Why is Macbeth unafraid of Siward?

The 3 witches - Magical, Mischievous

King Duncan - Kind, Smart

Macbeth - Brave, Outgoing

Lady Macbeth - Ambitious, Fearless

Malcolm - Loyal, Uncertain

Lennox - A Scottish nobleman

Macduff - Heroic, Courageous

Hecate - Smart, Supportive

Fleance - Scared, faithful

The Murders - Determined, Followers

Lady Macduff - Unafraid, Protective

Doualbain - Startled, Structured

Act 1. Scene 1. The 3 witches are outside in a storm.

Act 1. Scene 2. King Duncan is at a military camp near his forres in Scotland with a wounded soldier.

Act 1. Scene 5&6 Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are talking in their palace before King Duncan comes with his men.

Act 1. Scene 7. In the palace of Macbeth, in the dining room feasting.

All of Act 2 takes place somewhere in the palace of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Act 3.Scene 1&2. In the forres / castle of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Act 3. Scene 3. The three murderers are waiting for Banquo and his son to arrive near a wooden park outside the castle of Macbeth.

Act 3. Scene 4. The newly named king and queen (Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) enter into their castle.

Act 4. Scene 1. The three witches are suddenly appear in a dark cavern at night.

Act 4. Scene 2. Lady Macduff is in her castle with her son.

Act 4. Scene 3. Outside King Edwards palace.

Act 4. Scene 5. The three witches are still in the cavern.

Act 5. Scene 1. Lady Macbeth is located in the Kings Palace.

Act 5. Scene 2&3. A group of men are outside the Kings Palace in Dunsiane.

Act 5. Scene 4. Malcolm is talking with Siward in a country near Birnam Wood.

Act 5. Scene 5. Macbeth is in his Castle.

Act 5. Scene 6. Outside the Kings castle, the battle between both sides starts.

Act 5. Scene 7-10. All men are battlefield fighting trying to find a winner.

Act 5. Scene 11. Both Malcolm and Siward walk into the castle declaring victory.

Act 1. Scene 3. The 3 witches are in an open field during a storm,waiting to hail Banquo and Macbeth.

Act 1. Scene 4. Duncan is at his palace.

Captain comes back injured form combat ( Act 1. Scene 2. ) The captain of the troops was very injured after fighting in combat, King Duncan comes with his 2 sons and attendants to help him, and also hear the story of what happened while in combat.

Macbeth is not sure if he wants to follow through with his original plan on killing King Duncan ( Act 1. Scene 5 ) Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are debating and are unsure if they are going to follow through with killing King Duncan when he comes to their palace for a feast.

Macbeth kills King Duncan (Act 2. Scene 2) In the beginning, Macbeth is not sure if he will follow through with the deed. He also starts to hallucinate the way in which he kills King Duncan. With the push of Lady Macbeth and the well thought out plan he follows through with it.

Macbeth has Banquo and Fleance killed. (Act 3. Scene 3) During this act, Macbeth really wants to get rid of Banquo because he is a threat to him. He finds the murderers and tells them the job that they need to do. Unfortunately for the newly named king, only Banquo was killed but his son had escaped to seek another lord in England. Macbeth doesn't think that his escape will be a big deal in the moment.

Macbeth orders men to go and kill the family of Macduff (Act 4. Scene 2) During this act, the 3 witches had told Macbeth that Macduff was acting as some kind of threat, this resorted in the thought of Macbeth going to capture his castle and along with that, killing Macduff's son and wife. Lady Macduff was feeling betray when she knew Macduff had fled the country. As she was talking to her son about what had happened, she had been interrupted by a messenger telling her that she was in great danger. Few seconds later, murders burst into the room killing her son and later killing her.

Macbeth gets word that his wife had passed away (Act 5. Scene 5) A while before the battle between the 2 troupes begins, one of Macbeth's men (Seyton) comes in to share with him some news. This is that his wife passed away. Later in the act, it is assumed that her death was not by accident, but on purpose. The stress of keeping the murder of King Duncan had finally gotten to her.

The battle between Macduff and Macbeth (Act 5. Scene 10) After Macduff had found out that Macbeth was the reason for death of his wife and child, he was determined to kill Macbeth himself. When entering the castle and finding Macbeth, there is a lot of words going back and forth. Macbeth is saying that he will not be killed because of what the witches have told him. On the side of Macduff, he says he was not "woman born" which is a big deal for both men. This statement scares Macbeth and ultimately leads him to his death as Macduff wins the fight and takes the head of Macbeth back to his men.

Be careful who you trust. During the first act of the play, there is a special connection that is made between Kind Duncan and Macbeth. From what meets the eye to King Duncan, Macbeth is a really caring and brave person that is willing to take on the responsibility of being thane of Cawdor, but what he doesn't know is that it is all an act and that there is an evil plot against him. This theme can also be applied to the real world, because sometimes you never really know what someone is really like behind closed doors.

Always be aware of your surroundings. During act 2, there was a lot of lying that occurred. Although Macbeth did end up killing King Duncan, he continued to lie to the people around him. This was expected because Lady Macbeth didn't want either of them to get into trouble. This can connect to the real world because sometimes things aren't always how they seem to be. Seeing as everybody had a lot of trust and faith in Macbeth they didn't suspect anything or think anything of him being connected to the murder, but maybe they should think about what might have happened leading up to that point.

Don't let power take over. During the whole play, you can clearly see what power does to Macbeth in particular. In the beginning he was unsure about killing King Duncan. He knew that there would be a consequence afterwards. Although he did follow through he was still feeling a little bit guilty. Later, when he wanted Banquo and his son killed, there was no holding him back that time. Since he had power now, he just bribed the murderers to do the dirty work for him. At the end when he had Lady Macduff killed and her son, he had the same mindset because of all the power that had been given to him, and all the power that he had taken advantage of. This can connect to the real world because sometimes certain things can change people permanently and can cause them to make actions that will have a long lasting impact.