What is jim cramers net worth

Have you ever wondered what the net worth of Jim Cramer Is? As the legendary voice of CNBC’s “Mad Money,” the man has definitely built a reputation for himself. Jim Cramer has an incredibly impressive resume of positions worked in and out of Wall Street. He’s now leveraged his knowledge from finance to build his massive net worth. As of August 2022, Jim Cramer has a net worth of $100 million. This post will show you exactly how he achieved success and what you can learn from his story.

Early Life

What is jim cramers net worth
Source: CNBC

Jim Cramer was born on February 10, 1955, in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania. He was raised in a Jewish-American household by both Lewis and Jim Cramer Sr. Surprisingly, the young boy began studying stocks and equities in the fourth grade. He continued this passion all the way until high school, when he was finally able to open his own brokerage account and invest his own money!

Jim Cramer went to Springfield Township High School in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. During this time, he worked multiple jobs as his parents wanted to instill the value of hard work.

Jim Cramer has noted that he used to invest a portion of every bi-weekly paycheck he would receive! Among his first jobs, Cramer sold Coca-Cola and ice cream at the Veterans Stadium during Philadelphia Phillies games.

In 1977, Jim Cramer graduated from Harvard College with a Bachelor’s of Art’s degree in government. During his time at Harvard, Jim Cramer actually became the chief editing director of the Harvard Crimson, the school’s weekly student newspaper.


Jim Cramer first began his career as a local reporter for his hometown. After working here for some time, Jim Cramer took a particular interest in finance and equity markets once again. In a drastic career change, Cramer quit his job as a reporter and focused all of his energy on becoming an investment banker.

Sure enough, Jim Cramer received a job at Goldman Sachs on their trading and sales floor. Here, he traded futures, derivatives, and options.

In 1987, Jim Cramer decided to quit his lucrative job as a banker to start his own hedge fund. The hedge fund was known as Cramer, Berkowitz & Co. The fund operated out of the offices of Michael Steinhardt. Early investors included famous names such as Eliot Spitzer, Steve Brill, and Martin Peretz.

Cramer raised $450 million dollars in $5 million dollar increments. Additionally, he received a fee of 20% of the money the fund made!

In 2001, Jim Cramer decided to retire from his fund, which is now run by his long-time friend. Since then, Jim Cramer has worked as the host of CNBC’s “Mad Money.” The show helps new investors make better financial decisions in the stock market!

Investment Approach

One of the biggest ways Jim Cramer has differentiated himself as an analyst on wall street is through his investment approach. Jim Cramer is known to specifically look for companies that have underperformed and are set to ride trends back to the upside.

With this approach, Jim Cramer claims to have only ever had one negative investment return in all of his time in the industry. This incredible performance, including his differentiated approach, has led his hedge fund to be hyper-successful.

Jim Cramer Net Worth 2022

As of August 2022, Jim Cramer has a net worth of $100 million. A majority of this net worth was made from his career annual earnings, returns made on investments, ownership in real estate, and stakes in multiple active funds today.

Key Takeaways

  • Don’t Listen To The Negativity: Time and time again, Jim Cramer has received countless critics. Because he works in an “opinion-heavy” industry like equity markets, many talk show hosts or even competing analysts will bash and challenge his ideas. Regardless, he stays level-headed and confident in his thoughts. Similarly, we should strive to be set in stone with whatever we believe in.
  • Start Early: Jim Cramer began learning the stock market at the mere age of thirteen. By high school, he had already been investing his own money. Similarly, strive to start as early as possible always.
  • Never Give Up: Cramer had many difficult professions with massive time commitments. Regardless, he pushed and persevered to get to where he is today. We should strive to emulate this work ethic so we, too, can see our net worth grow!

Jim Cramer is best known for hosting the CNBC show Mad Money, he is also a hedge fund manager, author, and entrepreneur. Jim Crammer has performed on various TV shows and is one of the founders of the stock market website TheStreet

The well-known TV pundit is a law school graduate and is also involved in philanthropy through the Action Alerts PLUS fund, which he founded. The fund invests in stocks and donates any dividends or profits to charity. He also has a long track record of investing in the stock markets.  

To answer the question “How much is Jim Cramer worth?” we decided to compile all the publicly available data on Mr. Cramer’s wealth. Below we have provided our best estimate of Jim Cramer’s net worth.

Note that estimates are precisely that and are not necessarily conclusive. With the help of publicly available assessments, we can determine a figure that is likely to be representative of Jim Cramer’s net worth.

What is jim cramers net worth

Jim Cramer

Date of BirthFebruary 10, 1955
TitleHedge Fund manager, Investor, Author, TV Personality
Companies FoundedTheStreet.com
Best Known ForHost of Mad Money on CNBC
Net Worth (USD) $100 million

What Is Jim Cramer’s Net Worth?

By most estimates we have assessed, Jim Cramer’s net worth is $110 million. Jim Cramer is the founder of TheStreet and has been the host of CNBC’s Mad Money since the show started in March 2005. He also had a very successful stretch as a hedge fund manager from 1987 to 2000.

The stock investing website, TheStreet.com, was sold to Maven Inc. in 2019 for $16.5 million in cash, Cramer was the second-largest shareholder. While his work as a TV host pays according to some sources around $500,000 per year. He has also written or co-written several books, some very successful such as Jim Cramer’s Real Money.

Given the above assumptions about Jim Cramer’s business interests and TV work, we feel that the figure mentioned above is an accurate estimate of his net worth.

Jim Cramer Biography

Cramer was born on February 10, 1955, in Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, United States. He showed an entrepreneurial spirit already as a child selling ice creams at Philadelphia Phillies games. After high school, he went to Harvard where he graduated in 1977, with a degree in government. In his senior year at college Cramer was editor in chief of the student newspaper, The Harvard Crimson.  

Straight out of college Cramer started working as a reporter for the Tallahassee Democrat, and later he also worked for the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. After a few years on the job, he decided to go back to college to get his JD in law. In 1984, Cramer received a Juris Doctor degree in law from Harvard Law School.

Crammer’s love for the stock market seems to have been intrinsic to his personality, passion goes a long way when seeking success. What may have also helped kick start his career in stock investing was his first client, Harvard Law faculty member and owner of The New Republic, Martin Peretz.

Peretz Gave Cramer $500,000 to invest in the stock market. Cramer had already started investing in stocks and used the profits generated to help pay his way through law school. Thanks to Cramer’s investing success with Peretz’s account he then went to work for Goldman Sachs as a stockbroker. 

However, he was even more ambitious. In 1987, he left Goldman Sachs to start his own hedge fund, Cramer & Co. By 1997 the fund had $250 million in assets under management, from 70 different clients. 

In 1996, Cramer & Peretz founded TheStreet.com, a stock market analysis and investment advice website. Cramer left the hedge fund in the year 2000, with some reports estimating he had been earning more than $10 million per year.

Cramer’s Personal Life

Cramer married for the second time in 2015, to Lisa Detwiler, a real estate broker. With his previous wife, Karen Backfisch, he has 2 daughters. Cramer got divorced from Backfisch, who used to work in a hedge fund, in 2009.

Cramer has in the past often lauded his ex-wife for being a great part of his success at picking stocks. The year Cramer set up his hedge fund, 1987, the stock markets experienced a crash, then known as black Monday. Apparently, Cramer’s ex-wife, a hedge fund trader at the time for Cramer & Co, saved the fund from going down by convincing Cramer to liquidate positions before the selloff began. 

How Did Jim Cramer Build His Wealth?

In 2001, Cramer started hosting a syndicated radio show, Jim Cramer’s Real Money. On the heels of his success with the radio show, Crammer debuted on Mad Money in 2005. The audience found Cramer’s style appealing. The Mad Money show was a success thanks to Cramer’s extroverted style at conveying his analysis.

If you have ever watched one of his shows, you would have seen him roaming up and down the studio with his shirt sleeves rolled up. His persona showed a ton of confidence, and he even used a novice way of explaining his concepts with the use of on-stage props.

Jim has also occasionally had guest appearances on other shows. He has appeared on NBC Nightly News, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. However, his popularity gained from his antics as Mad Money host didn’t stop him from receiving heavy criticism in 2009. 

Once the extent of the financial crisis had been established Jim Cramer, and other stock analysts were the targets of attacks by various pundits for their failure to alert the public to the extent of the upcoming recession.

In December 2005, CNBC produced a new show Squawk on the Street. That initially had 1 hour of airtime, due to its success it was extended to 2. Cramer joined as a co-anchor during the first hour of the show, which airs from 9 am to 11 am ET.

How is Jim Cramer’s Net Worth Calculated?

According to the Cramer & Co hedge fund, the company produced higher returns than the S&P 500 for every year from inception through to 2000. For the time that Cramer was at the fund, managing $250 million in assets by 1997, we can be sure that he was making big money in each of those years.

Taking the average return of the S&P 500, for the period between 1987 and 2000, calculated as 13%, we can calculate the fees Cramer & Co would have received. A typical hedge fund fee structure is 20/2, referring to 20% profit share and 2% management fee.

We used the AUM of $250 million as the average amount Cramer & Co was managing throughout Cramer’s spell at the fund. With a 15% average return, Cramer & Co would have received $7.5 million in profit-sharing fees and $5 million in management fees. Cramer & Co could have been earning on average $12.5 million per year, and Cramer would have received a large share as a major stakeholder.

Since his rise to TV stardom at CNBC as co-anchor and host of his own show various reports estimate his earnings per year to be in the range of $500,000. We also know he held a 35% stake in TheStreet when it was sold for $16.5 million. Adding all these incomes together gave us an estimate of Jim Cramer’s net worth of about $110 million.

Investment Style 

Cramer is often known as a contrarian investor. He often buys when everyone is selling, but these investments are made in the light of investors overreacting. He said he once bought Phillip & Morris when the stock lost $10 billion in one day on the back of a bad court ruling. Cramer bought $10 million and made a profit of over $1 million.

Apart from his contrarian stance Crammer is also known for investing in little-known stocks of small market capitalization. In 1997, Melanie Warner, of Fortune magazine wrote that Cramer had half of his clients’ money in small companies he considered undervalued. The other half of the hedge fund’s capital was used to manage around 200 trades a day through 5 staffers.

Alan Deutschman, writing for GQ magazine at the time, noted that it wasn’t possible to pinpoint Cramer’s style to one specific format. Cramer’s investment style is chameleon-like and seems erratic. This seems more due to his willingness to adapt and examine each situation and act accordingly.

Jim Cramer’s Views on Alternative Assets

Jim Cramer is known for having a strong interest in some alternative assets, and in particular for gold and cryptocurrencies. He has mentioned Bitcoin in various of his programs, in 2021 he did a 3-minute video of how to approach Bitcoin after it reached record highs.

It is also well known that Cramer is a prolific gold investor. In his interview with Morgan Creek co-founder Anthony Pompliano, Cramer explained he had significant amounts of gold, and defined himself as a gold bug. 

Who Else Invests Like Jim Cramer?

Not all investors have the same investing style. To compare investors like Jim Cramer you can check out some of the profiles listed below:  

Want to Invest Like Jim Cramer?

To invest like Jim Cramer, you need to establish when markets are overreacting to headline news, creating buying opportunities. According to Cramer, investors are highly emotional and exaggerate the extent some news factors may have on a stock’s price.

You can start your investment strategy and take advantage of tax advantages by opening a Self-Directed IRA today. Apart from enjoying tax-deferred growth with this type of IRA, you will also be able to hold gold or cryptocurrencies.