What should be in an objective summary?

Are you new to writing resumes? Are you confused what type of introduction to use? What is an objective? Why is it important? What is the relevance of an objective summary? We try to answer those basic questions here.

The dictionary definition of objective is a thing aimed at or sought; a goal and/or (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. In this article, we focus on the latter definition of objective in the business spectrum. You may also see summary writings.

An objective summary is a basically an overview or a concise explanation of the goal or what kind of career you are seeking, and what skills and experiences you have that make you an ideal candidate for that career. It is typically one or two sentences long, it is concise but perfectly captures the essence of your goal as an applicant. You may also see How to Showcase Certifications on Resume

It is quite normal to include a objective summary in your resume especially if you are fairly new to the workforce. If you still don’t have enough experiences or you just want to send in a mass email without knowing if they’re hiring, a summary objective is more suitable for you. You may also see resume summary.

When is an Objective Summary Needed?

Your objective summary acts as your elevator speech to the hiring manager. According to The Ladders, hiring managers only spend a total of 6 seconds to look at a resume. So, it is a must that you immediately capture the hiring manager’s attention by coming up with a packed and relevant objective summary. You may also see investment summary.

An objective summary is best for individuals who are new to the workforce, career and industry shifters, and for individuals who target specific job positions. Also see Work Application Examples.

Objective Summary Outline Example 1

What should be in an objective summary?


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Objective Summary Outline Example 2

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Objective Style Summary Example

What should be in an objective summary?


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How to Write an Effective Objective Summary

It is important to remember that the best objective summaries are specifically tailored to match the position you are applying for. The more specific you are, the higher the chance of being considered as a viable candidate for the position. It is a completely good idea to polish your objective summary for each job you are applying for.

Use the keywords in the job description or qualifications listed in the job posting. This way you have a higher chance of getting your resume picked by an ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). Most companies use ATS to search through hundreds or thousands of resume they receive on a single job posting. Keywords maximize your chance of securing an interview. You may also see chapter summary.

State career goals that are relevant to the position. For example the job posting is for a managerial position in the retail industry, you should tailor your objective for the said position.

For entry level applicants, your objective summary should be practical and straight to the point. Emphasize that you are a team player and is a flexible worker. Applicants wishing to change industries or careers are also advised to include an objective summary in their resume. Also see Job Interview Tips to Leave a Great Impression

However, if you’re open to any job position it is acceptable to exclude an objective summary. This is most applicable for applicants that have an ideal goal or position.

Focus your objective to your goal of growing and developing within the company. However, as it is much about you it is also about your potential contributions to the company. In conclusion, your objective summary should specify your goal and the value you can add to the company. Briefly explain why you’re an ideal candidate for the position. You may also see thesis summary.

Corporate Objective Summary Example

What should be in an objective summary?


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Resume Objective Summary Example

What should be in an objective summary?


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Common Mistakes in Writing an Objective Summary

1. Using the same objective

The goal is to capture the hiring manager’s attention and make sure to be the ideal candidate he/she is looking for. Your objective summary is not a “one size fits all” statement, it should cater to the qualifications the position is looking for. Every job position looks for a specific skill set, accomplishments, requirements, etc. Tailor your objective summary to the respective requirements of the position.

2. Focusing on yourself

Applicants sometimes forget that as much as it is for them, it is also for the benefit of the company. This is a trap most applicants fall into, they get carried away and list all the things they want and not a single indication of what they can offer to the company. For example, “I want to develop and enhance my skills because I want to become a high profile accountant someday.” It leaves the hiring manager the impression that you are only applying to gain additional knowledge with no intentions of helping the company grow. It can also be interpreted that your employment is only temporary. You may also see curriculum vitae summary.

3. Being unclear

You should be able to answer questions such as what particular skills do you have and if they apply to the job. What knowledge do you have that the company can benefit from? Being generic will not do you any good. Anyone has some sort of “skills and knowledge,” your goal is to make your resume standout out of all the others. Being vague and ambiguous will only lead to not getting a callback. Directly state the specific skill that best suits the job and how you can help the company achieve more successes. You may also see executive summary.

4. Too lengthy and incoherent

Your objective summary is a quick overview of what makes you special and ideal to the position. The tendency of going on and on about your skills and qualifications can lead to you being incoherent and not making any sense. If you have clearly stated what is needed for you to get hired, you can explain further what you have written in your summary during the interview.

5. Fillers

If for a second you may think that hiring managers don’t notice the fillers you add just to make your resume more detailed than it actually is, you’re wrong. Adding information that are of no value is easily noticed. Fillers, if not all, usually tell the hiring manager nothing about what you can bring to the table. You can avoid too much white space by organizing and formatting your resume so it doesn’t appear as empty as it is. You may also see report writings.

Overall. the objective summary of your resume can either make or break your chances of getting hired. A well written objective summary must include your specific skill set, your main goal and how you can be of help to the company. Do not fall into the pit of narcissism and talk endlessly about your needs. Emphasize how you are an asset to the company, and that you are the perfect fit for the position.

If an objective summary is not suitable for you, you can also use a career summary for your resume. Although the two can be easily confused with, remember that an objective summary focuses on your target or your goal or in this sense, the specific position. A career summary on the other hand, is a brief overview of your previous work experiences.

We hope we were able to clearly explain to you what an objective summary is and how to write an effective version of it. As you continue to look for that ideal job, remember to always be confident and trust yourself. Good luck!