What is the difference between functionalist perspective and conflict perspective in education?

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Functionalism has a cooperative approach that focuses on the contribution of social parts is a society, which acts as a system. On the other hand, conflict theory has a competitive approach that focuses on conflicts in society.

Functionalism ignores the social changes, whereas conflict theory does not ignore the social changes triggered by class discrimination and unequal distribution of resources.

Functionalism was discovered by Emil Durkheim. On the flip side, conflict theory was discovered by Karl Marx.

Functionalism assumes that everyone is satisfied by working in society, whereas conflict theory believes that everyone is not satisfied with society’s performance.

Functionalism protects existing social orders and sequences. Conversely, conflict theory highlights the tension and diversion occurring in society.

Functionalism considers society as a whole, whereas conflict theory considers society as parts.

Functionalism is debated as a good thing. On the contrary, conflict theory is debated as a bad thing.

Functionalism does not omit the census and equilibrium, whereas conflict theory interprets the negligence of census and equilibrium of the society.

Functionalism focuses on the relationship between different interrelated parts of society. On the flip side, conflict theory pays its concentration on the competition for resources and inequality among classes.

Functionalism views education as a positive aspect, whereas conflict theory views education in a negative perspective.

(architecture) A doctrine, in several fields, that the function of something should be reflected in its design and the materials used in its construction

(philosophy) The definition of mental states in terms of their causes and effects

(social science) The idea that social and cultural cohesion are a function of the interdependence and interactions of the institutions of a society

(psychology) A general school of thought that considers psychological phenomena in terms of their role in adaptation to the person's environment

a psychology based on the assumption that all mental process are useful to an organism in adapting to the environment

any doctrine that stresses utility or purpose

In functionalism, society is taken as an entity consisting of different subdivisions, and each of the subdivision has its specific function. On the other hand, according to conflict theory, society is comprehended through the social conflicts emerging due to injustice.

Functionalism views society as a system containing different parts, whereas conflict theory views society as a struggle between different classes due to discrimination and unfairness. Functionalism focuses on the importance of cooperation. On the flip side, conflict theory concentrates on the significance of competition.

Functionalism is defined as a theory that describes all the aspects of a society that perform their functions and are essential for the survival and existence of society. Conversely, a theory that describes a perpetual conflict among various classes in society due to the unequal distribution of resources is called conflict theory.

The pioneer or founder of the theory of functionalism is Emile Durkheim, whereas the pioneer or founder of conflict theory is Karl Marx. Functionalism sees society as interdependent, depending on every aspect of society to run smoothly. On the contrary, conflict theory does not believe in the innate goodness of society; instead, it considers the society as different groups who compete with one another for the resources.

Functionalism describes the social and economic factors as positive aspects of a functioning society. On the flip side, conflict theory designates the social and economic features as the motives for misconduct and aberration.

Functionalism, which is also characterized as structural-functional theory, labels the society as a structure with numerous interconnected segments indicated to fulfill the organic and social needs of the individuals residing in that society. Emile Durkheim suggested this theory to explain the changes in society over time and its survival.

Functionalism highlights various parts of the society, including administration, instruction, government, law, family, healthcare, religion, conviction, and the budget, etc. that refer to the social organizations and are defined as arrangements or performances focused on achieving the social needs. The society can work efficiently if all the interrelated parts play their role in maintaining stability.

Functionalism interprets that society is maintained by shared standards, languages, and symbols. It describes that social facts like laws, ethics, values, sacred beliefs, civilizations, fashion, and rites collectively serve in governing social life.

Functionalism believes that everything that happens in society happens for good and serves to help in keeping society functioning. For example, homelessness helps to motivate the person to keep working hard, or committing a crime is a motivation to avoid the situations because getting caught will result in jail. Functionalism helps in maintaining our social principles and anticipations.

Functionalism analyses the norms, customs, traditions, and institutions of society as a whole. It states that all the aspects of society are dependents, which serve a function in stabilizing society. Functionalism highlights inter-dependency among the variable fundamentals that eventually lead to the maintenance of society.

Conflict theory describes the society not as a whole but in the form of parts produced as a result of the unequal distribution of resources. The conflict in society due to inequality and injustice faced by communities inside the unbalanced class system of the society refers to the importance of conflict theory.

According to this theory, continuous tension is realized between the topmost class bourgeoisie and the working or lowest level class proletariat. The main focus of conflict theory is class conflict. It explains the class order in a society maintained by domination and power without consensus and conformity due to the limitation of resources.

Conflict theory explains the working of society in parts as it disguises the mean nature of the wealthy to hold on their power by every means, mainly by suppressing the poor and powerless. It illustrates the pressures and uncertainties arising due to unequal distribution of assets like status and power among different assemblies in society, and these class discrepancies generate a social change in society.

Conflict theory also describes the social issues, including social insurrections, social discernment, domestic violence, and gender disputes. Conflict theory does not believe in the distinctive goodness of society. It views society as groups competing with one another.

Conflict theory uses a macro approach to highlight the competition among various classes in a society. It refers to the social order preserved by domination. Conflict theory possesses a more realistic approach as it provides the elite with more control and opportunities.

Functionalism and the conflict theory are two perspectives used in Sociology between which some difference can be identified. Sociology is a discipline in the social sciences which studies human society and group behavior in society. In sociology, many perspectives are used to understand human society. Through each perspective, a different approach is used to understand the society. Functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism are the main perspectives. In this article, we will be paying attention to functionalism and conflict theory. Functionalism and Conflict theory use a macro approach in understanding the society. The key difference between functionalism and conflict theory is that, in functionalism, the society is understood as a system consisting of different subsections that have specific functions. On the other hand, the conflict theory comprehends the society through the social conflicts that arise due to the inequality that prevail among different social classes.

What is Functionalism?

As mentioned in the introduction, functionalism views the society as a system that is created of different parts. Each part has a specific function in the society. Let us simplify this. In the society, there are social institutions such as education, religion, family, economy and the political institution. Each institution has a specific function that contributes to the society or else the system. If one becomes dysfunctional, this not only affects that institution but also the very social system as well. This is why some functionalists compare the society to the human body.

Functionalists such as Talcott Parsons specifically emphasize the importance of social order. In every society, it is important to maintain the status quo so that the society can function effectively. When this social order is not maintained, it results in a condition of conflict and disarray in the society. This can occur due to the issues that arise within a particular institution or a number of institutions. For example, in times of social revolutions, the social equilibrium or social order is lost.

Another concept that is stressed by Functionalists is collective consciousness. According to Durkheim, the society is possible due to the consensus among people. This results from the collective consciousness that refers to the common beliefs of the society. These lay the foundation for functionalism.

What is the difference between functionalist perspective and conflict perspective in education?

A statue of Emilie Durkhiem

What is Conflict Theory?

The conflict theory highlights that various groups within the society have different interests that can lead to conflict. There are many branches of conflict theory of which Marxism holds a unique position. Marxism highlights the significance of the economic factor. According to Karl Marx, conflicts in society arise due to inequalities among different social classes.

Another interpretation of conflict theory stems from Max Weber, who highlights that other than the economy, factors such as power and status are also important. As you can see both functionalism and conflict theory presents a point of view in approaching the society. However, there is a difference between the two perspectives. This can be summarized as follows.

What is the Difference Between Functionalism and Conflict Theory?

Definitions of Functionalism and Conflict Theory:

Functionalism: In functionalism, the society is understood as a system consisting of different subsections that have specific functions.

Conflict Theory: Conflict theory comprehends the society through the social conflicts that arise due to the inequality that prevail among different social classes.

Characteristics of Functionalism and Conflict Theory:

View of the Society:

Functionalism: The society is viewed as a system that consists of different parts.

Conflict Theory: The society is viewed as a struggle between different classes due to inequality.


Functionalism: Functionalism uses a macro approach.

Conflict Theory: Conflict theory also uses a macro approach.


Functionalism: Functionalism stresses cooperation.

Conflict Theory: Conflict theory stresses competition.

Image Courtesy:1. Le buste d’Émile Durkheim 03 By Christian Baudelot [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons2. Karl Marx By John Jabez Edwin Mayall [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons