What were the cultural differences between North and South

Northerners and Southerners are typically known for their differences and stereotypes, but it’s their similarities that bring them together to make up the USA. They have been stereotyping one another since way back in the early 1800’s; in fact, they have literally been through a war against one another. However, times have changed, but a majority of these stereotypes still exist today and probably always will. Of course, the North and the South make up the majority of the United States, but ever since April 12, 1861, there has been an imaginary line that separate the two. That line is known as the Mason Dixon Line. Even though the Civil War ended 150 years ago, it still seems like both sides never got entirely rid of the animosity they felt…show more content…
However, people in the North really do have good manners, even though they have different standards than those of the South. With so many major cities, the hustle and bustle mindset is very common up North. In the South, someone that has long conversations with total strangers, opens and holds the door for the next person behind them walking in, responds by either saying, “Yes sir,” or “No sir,” or even, “Yes ma’am,” or “No ma’am,” in every conversation are all perfectly normal and genuinely typical behavior. In the North, semi-smiles or head nods as people pass each other in the street is perfectly passable as polite behavior. Therefore, they both truly do have manners and hospitality. It is just viewed differently because of their culture, ethics, or…show more content…
For instance, Northerners are typically more narrowly structured when it comes to family; as in, their family circle mostly consist of the mother, father, and child or children. On the other hand, Southerners have a broader frame when it comes to their loved ones. Folks in the South tend to fill their circle to the max. They will try and fit in the mother, father, child or children, uncles, aunts, grand-parents, cousins, 2nd cousins, their friends, and they may even try and squeeze in their pet. Nevertheless, in the end, I’ve learned in my time spent attending college in the North and growing up in the South, family is the backbone that both Northerners and Southerners are built on. Their families are like a sanctuary. They turn to their family for love, support and strength. Northerners and Southerners both take comfort in knowing that their families stand behind them no matter what life throws their ways. Family is key for both of them, and their love for family helps them strive to be better and want more out of life. Their relationship with their families are genuinely what builds them or breaks them, both as individuals and as a

Changes occur in every region of the globe; every minute, every second. Most individuals generally do not approve of changes. It entices fear, mistrust, isolation, and even pain. In my youth, I liked change. Changes were something to look forward to, it was fun to meet new individuals and an enjoyable way to see new places. It was useful to learn new skills and live experiences. So at the age of fifteen, my mother told me we were headed for America. No attention was given to these words, because I was a teenager who thought that the state of Texas would be quite similar to Toronto, but never could I fathom that this would completely change my perception of the world. These Challenges have led me to understand the different cultures between the north and south, not to believe in stereotypes, and made me adaptable.
I can’t even begin to explain the massive cultural differences between modern-day north and south. Most people assume only climate and slang are the major difference in the two, however they could not be more wrong. Especially between Toronto and Wichita Falls, Texas. It may sound obvious but there are geographical differences. For one, in the north we have more clear and fast rivers, and we almost always have a bay. While in the south, the soil is agriculturally more fertile, so in essence we see more farms and large areas of land. Also, there is an incredible difference in population difference between Wichita Falls and Toronto, which is easily amongst the biggest

Well, of course, the north is not the south in any context, certainly not in terms of geography. In terms of doing business, none of us are really interested in geography and distance by itself. What are we interested in? Business! How does the north versus south dynamic impact our international success? Let’s look at north versus south in The Americas. 

No Problem

When I lived in Mexico, I invited staff of the Mexican office over to my house for dinner at six o’clock. Not to have dinner at that time, that would be way too early for the average Mexican, but to have a tequila or two and socialize for a while. Everybody confirmed. At seven, the first colleague showed up, a reasonable one hour late. The last couple arrived around ten o’clock. I asked Hector: ‘Was it hard to find? You didn’t get lost, did you?’ Hector responded: ‘No. No problem at all. Why?’ 

What Is Wrong with These People?

As a Dutchman who lived for more than ten years in Latin America and now for more than ten years in the US, I of course have multiple examples of funny incidents. In fact, the opposite of ‘the Hector incident’ happened when my Venezuelan wife and I moved to Atlanta and

What were the cultural differences between North and South
 invited people over at seven o’clock and some of them showed up at seven. What was the reaction of my wife? ‘What is wrong with these people?!’ 

Below the Surface

What do these somewhat funny incidents really mean? They refer to cultural differences and how these differences impact how people relate to each other. Companies have failed in international expansion because they completely ignored these differences. Just look up Walmart in Germany, the failed Daimler-Chrysler merger, and one close to my experience, the failed KLM-Alitalia merger. In fact, a paper was written with the KLM-Alitalia merger in mind called: ‘A Bridge Requires a Gap.’ Indeed, there is no need for a bridge if you don’t even see that there is a gap. 


One of the most difficult things for people in international business is to realize and accept (!) that these cultural differences exist and qualify them as such: differences. Otherwise, we will get stuck in stereotypes and possibly even insults: ‘Why are these guys always late?’ (‘Why are they so strict and managed by the minute?’). The difference in the concept of time is just the tip of the iceberg of cultural differences. The good news is that culture can be measured, and cultural competence can be learned. When doing business across borders, geographical awareness is nice, knowing the north is not the south culturally speaking, is a must.

Cultural Differences Between North and South America are real. Do not ignore them!

Talking about New York City. Read the article here.

An article specifically about Fidel Castro in Cuba can be found here.

To read other, relevant articles read these:

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What were the cultural differences between North and South
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What were the cultural differences between North and South

Peter has joined forces with Culture Matters.

Because he has years and years of international business development experience joining forces therefore only seemed logical.

Being born and raised in the Netherlands, he has lived in more than 9 countries of which most were in Latin America.

He currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) with his family.

You can find out more at https://expand360.com/

Or find out what Peter can do for you here.