.his work continued to pour in. B.do you want me to pour you a glass of water?​

Directions: Complete the graphic organizer with key words related to main ideas: Clarity, Validity and Reliability. An example is done for you. Cohere … nce Clarity Research writing Validity Reliability​

Create a poem about yourself 2-3 stanzas pa help po!! ​

Hi, Can you give me an example sentence using Ucu as a cause and effect.​

would expressing a desire or want a. b. ​

Expand the following to form sentences in the S-LV-C pattern by adding nouns is adjective complements. Example: Mr. Cruz is a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. … Mr. Cruz is a policeman. Mrs. Mendoza is a The Ilocanos are Despite his handicap, Ernesto is not To many, the politician sounds Jesus Christ is Rizal and Bonifacio are The old school at the corner looks The weather today looks Everyone felt 10. These children are​

B. Complete the chart with the meaning of the word. Study the root and determine its meaning based on theoriginal meaning.Word1.typhoon2.adolescence3. … kindergarten4.robot5.shampooRoot originTaai +ung- Cantonese (China) words which meansgreat windadolescere -Latin word which means to grow upKindergarten-German words which means children+ gardenRobota-Czech word which means work, compulsoryserviceCapo-Hindi (India) word which means to press, kneadMeaning​

which of the three given options in best illustration of a philosophical life1. he can leave the cave, but his new-found wisdom becomes irrelevant to … human experiences2. he can give up his knowledge and go back to his old belief, but he becomes ignorant like the others 3. he can stay in the cave and desperately share his wisdom with others, but he maybe persecuted by them and may even be put to death.​

Describe the effective and ineffective aspects of your current note-taking methods, as well as your thought processes and behaviors in class.

Describe the effective and ineffective aspects of your current note-taking methods, as well as your thought processes and behaviors in class.

Describe what you do to help yourself learn in class. Include your thought process, the method you use for taking notes (which method, how detailed it … is, what shorthand methods you use, and how much you limit your notes to summarizing the main points), and how actively you engage in the class (asking questions, speaking in group discussions, etc.).

FUND. ABM SUB 12How is Accountancy, Business andManagement related to each other?hope u can help, report mga wrong and nonsense answers :>​

Describe what you do to help yourself learn in class. Include your thought process, the method you use for taking notes (which method, how detailed it … is, what shorthand methods you use, and how much you limit your notes to summarizing the main points), and how actively you engage in the class (asking questions, speaking in group discussions, etc.).

if you was one of those who tested positive for covid-19 what will you do​

20 Words with short i sound po​

Step3 organize your notes and creatively write the folktale. song or poem your heard Remember to acknowledge the family member who Shared this to you … and the source there story poem of song come from​

Find the meaning of the to following words 1.Module​