What is good technique to use when trying to determine if a customer is intoxicated?

Being a successful bartender requires some out-of-the-world skills and out-of-the-box thinking during some tough times. Managing the crowd might be worse, but handling rough customers can be of a completely insane difficulty level. Staying cautious about such behaviour in the bar and also wearing a smile always to greet and serve customers is definitely an acquired skill which comes after many sessions of training and observation. 

Managing intoxicated customers is a nightmare for any bartender. Each day there would be some instances of encountering such cases in a bar where the patrons would have gotten drunk so much that their actions clearly indicate that they are under the power of intoxication. Alcohol intoxication is due to the elevated levels of BAC [Blood Alcohol Concentration] in the body after the consumption of drinks/beverages with alcohol content in them. Consumption of excessive alcohol can cause intoxication, which later would lead to several problems for the individual and the others surrounding them. 

How and who gets impacted by excessive drinking? 

Galaxy Training Australia preaches some of the best methods to tackle people with intoxication in its RSA [Responsible Service of Alcohol] training for bartenders and bar staff. According to this, the first stage is to identify the people who are intoxicated and help them stay sane and behave in a civil way at the bar joint.

GTA lists many such wonderful points which will give a crystal clear idea about the intoxication assessment of the patron who might have gone a tad bit extra in having a fair share of fun. Here are the top 5 tips for assessing intoxication: 

1. Disturbed coordination:

A patron who is intoxicated often struggles hard to poise while trying to walk or stand. Also, some hand and mind coordination is disrupted while performing actions like paying the check or trying to hold on to something. Leaning towards a wall or any structure to look normal is a sign of an abnormal state of mind. 

2. Difficulty in making judgements:

The intoxicated person initially starts feeling very cheerful and would be full of energy, moving from one place to another. If not physically active, the intoxicated individual speaks aloud coupled with occasional laughter and a very elevated/happy mood. 

3. Lag in responses:

Delay in responding to the questions, a laid-back attitude and a sense of carefree behaviour are some of the common behaviours that indicate public intoxication. The actions would also be like something very strange which the person would not have done it otherwise. Lazing and gazing with a smile are the clear signals. 

4. Despaired vision:

Frequent bashing of eyelids to clear the vision and complaints about seeing things as double or more and less or no clear picture of things in front of them is the best and the easy way to asses an intoxicated patron’s degree of intoxication. The eyes continuously get squinted while trying to focus on an object, repeatedly bumping into stuff around due to blurry eyes and teary red eyes with the above-mentioned symptoms are the proven side-effects of excessive alcohol consumption. 

5. Strange body conditions:

Bad odour of alcohol all over the body, stale mouth odour and grimy-looking shabby clothes are some of the quick indicators of an intoxicated person. Also lying about being drunk, denying the fact of being intoxicated and making aggressive comments and usage of foul language with involuntary moves of assault are the obvious behaviour that shows clear warnings of acute alcohol intoxication. 

How to control alcohol-related Violence? 

The Recovering: Intoxication and its aftermath include some serious conditions like a very bad hangover followed by some fatal health issues that can damage various organs of the human body. Alcohol taken in suggested amounts is always considered a safer option than indulging it gulp after gulp. The intoxication rate factors decide the type of health hazard you may have to encounter later, which is not always treated by medicines to get your body to its normalcy again. Responsible indulgence is a safer option by changing oneself into a social/responsible drinker than a problem drinker.

Also Read: Drinking and Driving - A deadly crime

March 23, 2018

What is good technique to use when trying to determine if a customer is intoxicated?

TABC certification plays a very important role in protecting people’s lives. Part of being TABC certified to sell or serve alcohol is knowing how to recognize your customers have had enough and what to do about it. Cutting off intoxicated patrons can not only save their life, but the lives of people they may come in contact with. But do you know these common signs of intoxication?

Signs of Intoxication:

1. Slurred Speech

If you are bartending or serving alcohol at an on-premise establishment, one of the first things you’ll observe from an intoxicated person is what you hear coming out of their mouths. If they are struggling to speak to you or others around them, or grasping for a word that should be simple to remember, chances are they need to be cut off.

Slurred speech is a very common sign of intoxication, and is a huge reason why you should continually engage your customers in conversation while they’re in your establishment.

2. Difficulty Maintaining Their Balance

Sometimes noticing signs of intoxication might be as easy as watching a particular customer as they walk around your place of business. That’s because one of the primary signs of intoxication, and one of the easiest to notice, is difficulty maintaining balance.

If you see a customer bracing themselves on chairs to maintain balance, or if they stumble on obvious steps, then you better think twice before serving them a drink, unless that drink is a tall glass of water.

3. Slowed Reaction

Talking to your customers is one of the greatest tools you have as a seller-server. It’s recommended to greet your customers as soon as possible not only to provide great customer service but to get a baseline for their behavior. This allows you to notice any signs of intoxication they may be exhibiting from consuming alcohol or drugs prior to arriving at your place of business. It also allows you to monitor your customer’s behavior while they’re in your business and notice any changes as they consume alcohol.

4. Aggressiveness and Changes in Behavior

One of the surest signs that someone is intoxicated at your place of work is aggressiveness towards employees and patrons and changes in behavior. If you notice sudden changes in your patron’s demeanor or if they become aggressive verbally or physically, cut them off.

Intervening and Cutting Off Bar Service

While our online TABC certification course will help you with how to handle certain situations, taking appropriate action can be tough. If you see that a customer is drinking quickly, they may become intoxicated quickly as well. In this case, you can:

  • Slow down service
  • Avoid going to the table as often
  • Offer food or non-alcoholic beverages
  • Suggest other activities

TABC On The Fly Will Have You Certified in No Time

If you are a server, bartender, store clerk, or plan on holding a position selling or serving alcohol, then you need to make sure you are TABC certified. The curriculum is designed by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission and while not legally required in the state of Texas, most employers across the state require it. Enroll today to get TABC certified fast and efficiently with TABC On The Fly.

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★ Q: What is a good technique to use when trying to determine if a customer is intoxicated? Which is a good technique to use when trying to determine if a customer is intoxicated?  Talk to the customer when they first arrive to establish a baseline of their behavior.
  Observe how they are interacting with other people in their party.
  Look for common signs of intoxication such as slurred speech, impaired balance, and reduced inhibitions
  All of the answers are correct.

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All of the answers are correct.