What stage of the critical analysis involves discovering and focusing on significant patterns that emerge from the description stage?

Critical Process is a five-step process which includes description, analysis, interpretation,evaluation, and engagement. Description is paying closer attention, taking notes, andresearching your subjects “understudy’. Analysis means to discover, and focus on significantpatterns that emerge from the description stage. When you use interpretation, you should askyourself these kinds of questions, “What does that mean?’, and “So what about your findings.”When you come up with these answers to your questions, you will come to your own judgmentabout whether something is good or bad. This is a result from the first three stages, calledevaluating. Finally, you would have to take what you have evaluated, and see how it connectswith your critical perspective, by adding my voice and reasons to come up with my very ownbelief, and that will bring you to your final step called engagement. When you are using thesesteps, it will put you in more of a thinking mode. We cannot separate ourselves from the media,