What is order qualifiers and order winners?

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...the strategy can help device business capabilities to overcome future competitors (Slack and Lewis, 2011). In business, the discernment of end users requirements is based on understanding the order-qualifiers and also to understand the order winners that earn a customer allegiance. According to Jaller and Ullstrom (2008) argued that the order-qualifiers theory and the order-winners theory is an avenue to investigate market request, also associate it with the core business processes and to ensure that the business wealth is used for highly rated business activities. Order winner and order qualifier are jointly time and market driven (Helms, 2006). So what is order-winners and order-qualifiers? In 2008, Jaller and Ullstrom defined Order qualifier as the least features that a business or the business merchandise must exhibit before it is seen as a possible seller or merchant (Jaller and Ullstrom 2008). Order qualifiers are those intrinsic traits that the buyer expects to see in the product before taking into account to buy them. These traits can also been known as bait that lure the end users to consider the product. While order winner is defined as those distinct traits that will triumph in the bid or make the business superior than their opponent (Jaller and Ullstrom 2008). Order winner also stem from an operation goal of a business when its takes the most advantage of what only it can offer to its customer or they are very few in the business that can offer such advantages......

Words: 776 - Pages: 4

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...An analysis of order qualifiers and order winners of the operational strategy of Pfizer Inc. Worlds’ leading pharmaceutical manufacturer A report prepared by Dr Amit Roy Contents 1.0 Executive Summary 4 2.0 Background 5 3.0 Key Financial information 5 4.0 Order Qualifiers and Order Winners 6 4.0.1 Safe clinical trials and drug delivery methods to objects 6 4.0.2 Health and safety standards 7 4.0.3 License to manufacture 7 4.0.4 Off license manufacturing 7 4.0.5 License to distribute the products in a specific regions 7 4.0.6 Quality of products 7 4.0.7 Cost 8 4.0.8 Supply chain 8 4.0.9 Capacity 8 4.0.10 Innovation 8 4.0.11 Market offering 9 4.0.12 Human resources 9 4.0 Pfizer’s broad order winners and operational strategy 9 4.1.13 Improving the Performance of the Innovative Core 9 4.1.14 Engine for Sustainable Innovation 10 4.1.15 Making the Right Capital Allocation Decisions 14 4.1.16 Earning Respect from Society 15 4.1.17 Creating an Ownership Culture 16 4.1.18 Corporate Governance 17 5.0 Conclusion 17 6.0 References 18 1.0 Executive Summary This report investigates the operational strategy of Pfizer,......

Words: 3580 - Pages: 15

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...Order Winners & Order Qualifiers According to Slack & Lewis (2011, p.56), “order qualifiers” are the factors that enable the products or services to enter the market. However, “order qualifiers” do not assure the competitiveness, the products or services provided must contain the “order winners” characters in order to win from the competition. Professor Hill from London Business School described (cited by Helms, 2006) that “order qualifiers” and “order winners” as: the previous one keeps the business running while the latter one wins more or new business. Simply, my understanding is that “order qualifiers” are the keys to open the door of the market, and “order winners” are the vital elements to improve the market position and continuous success. Slack & Lewis (2011, p.47-52) explained the concepts of “the five generic performance objectives”. They are:  “quality”, “speed”, “dependability”, “flexibility” and “cost”. Some of the performance objectives play more important roles in the impact of the organization’s market position (the “external effect”) than the others. There are several reasons why it is significant that when mangers establish the relative important performance objectives, regarding to external effect, should base on the “order qualifiers” and “order winners” concept. First of all, defining “order qualifiers”, managers are able to understand the minimum standard their products or services should meet in order to keep the company stay in the market,......

Words: 491 - Pages: 2

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...INTRODUCTION. This paper is on Order Qualifiers and Order Winners and its Importance to Managers. The paper is situated on the work scenario between Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC) and Its Oil Servicing Contractor such as Petmam Ventures Ltd (the company I work for). Consequently, the presenter has attempted to relate the assignment to a real scenario. There by relating the assignment to his work. Furthermore, the researcher start by giving the definition of the concepts of Order Qualifiers and Order Winners. “Order winners and order qualifiers are criteria defined by managers within their operation strategy plan to gain competitive advantage in the market” (Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd Ed.) In other words , order qualifier are the sets or laid down criteria the International Organisations Companies (IOC’S) adopts when sourcing for capable service providers or mainly called contractors. This is a practical example of how Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC) source for qualified contractors to provide services for their various operations either major/ minor. This example illustrate how Petmam Ventures was pre qualified for a major contract by SPDC Nigeria. The Order of Pre qualification Process include the followings. There was an advert ......

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...meet a customer satisfaction. Deeply research is been rigged through the higher performance of service and product in a market in order to understand the need and deeds of the customer (Harris, 1996). Moreover, (Lewis, 2000) low input should build a vital output in a firm, operation that is not productive or active in a place to be eliminated or removed. This illustration goes not only to operation although to be considered in a highest priority for a product/ service (Morgan & Strong, 1998). It is well known that marketing and sales division are focusing on how to touch sensibility of the market by promoting product or service through brand, commercial advertisement and providing inside division with requirement of the market and meet satisfaction of customer needs. Key successful to explore the connection of the market requirement with division of the firms towards innovative business is through the concept illustration of order winners and order qualifier. Basically, understanding order winners, order qualifiers characteristics will help an enterprise to prompt, develop product in the marketplace. To understand more the concept of order winners and order qualifiers, the performance objective has come to further study distinguishing characteristics and features and its model impact through the process of an operation of each element. Order Winners: The best an enterprise that can exhibits competitive feature to a customers competing other competitors .This concept aligned......

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...women aged between 25 and 35, sizes 8-18  Psychographic: fashion-conscious  Benefit: competitive price, superb design, high quality material, latest trend, limited editions, individual cutting service. Conclusion: This range was mainly aimed at fashion-conscious women aged between 25 and 35, sizes 8-18. They can enjoy the latest fashion trend, individual cutting service, pursue the special and exclusive lifestyle and hope to get their clothes with high quality and design at an affordable price. Question 2 1. Perfect and Classic ranges:  Order qualifiers: Quality, Design, Fitness, Cost  Order winners: Convenience Many items in this range are machine washable, non-iron and tumble-dry friendly. It is typically designed for the busy lifestyle persons. So the feature of the convenience is the order winners in this range. 2. Autograph range  Order qualifiers: Quality, Cost, Fashion, Fitness, Convenience  Order winners: Design In this range, M&S recruited some of the best designers in the...

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...Introduction Marks and Spencer (M&S) is a leading British based multinational retailer specializes in selling clothing ,home and food products. This essay would be discussing and examining the operation strategy of the company through studying the case “New supply chain strategies at old M&S”. Product ranges and market segmentations M&S classified its products by establishing a number of brands for attracting different customers who has different lifestyles. They are: The perfection collection, The classic collection, The Autograph range and per una. Each of the brands has been segmented carefully in order to highlight the features and design philosophy of the brand and satisfy particular needs for customer. The perfection collection and The classic collection essentially serve for customers who are mature and have high loyalty to M&S products. The products of two collections shared lots of similarities and the chief aims is to provide wide-range of ‘timeless essentials’ clothes to customers who focus on its own clothing style and finesse. The core principle of The Autograph range is to incorporate cutting-edge design to products under the brand. Product categories encompass womenswear, menswear and related accessories. It features supreme design by industry top tier designers with a very pricy price tag. It targets customer who values product design is first and foremost. The per una feature products with high-end designs and acceptably priced. The......

Words: 586 - Pages: 3

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...unchallenged King of Microwave Oven in China and even in the world. 1- What were the order winners/qualifiers for Galanz in the microwave oven business during the stage of its development? The terms order winners and order qualifiers were coined by Terry Hill, professor at the London Business School, and refer to the process of how internal operational capabilities are converted to criteria that may lead to competitive advantage and market success. « Order qualifiers are those competitive characteristics that a firm must exhibit to be a viable competitor in the market place. Orders winners are those competitive characteristics that cause a firm's customers to choose that firm's goods and services over those of its competitors. » In the first stage, Galanz transferred all its resources of its original business to its new project microwave oven, retreated from its original business, and concentrated all its resources on this new point. It had to import the associated technology and equipement from overseas and searched for technical expertise to overcome the business challenges. Indeed the evolution of consumption patterns of China , the rise of Chinese economy and the market potential are a real opportunity that Liang was quickly realized. Given that the microwave ovens prices proposed were high, Galanz decided to make its place in this market based on a strategy of lower prices in order to popularize the product and make it more accessible by producing the microwave......

Words: 303 - Pages: 2

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...of businesses (Russell, 2014). The recommended steps are to identify the core competencies of the institute and create a better definition of the MBA programs attributes. Additional considerations are the financial resources, the chances of success and the positive differentiators between the Strutledge Institute and competing colleges in that area. Course of Action Identify core competencies of the institute and what customer base it wants to serve with the new MBA program. A sample survey of potential students is highly recommended to identify the order qualifiers and the important qualities that students consider before joining an MBA program. Without this information, a new MBA program will most likely fail (Russell, 2014). In order to identify the successful integration of graduates in the job market, an employer survey is necessary to obtain the needs and requirements of potential employers since this can be an order winner for candidates. The analysis from the survey data is crucial for the structure of a new MBA program and a critical success factor (Sharpe, 2012). Additional research is necessary to obtain the number of...

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...Operations and Supply Management: Goods and Services Similarities and Differences between Goods and Services The similarities between good and services are that goods and services provide value to the customer, and they can both be made to fit what a customer wants or needs. The delivery of both goods and services require a process to get to final delivery, so operations management is a critically important skill for both (Collier, 2007). According to Jacobs, there are five things that differentiate goods from services. They are, first, a service is an intangible process that cannot be weighed or measured, but a good has a physical presence that can be. Second, a service must be delivered via interaction with a customer whereas a product is manufactured somewhere away from the customer. Third, how a service is delivered varies as this is dependent on the customer, the service provider and the situation, but the production of goods has no variability. Fourth, the process of delivering a service is dependent on time and can’t be stored, and fifth, services are evaluated as a package of features that include the facility, goods involved in the process, and explicit and implicit services (Jacobs, pp. 11-12). Collier goes on to name a few more differences, namely the demand for services is more difficult to predict and service management skills are vital to the successful delivery of a service. Operations Management and Production Differences for Goods and......

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...TEAM CASE 1: OPERATION STRATEGY AT GALANZ 1. What were the order winners/qualifiers for Galanz in the microwave oven business during the early stage of its development? Order winners are "those competitive characteristics that cause a firm's customers to choose that firm's goods and services over those of its competitors. Order winners can be considered to be competitive advantages for the firm” (APICS Dictionary, 2008). Order qualifiers are "those competitive characteristics that a firm must exhibit to be a viable competitor in the marketplace" (APICS Dictionary, 2008). In the case of Galanz, the large production scale and cost-leadership strategy are considered to be the order winners for the company; the qualified products with affordable price are the order qualifiers. This classification of winner and order qualifiers is on the basis of development that had been done in the company during the early stage of development. During the early stage, due to lack of technology and technicians at the home market, the company “did not have any competitive edge in production technology but only an abundant supply of cheap labor and land. Offering a low price thus was the only way to compete in the market” (4). To deal with winning orders, the company previously implemented the low-price strategy that was based on selling products at low cost in comparison with the competitors. As a result, the company had successfully achieved cost reduction that led them to achieve the......

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...services * Making efficient use of internet technology * Achieving good service from service firms. Can a factory be fast, dependable, and flexible; produce high quality products and still provide poor customer service from a customer’s perspective? Yes, although the company may be producing a fast, flexible high quality product the factory from the customer’s perspective can still provide poor customer service because they are not meeting the customers’ demands or the customers’ demands are not driving strategy development. What is meant by the expressions order winners and order qualifiers? What was the order winner for your last major purchase of a product or service? Order winners differentiate products or services of one firm from another. Order qualifiers is a screening criterion that permits a firms products to even be considered as a possible candidates for purchase. Last purchase of pasta order...

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...position by adding new features, services, and technologies into its current portfolio is called flexibility.    True    False |   6. | The process when a company seeks to match the benefits of a successful position while maintaining its existing position by adding new features, services, and technologies into its current portfolio it is called straddling.    True    False |   7. | By following a straddling strategy, firms can broaden their capabilities and effectively compete with more focused firms in markets requiring low cost for success.    True    False |   8. | An order winner is a set of criteria that differentiates the products or services of one firm from another.    True    False |   9. | An order winner is a set of screening criteria that permits a firm's products to be considered as possible candidates for purchase.    True    False |   10. | An order qualifier is a set of screening criteria that permits a firm's products to be considered as possible candidates for purchase.    True    False |   11. | Activity-system maps show...

Words: 6726 - Pages: 27

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...Chapter 2: Operations Strategy and Competiveness This chapter explains the importance of business strategy and the ties it has with operation strategy. A business strategy includes the company’s visionary mission, its market, and core competencies. This is what ultimately makes the companies long term plan. The overall model for development operations strategies are marketing strategy, finance strategy and operational strategy. Operational strategy must come together with the company’s strategy to attain its long-term method. It develops a plan for operations function. Operations strategy has four competitive properties. Quality is about staying competitive. It has two dimensions, which are high performance design and goods and services consistency. High performance design is an operations function, which focused on different parts of quality like, features, high durability, and satisfactory customer service. Goods and services consistency is the rating of how goods and services meet their precise conditions. Time is all about speed. Companies must be able to meet its competition priority. Two issues of time are rapid delivery and on time delivery. This can be crucial in the process of deciding a system to be time effective for time management. Flexibility can make or break a company. This is the skill of how companies transition from goods and services to goals and strategies. Companies must stay within the competition, which sometimes mean accommodating to change. How......

Words: 566 - Pages: 3

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...* Word count or equivalent: 1000 (500 per answer)   * Assessment criteria: * To identify the nature of operations management * To analyse the processes of operations management * To analyse management approaches to operations management * To apply operations management to gaining customers and competing * To examine the operational processes and life cycles * Knowledge/understanding of concepts (40%) * Ability to collect, synthesise and apply information (20%) * Ability to generate appropriate conclusions (10%) * Logical structure (10%) * Communication of information/literacy (20%) Introduction * What the question going to be answered is about * This essay aims to answer… and will refer to… and apply examples from the… industry * Body * Begin each paragraph with the main idea/ topic sentence * This tells the reader what the paragraph will be about * Make sure your reader understands the main idea by EXPLAINING or giving a definitions How to.. * Give some EVIDENCE to support your main idea – the evidence should be a direct quotation or paraphrase and supported by a REFERENCE. * CONCLUDE your paragraph by either * linking back to your main idea * linking forward to the main idea in the next paragraph Conclusion * Conclusions are often hard to construct as you want to do more than just repeat everything you have just answered. * Ensure that you reach an overall......

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