What is hand over hand steering

To pass the Q-SAFE: Practical Driving Test and get a provisional P1 licence (Red Ps) you should steer with both hands on the steering wheel (except when using other controls), using either the ‘hand-over-hand’ or ‘pull-push’ method with your hands on the outside of the steering wheel. That's the requirement for the Department of Transport and Main Roads. But what's the difference between the ‘hand-over-hand’ and ‘pull-push’ methods?

If you’ve never driven with an accredited driving instructor before, these methods have probably never been described to you. Your untrained supervisors (family and friends) most likely steer without reference to these techniques, in the way they feel is most comfortable. As such, you've probably been taught to steer in whatever manner has felt the most natural and comfortable (though this may be technically inappropriate). This highlights the importance of seeking professional driving lessons while learning to drive on your L plates so you can pass the Practical Driving Test.

For a quick visual explanation of the two methods and the differences, here is a short video featuring both techniques. The first 26 seconds shows the ‘pull-push’ method with the remainder of the video showing the ‘hand-over-hand’ method.

The debate about which method offers greater safety and control is far from conclusive. As such, this post will not get into the reasons each technique is believed to be the best. Instead, we recommend that you:

  • Watch the video above so you understand both methods
  • Practice both techniques while driving in a controlled environment to get a feel for each
  • Consult with a professional driving instructor about the technique they recommend and ask them questions about both techniques
  • Decide on a technique based on which you feel gives you the most comfort and control while driving

NOTE: A different steering method to the one you’re comfortable with will likely feel awkward when you begin to test. This shouldn’t immediately prevent you from choosing an alternate. Be sure to thoroughly test both methods before you make a final decision.

Despite what others may say about the two techniques, the most important factor is that you feel comfortable and in control while driving - because feeling uncomfortable and lacking control is far more likely to lead to an accident, regardless of whether you're using the ‘hand-over-hand’ or ‘pull-push’ method.

The ‘hand-over-hand’ and ‘pull-push’ methods are two steering techniques recommended and approved by driving instructors and transport authorities. But what are the differences and which method should you choose?

Remember - no matter your chosen steering method, your hands should be on the wheel at all times except when using other vehicle controls.

The Differences

As the majority of experienced drivers use a personalised technique that can be a hybrid of both methods based on their personal preference, many people do not know or understand the finer points of each technique.

Because of this, learner drivers often inherent the inefficient steering techniques of their first supervisors. This hybrid method may not be endorsed by the Department of Transport and may result in a failed driving assessment if it is deemed unsafe. For this reason (among many others) Driving Test WA recommends beginning the experience you require on your learner permit with lessons from a licensed driving instructor. Professional instructors can demonstrate the techniques, make a suggestion based on experience and teach you what's required in the Practical Driving Assessment.

Although not an adequate replacement for such professional advice, the video below shows both techniques in action. This comparison shows the differences between the ‘hand-over-hand’ and ‘pull-push’ methods. (The ‘pull-push’ is the first 26 seconds and the ‘hand-over-hand’ the remainder.)

Which is the best steering technique?

The debate about which steering technique offers the best control and safety is far from settled, with both sides making sound arguments without being conclusive overall. Instead of arguing for or against a specific method, Driving Test WA recommends a personal approach:

  • Understand both methods by watching the video above
  • Practice both in a controlled environment to thoroughly test each method
  • Ask a professional driving instructor for their recommendation and to explain their preference
  • Take your personal preference and the recommendation of a professional into consideration when you decide on the steering method for you
  • Choose the method that provides more control and comfort for you

NOTE: Your initial tests using both methods will likely feel a odd and perhaps uncomfortable. This is normal as it's a change from your ingrained driving routine. Persevere with your experimentation beyond the initial discomfort to ensure you give yourself the best chance to choose the right technique for you.

Regardless of the steering technique you eventually choose, remember that

The most important factors in your decision should be comfort and control - regardless of which method you eventually choose. Whether it's ‘hand-over-hand’ or ‘pull-push’, an uncomfortable steering method that leaves you without complete control of a vehicle will probably cause an accident.

When turning corners, use the hand-over-hand or grip and slide method. Do not turn the wheel with only the palm of your hand. Letting the wheel slip through your fingers could be dangerous.

Hand-over-hand steering is also useful when maneuvering in a space with limited view, such as perpendicular parking in a congested shopping center. When using hand-over-hand steering, quick movements of the hands are recommended on entry to the maneuver, with smooth slow movements when returning the wheel upon completion of the maneuver.

Hand-over-hand steering is appropriate when the speed of steering is critical, such as with skid recovery in a rear-wheel traction loss.

Hand-to-hand steering is particularly well suited for precision maneuvers, steering through curves, intersection entry and exit, and front-wheel traction loss control (skidding).

When making a slight turn, keep both hands in the same position on the wheel, making only slight finger or wrist adjustments as necessary to maintain your path of travel.

However, when moving through a turn, the hands may move up to 165 degrees (neither hand moves beyond the 6 or 12 o'clock positions).

While learning the correct steering techniques and hand positions for different situations may seem like a drag, it is important to get into the right habits from the start of your driving journey. Once you have fallen into bad habits, getting rid of them is extremely difficult. Failing to observe the correct techniques during your practical driving exam could cost you your license.

Getting to grips with the various possible steering techniques begins with learning to position your hands on the steering wheel appropriately for the immediate driving situation. When you can correctly identify the hand position you should be using, the next step will be learning and practicing several different steering methods. These include the “hand to hand” technique (pull-push steering) and the “hand over hand” technique. One-hand steering and fixed input steering will also be discussed, though these techniques are only appropriate in certain situations.

What is hand over hand steering
NHTSA recommends using one-hand steering only when turning while backing, or operating vehicle controls that require removing a hand from the steering wheel.

Positioning hands on the steering wheel

Each of the three primary hand positions listed here comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. These positions are:

  • The 10 and 2 position
  • The 9 and 3 position
  • The 8 and 4 position

These three main positions are explored in more detail below.

What is hand over hand steering

Hand position 10 and 2

The 10 and 2 driving position is the one with which most driving students are familiar, as it used to be the standard recommendation made by every driving instructor. Indeed, it is still recommended as an ideal hand position in many state driving handbooks and driver’s education programs.

What is hand over hand steering

However, the 10 and 2 position is no longer recommended as widely as it once was. It is now understood that this position can put drivers at greater risk of injury if their vehicle is fitted with an airbag. If the airbag is released, the driver’s hands may be thrown back toward their face from this position. Consequently, we do not suggest driving with the 10 and 2 hand position if your vehicle is equipped with airbags. Certain steering techniques also contribute to airbag-related injuries; we will discuss this in greater detail further down.

Hand position 9 and 3

A minor adjustment from the 10 and 2 position to the 9 and 3 position is advantageous for several reasons. This position affords a similar level of control as the 10 and 2 position, though with greater leverage on the steering wheel. Plus, holding the wheel in the 9 and 3 position will ensure you do not injure yourself if the driver’s side airbag deploys. If you are using the fixed input steering technique, the 9 and 3 hand position should be the one you choose.

What is hand over hand steering

As the 9 and 3 position is widely accepted as a safer and more effective alternative to the traditional 10 and 2 position, you will not be penalized for using it during your practice driving exam. Fortunately, every state in America currently lists the 9 and 3 hand position as an acceptable steering wheel grip. For these reasons, we believe this hand position should be the one you focus on while learning to drive.

Hand position 8 and 4

When it comes to hand position 8 and 4, the jury is very much out. Many state’s driving handbooks recommend this position as an alternative to the 10 and 2 position, when driving a vehicle fitted with airbags. Hand position 8 and 4 has a slight advantage over 9 and 3, in that it is a more comfortable position to maintain for longer periods.

What is hand over hand steering

Though, the 8 and 4 position receives equally wide criticism from driving experts who are not convinced it gives drivers sufficient leverage on the steering wheel. Certainly, the 8 and 4 position does not offer the same leverage as the 9 and 3 position. For this reason, it is generally only recommended for use when driving on a highway or in a similar situation where little maneuvering is required. You may also revert to this position for a short time, if your arms become tired in the 9 and 3 position.

Steering techniques

There are two main steering techniques that can be used in general driving situations. These are the “hand-to-hand” and “hand-over-hand” techniques. Like hand positions, these two methods have their own plus-points and draw-backs.

Hand to hand steering – push–pull steering

“Hand-to-hand” and “push-pull” refer to the same steering technique. You may also hear this method described as “shuffle steering”. In push-pull steering, the driver feeds the steering wheel through their hands, with both arms remaining on their respective sides of the wheel. When using this technique, your hands will move closer and further apart but will never cross over. If the airbag deploys, the risk of injury will be minimal as your hands will not be in the way.

What is hand over hand steering
Hand-to-hand steering method may also be called “push/pull” steering. Using this steering method, your hands do not cross over the face of the steering wheel, and therefore there is less chance of injury to your face, arms, or hands in the event of an air bag deploying.

Most drivers associate the hand-to-hand steering technique with turning slow corners, though it is also appropriate when navigating sharper curves at high speed. While the hand-over-hand method is often recommended for sharper bends and higher speeds, the push-pull technique actually affords the driver better control in these situations. Reason being that hand-to-hand steering positions the thumbs pointing upward, offering a superior downward grip on the wheel.

Here is how hand-to-hand steering plays out during a right turn:

  1. 1

    What is hand over hand steering

    When using hand-to-hand steering to execute a right turn, begin by pushing your left hand upwards until it reaches the 12’o clock position at the top of the wheel. While doing this, you should allow the steering wheel to slide through your right hand so that it remains in the 3’o clock position.

  2. 2

    What is hand over hand steering

    Next, firmly grasp the wheel with your right hand and continue turning it in a clockwise direction. At the same time, slide your left hand anti-clockwise to the 6’o clock position. When your right hand meets your left hand in position 6 you may continue to move the wheel clockwise with your left hand.

  3. 3

    What is hand over hand steering

    When you have finished turning, complete these steps in reverse order to bring the steering wheel back to neutral and your hands to the 9 and 3 position.

Hand over hand steering

Hand-over-hand steering appears to be more efficient than push-pull steering and is favored by many drivers as a result. In reality, hand-over-hand steering requires more effort than hand-to-hand steering and is now considered to be not as safe. You will not be penalized for using the hand-over-hand steering technique during your driving exam, though we recommend getting used to hand-to-hand steering as early as possible.

To make a right turn using hand-over-hand steering:

  1. Start with your hands in the 9 and 3 position. Push the wheel clockwise with your left hand, taking your right hand with the wheel rather than allowing it to slide and remain in place.
  2. Let go of the steering wheel with your right hand when your left reaches the 1’o clock position. Cross your right hand over your left and grasp the wheel at position 11 or 12.
  3. Release the wheel with your left hand and continue moving it clockwise with your right. Turn the wheel back to neutral position when the turn is complete.

What is hand over hand steering

One hand steering

Most drivers assume that one-hand steering and left-hand steering are never acceptable steering methods. In fact, they are allowable and necessary but only during very specific driving situations.

Your driver’s handbook probably recommends keeping both hands on the steering wheel at all times. While this is good advice, it will not work when you are backing up or attempting to parallel park.

The DMV explicitly state that drivers cannot rely solely on mirrors when reversing or parallel parking. During these maneuvers you must turn and physically look over your shoulder to see if the space behind you is clear. Obviously, this would make keeping both hands on the steering wheel impossible.

What is hand over hand steering

It is also acceptable to steer with one hand whenever you need to operate controls inside the vehicle, such as headlights, windshield wipers, temperature controls, hazard lights or the gear stick, on cars with a manual transmission.

One-hand steering limits your control of the vehicle and is only allowable if:

  • You must reverse or parallel park, as this requires you to release the wheel to look over your shoulder.
  • You are using one hand to operate vehicle features necessary for safety, comfort or information.

Hand over hand steering and airbag injuries

In hand-over-hand steering, the driver’s arms will pass across the airbag deployment zone. If the airbag deploys while your hands are in the firing line, it will throw your arms back into your face at roughly 200mph. For many unfortunate drivers every year, careless hand positioning results in serious injury when the driver’s side airbag deploys. Common airbag-related injuries include:

  • Forearm fractures
  • Wrist fractures
  • Finger and thumb fractures
  • Nose and cheekbone fractures
  • Facial lacerations (when the driver is wearing rings, bracelets or spectacles)

What is hand over hand steering
If an air bag deploys and a driver's arms are in the way, they may get broken or thrown back into the driver's face with enough force to cause serious injuries.

Driving hand-over-hand should be avoided wherever possible, even if your vehicle is not equipped with airbags. You may one day drive a car that does have airbags and will need to be in good habits to keep yourself safe.

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