Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Q: What is Amazon AppStream 2.0?

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed non-persistent application and desktop streaming service that provides users instant access to their desktop applications from anywhere. Amazon AppStream 2.0 simplifies application management, improves security, and reduces costs by moving a company’s applications from their users’ physical devices to the AWS Cloud. The Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming protocol provides users a responsive, fluid performance that is almost indistinguishable from a natively installed application. With Amazon AppStream 2.0, organizations can realize increased flexibility, improved scalability, and the agility to support a broad range of compute and storage requirements for their applications.

Q: What's the difference between the original Amazon AppStream and Amazon AppStream 2.0?

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is the next-generation desktop application streaming service from AWS. Amazon AppStream was an SDK-based service that customers could use to set up their own streaming service with DIY engineering. AppStream 2.0 provides a fully managed streaming service with no DIY effort. AppStream 2.0 offers a greater range of instance types; streams desktop applications to HTML5-compatible web browsers with no plugins required; provides dual-monitor support on web browsers and 4-monitor, 4K monitor, and USB peripheral support through the AppStream 2.0 client for Windows. In addition, AppStream 2.0 simplifies application lifecycle management and lets your applications access services in your VPC.

Q: Can I continue to use the original Amazon AppStream service?

No. You cannot use the original Amazon AppStream service. Amazon AppStream 2.0 offers a greater range of instance types, streams desktop applications with no rewrite, simplifies application lifecycle management, and allows your apps to access services in your VPC.

Q: What are the benefits of streaming over rendering content locally?

Interactively streaming your application from the cloud provides several benefits:

Instant-on: Streaming your application with Amazon AppStream 2.0 lets your users start using your application immediately, when using an image builder or Always-On fleet, without the delays associated with large file downloads and time-consuming installations.

Remove device constraints: You can leverage the compute power of AWS to deliver experiences that wouldn’t normally be possible due to the GPU, CPU, memory, or physical storage constraints of local devices.

Multi-platform support: You can take your existing applications and start streaming them to a computer without any modifications.

Easy updates: Because your application is centrally managed by Amazon AppStream 2.0, updating your application is as simple as providing a new version of your application to Amazon AppStream 2.0. That's all you need to do to immediately upgrade all your users, without any action on their part.

Improved security: Amazon AppStream 2.0 runs your applications on instances within AWS and only transmits encrypted pixels to end user device. You can apply various security controls provided by AWS to secure your streaming instances. For more details, see Security in Amazon AppStream 2.0.

Q: Do some applications work better with Amazon AppStream 2.0 than others?

Many types of applications work well as streaming applications, including CAD, CAM, CAE, 3D modeling, simulation, games, video and photo-editing software, medical imaging, and life sciences applications. These applications benefit most from streaming because the application runs on the vast computational resources of AWS, yet your users can interact with the application using low-powered devices, with very little noticeable change in application performance.

Q: Does Amazon AppStream 2.0 support microphones?

Yes. Amazon AppStream 2.0 supports most analog and USB microphones, including built-in microphones.

Q: Does Amazon AppStream 2.0 support USB devices such as 3D mice?

Yes. Amazon AppStream 2.0 supports most USB devices such as 3D mice through the Windows Client. All USB devices are disabled by default. Administrators can enable USB devices for their users. 

Q: How do users enable audio input in an Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming session?

Users enable audio input from the Amazon AppStream 2.0 toolbar by selecting the Settings icon and selecting Enable Microphone.

Q: How can end users use their webcam from within an AppStream 2.0 session?
The Video and Audio Conferencing topic in the AppStream 2.0 documentation provides guidance to help your users use their webcams within an AppStream 2.0 streaming session.

Q: What webcam video resolution does AppStream 2.0 support for streaming sessions?
For streaming sessions, AppStream 2.0 supports a maximum webcam video resolution of 1080p, which measures 1920x1080 pixels.

Q: Can users use their webcam and microphone in an AppStream 2.0 streaming session?
Yes, to learn more visit Real-Time Audio-Video in the AppStream 2.0 documentation. 

Q: How do users manage their webcam video input and microphone audio input during an AppStream 2.0 streaming session?
Users who are connected to a streaming session through the AppStream 2.0 client or a web browser can enable, disable, and select the webcam and microphone to use in their session from the AppStream 2.0 toolbar. 

Q: What is the best AppStream 2.0 instance type to use for streaming video conferencing applications?
The best AppStream 2.0 instance type depends on your video conferencing applications, performance requirements, and environment. We recommend that you test different instance types and evaluate how they perform in your environment with the video conferencing applications that you want to use. Doing so will help you choose the instance type that best suits your needs. For more information about available instance types, see Amazon AppStream 2.0 pricing.

Q: What browsers support real-time audio-video (AV) in an Amazon AppStream 2.0 session?
Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and additional web browsers support audio-input in Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) does not support audio-input, and the microphone option will not appear on the Amazon AppStream 2.0 toolbar in streaming sessions running in IE11. To use a local webcam within an AppStream 2.0 streaming session, connect from a Chromium-based web browser, including Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. 

Q: What does a user need to access applications streamed from Amazon AppStream 2.0?
A user needs to have applications set up by an administrator, a modern web browser that can support HTML5, a broadband internet connection with at least 2 Mbps capability, and outbound access to the internet via HTTPS (443). For web-based AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions, up to two monitors are supported. To use up to four monitors, 4K monitors and USB peripherals such as 3D mice, users can download and use the AppStream 2.0 client for Windows.

Q: What is the AppStream 2.0 Windows Client?

The AppStream 2.0 client for Windows is a native application that is designed for users who require additional functionality not available from web browsers during their AppStream 2.0 streaming sessions. The AppStream 2.0 client lets users use multiple monitors and USB peripherals such as 3D mice with their applications. The client also supports keyboard shortcuts, such as Alt + Tab, clipboard shortcuts, and function keys. The AppStream 2.0 client is supported on the following versions of Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows are supported.

Q: What are the system requirements for using the AppStream 2.0 Windows Client?

The minimum system requirements are 2 GB of ram and 150 MB of disk space.

Q: What monitor configurations are supported by the AppStream 2.0 Windows Client?

For browser-based streaming sessions, AppStream 2.0 supports the use of up to two monitors with a maximum display resolution of 2560x1440 pixels per monitor. The AppStream 2.0 client for Windows supports up to 4 monitors with a maximum display resolution of 2560x1440 pixels per monitor. For streaming sessions that are supported by the Graphics Design and Graphics Pro instance families, the AppStream 2.0 client also supports the use of up to 2 monitors with a maximum display resolution of 4096x2160 pixels per monitor.

Q: How can I deploy the AppStream 2.0 Windows Client to my users?

Users can download and install the Windows Client. To use USB peripherials, a users need local administrator rights to install the AppStream 2.0 USB driver. You can remotely install the Windows Client using remote deployment tools like Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM). Learn more in our documentation. 

Q: Can users configure location and language settings for their applications?

Yes. Users can set the time zone, locale, and input method to be used in their streaming sessions to match their location and language preferences.

Q: Can users copy and paste between their local device and their Amazon AppStream 2.0 streaming applications?

Yes. Users can use the Windows Client and Google Chrome to access their streaming applications can copy and paste text between their local device and their streaming applications in the same way they copy and paste between applications on their local device - for example, using keyboard shortcuts. For other browsers, users can use the Amazon AppStream 2.0 web clipboard tool.

Q: Can I provide my users a desktop experience?

Yes. AppStream 2.0 allows you to choose between an application or desktop stream view when you configure the fleet. The application view displays only the windows of the applications that are opened by users, while the desktop view displays the standard desktop experience that is provided by the operating system.

Q: Can my Amazon AppStream 2.0 applications run offline?

No. Amazon AppStream 2.0 requires a sustained internet connection or network route to an AppStream 2.0 streaming VPC endpoint to access your applications.

Q: What does Amazon AppStream 2.0 manage on my behalf?

Streaming resources: AppStream 2.0 launches and manages AWS resources to host your application, deploys your application on those resources, and scales your application to meet end user demand.

Simplified app management: Amazon AppStream 2.0 delivers the latest version of an application instantly to users, and eliminates the pain of patching and updating applications on every end-user device. Because your application is centrally managed by AppStream 2.0, updating your application is as simple as providing a new version of your application to AppStream 2.0. Applications can be assigned to users dynamically and removed instantly at any time, improving business flexibility and reducing costs.

Q: Can I use tags to categorize AppStream 2.0 resources?

Yes. you can assign tags to manage and track the following Amazon AppStream 2.0 resources: Applications, appblocks, image builders, images, fleets, and stacks. AWS enables you to assign metadata to your AWS resources in the form of tags. Tags let you categorize your AppStream 2.0 resources so you can easily identify their purpose and track costs accordingly. For example, you can use tags to identify all resources used by a particular department, project, application, vendor, or use case. Then, you can use AWS Cost Explorer to identify trends, pinpoint cost drivers, and detect anomalies in your account.

You can assign or remove tags using the AppStream 2.0 management console, command line interface, or API. Tags have a key and a corresponding value, and you can assign up to 50 tags per AppStream 2.0 resource.

Q. What resources can I create with AWS CloudFormation?

With CloudFormation, you can automate creating fleets, deploying stacks, adding and managing user pool users, launching image builders, and creating directory configurations alongside your other AWS resources.

Q: How do I use my AWS Direct Connect, AWS VPN, or other VPN tunnel to stream my applications?

First, create an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoint in the same Amazon VPC as your AWS Direct Connect, AWS VPN, or other VPN tunnel. Then, specify the VPC endpoint when creating a new stack, modifying an existing one, or creating a new image builder. Your users will then use the VPC endpoint when they stream their applications. To learn more about the AppStream 2.0 streaming VPC endpoints, see Creating and Streaming From VPC Interface Endpoints in the AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide. 

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Try sample applications at no cost

With Amazon AppStream 2.0, students access the applications they need for class through any computer. It doesn't matter whether they're using Macs, Chromebooks, or PCs, or whether they're in the classroom, the library, a cafe, or at home. AppStream 2.0 streams your applications from AWS to any computer. AppStream 2.0 makes it easy to manage applications for your class. Simply install your applications on AppStream 2.0 the same way you would on any Windows computer. Then, configure your application with a few clicks, and your students can start learning. You can use G Suite and other IT solutions to manage student access and provide individual storage. AppStream 2.0 is fully managed on AWS with simple pay-as-you-go pricing.

Your students simply open a web browser, choose the application they need, and start learning. You no longer need to worry about running Windows applications on Macs and Chromebooks, or troubleshooting installations with your students.

Applications are available for your students on demand. They can access them during class, close their laptops when class ends, and pick up where they left off at the library, a cafe, or at home.

You don't need to reserve computer labs, and your students don't need to find a computer lab to do their work. AppStream 2.0 delivers what your students need at the computer lab directly to their computers, whether Mac, Chromebook, or PC.

Simply install your applications on AppStream 2.0 the same way you would on a Windows computer. Then, configure your application in a few clicks, and your students can start learning. You can use G Suite or your school's existing IT solutions to manage student access and provide individual storage.

Stop purchasing computers your students use for only a few hours a week. With AppStream 2.0, you pay only for the time your students are streaming applications, plus a reduced monthly fee per student. There are no long-term contracts, complex licensing, or termination fees.

Your classes aren't limited by students' access to specific computers on campus or in the classroom. With AppStream 2.0 any student in the world can access the applications they need for class with a fluid and responsive experience.

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Get started with Amazon AppStream 2.0

Try sample applications at no cost

Amazon AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed application streaming service that simplifies application delivery. You centrally manage your desktop applications on AppStream 2.0 and securely deliver them to any computer. Users access the same version of each application using their existing credentials and your security policies control access. You can stop managing application installations and updates on every user's computer and scale to any number of users across the globe without acquiring, provisioning, and operating hardware or infrastructure. AppStream 2.0 is built on AWS, so you benefit from a data center and network architecture designed for the most security-sensitive organizations.

AppStream 2.0 is fully managed on AWS and globally available with pay-as-you-go pricing. You can easily scale your application streaming to any number of users across the globe without acquiring, provisioning, and operating hardware or infrastructure.

AppStream 2.0 removes the complexity and administrative overhead of on-premises application streaming. There is no upfront cost. You don't acquire, provision, and operate Windows servers, databases, network appliances, or streaming gateways.

Applications and data are not stored on users' computers. Your applications are streamed as encrypted pixels and access data secured within your network. AppStream 2.0 runs on AWS, so you benefit from a data center and network architecture built for the most security-sensitive organizations.

Each user accesses the same version of your applications. You centrally manage your applications on AppStream 2.0 and can stop managing installations and updates on each user's computer.

AppStream 2.0 connects to your Active Directory, network, cloud storage, and file shares. Users access their applications using their existing credentials and your existing security policies manage access. Extensive APIs let you integrate AppStream 2.0 with your custom IT solutions.

AppStream 2.0 moves your users' applications to the cloud. You no longer need to operate on-premises application streaming infrastructure or manage computers for each user.

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

Which of the following is not a platform that you can use to develop windows desktop applications?

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Get started with Amazon AppStream 2.0

Try sample applications at no cost

Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) recognize the growing user demand for cloud-centered solutions, and many ISVs anticipate migrating their infrastructure from the traditional on-premises client-server architecture to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. If you have Windows or Linux desktop applications and are looking to move to SaaS, Amazon AppStream 2.0 can help accelerate that journey. With AppStream 2.0, you can launch a SaaS solution that addresses user needs swiftly and flexibly without rewriting your application.

AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed application and desktop streaming service that helps your users securely access their applications from anywhere on a web browser. Your applications and data are securely transmitted across the network in encrypted pixels. With AppStream 2.0, you can quickly scale your applications to users across the globe without having to manage any infrastructure.

Accelerate Cloud Adoption  With Application Streaming

A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of AWS

With AppStream 2.0, your applications are quickly accessible on a web browser. Install your desktop applications on AppStream 2.0 as you would on any computer, and then start streaming them to your users. Your users will access the same version of your applications, and you won’t need to manage multiple codebases. This reduces your downtime, deployment duration, and administrative overhead.

AppStream 2.0 helps scale your applications quickly, based on your usage patterns. You can scale your applications to users across the globe without procuring, deploying, and managing any infrastructure.

AppStream 2.0 can accelerate your SaaS transformation for your Windows or Linux desktop applications. With AppStream 2.0, you can deliver applications from AWS to an HTML5 browser without rewriting your applications, which can help shorten your time to market.

With AppStream 2.0, you can shorten your sales cycle by streaming demos and trials of your desktop applications to a browser with no local installation or special hardware requirements. Users can instantly access training from a browser on a Windows PC, Linux PC, Mac, Chromebooks or tablets. You can simply provide an online trial link to prospects through email.

Launch a SaaS solution for your Windows or Linux desktop applications without rewriting or refactoring your applications. Applications are available through a web portal, and you can manage your users’ access and data using the built-in features available in AppStream 2.0. You can stream your application to any number of users across the globe without building or managing a data center or any infrastructure.

Elastic fleets is a serverless fleet type from AppStream 2.0 which eliminates capacity management and reduce costs. You no longer need to manage scaling policies or create images for your users to access their applications. Your users can simply stream from a pool of instances created by AppStream 2.0, and applications are launched from a virtual hard disk.

Use AppStream 2.0 to stream your Linux instances to users, regardless of their client device type. With the availability of Amazon Linux 2 on AppStream 2.0, you no longer need to pay Windows operating system costs and Remote Desktop Services Subscriber Access License user fees to stream Linux applications to users. With Linux support in AppStream 2.0, you can simply stream your Linux compatible applications the same way you would stream your Windows desktop applications.

With AppStream 2.0, your users get a single login point to access all of their applications and complete their jobs. AppStream 2.0 can be integrated with your custom identity provider. AppStream 2.0 support for AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS SSO) and Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0) access modes gives you the ability to federate or authenticate your users’ access.

Amazon AppStream 2.0 for ISVs

Accelerate application adoption with online delivery