Why is my Facebook Business Page not working


You are in the middle of setting up your Facebook Connection to begin using Ads Manager. When you get to the screen to choose your Facebook Business Page (as shown below), you do not see your Business Page in the list.

You have tried clicking the arrow to view the entire drop-down menu, but your Facebook Business Page still does not appear.


There are two common causes to this problem, and to understand how to solve them, it's first important to understand a few key points about how Facebook Business Pages work:

  1. All Facebook Business Pages are connected to personal accounts, so you must login from a personal Facebook account.
  2. You not only have to login from a personal account, but that account must also be an "Admin" of your Facebook Business Page. (The "Admin" is one of several Facebook Business Page roles.)
  3. Facebook works on a browser level, automatically detecting whoever is logged in from the same internet browser. (Even if you're using a different tab or haven't looked at Facebook in days, Facebook still "sees" your login and will suggest only that particular personal account.)

Keeping these points in mind, there are two possible solutions.

Solution #1: Log Out and Back Into Facebook

The most common reason why users do not see their Facebook Business Page is that they are inadvertently logged into the wrong Facebook account. (For example, maybe you're logged into your "spare" personal account that you share with your spouse, or maybe your coworker has logged into Facebook on your computer without you realizing it.)

If you are logged into the wrong account, you will not see your Facebook Business Page in PSAI.

To ensure that you're logged into the correct personal Facebook account, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Open Facebook in another tab of your internet browser. (Make sure it is the same browser you are currently using for PSAI!)
  2. Manually log out of Facebook through the menu.
  3. Log back into Facebook with the correct account.
  4. Come back to the tab where PSAI is open. Close the pop-up box to refresh the Facebook connection process. Because you have just manually logged out and logged back in, the correct personal Facebook account will now be suggested to you.

Solution #2: Double-Check If You're a Facebook Admin

A less common cause of a PSAI user not seeing their Facebook Business Page is that they are not an Admin of their Facebook Business Page. (For example, you may have hired a third-party vendor to set up your page, and they have not granted you access. Or maybe your marketing person set up the page and forgot to add you.)

If you are not an Admin, you will not see your Facebook Business Page in PSAI.

To check if you're an Admin, follow these steps:

  1. Conduct a search in Facebook for your Business Page.
  2. Click on the appropriate page in the search results.
  3. Do you see the page below? If you cannot see the "Manage Page" option, then you are not an Admin.

If you are not an Admin, then you'll need to request that role from whoever originally set up or currently manages your page. You can provide these instructions to help you get added as an Admin of your Facebook Business Page.


If you've tried the two solutions above but are still unable to see your Facebook Business Page to finish setting up Ads Manager, please contact PSAI Support. Use this link to fill out a Support ticket, or open the Help widget in the bottom right corner of the screen.

If you’re a Facebook page admin, you will certainly have encountered some challenges along the way. Some of them are minor irritations while others are heart-stoppingly catastrophic. We are busy enough without trying to deal with more problems – right? So, today, I have compiled three common Facebook Page issues plus the effective ways of solving them:

1. Your Facebook ad account is blocked

Your advertising account has been flagged because of unusual activity. For security reasons, any ads you are running will be paused…

This is literally the worst message a page admin can see when they log into their account. The worst. Not because you have done something terrible, but because you have just entered the murky world of Facebook customer service. Facebook is renowned for its clever innovations and advertising strategies but definitely not for its robotic and often non-existent customer service.

The challenge

Let’s assume that you weren’t trying to sell guns or drugs on your Facebook page. Let’s also assume that your ad account hasn’t been hacked and you are not using a stolen credit card to place your ads.

First of all, you need to understand that your account may have been blocked for a number of innocent reasons. These may include accessing your ad account via a proxy or using an image which Facebook deems to be unacceptable. Note, this could just be an innocent photo but still one that Facebook’s computerized approvals process deemed to be inappropriate.

A suspension is bad news for page admins because all of the following will immediately occur:

  • You will learn that Facebook does not have a telephone number.
  • All your running ads will be paused, yes, even the ones that were doing great!
  • You won’t be able to access your reporting panel.
  • You will be unable to add a new payment method or place new ads.
  • You will realize that the thousands you spent in advertising doesn’t mean you get preferential treatment.

The solution

As I mentioned before, Facebook’s customer service is not the best. Basically, appealing an ad account suspension involves filling out a form and then waiting and waiting and waiting.

So here are three ways you can get your ad account up and running again:

Connect another profileIf you really do need your ad account running quickly then you could try using another profile connected to the page with a different payment method. You won’t be able to resume your paused ads but you can create new ones. However, a word of caution, don’t rush into this as it may flag further suspicious activity on your account.
 Appeal, but only onceResending the appeal form over and over just moves it to the bottom of the queue. So, send it once and then be patient.
 Comment on the official pageAs page admins, we know that the fastest way to get the attention of a brand, however big, is to comment publicly on their page. Visit Facebook Business and leave a polite but firm complaint on one of their posts.

The best way to deal with Facebook’s customer service is not to need them in the first place. Therefore, it is a good idea to read their advertising Dos and Don’ts right here beforehand. If you have been suspended then stay calm and follow the tips above. Most accounts are unsuspended … eventually!

2. Your organic reach declines

If you’ve been a Facebook page admin for a while, you will have noticed a big drop in the number of fans interacting on your organic posts. Check out this snapshot of organic reach from my site, Charli Says, between January 2016 and now:

Actually, this decline was picked up by numerous marketers back in 2014, prompting a response from Facebook’s VP of Advertising Technology, Brian Boland who commented:

Over the past few months, I’ve read articles and answered questions from many people who are concerned about declines in organic reach for their Facebook Pages. My colleagues and I at Facebook understand that this has been a pain point for many businesses, and we’re committed to helping you understand what’s driving this change …

So, what was the outcome? Boland concluded that there’s simply too much content being published on Facebook, making News Feed visibility, increasingly competitive. In addition, Facebook is trying to show users the content that is most relevant to them.

Fast forward to 2016 and Facebook adjusted its News Feed algorithm again – to further prioritize content from friends and family over Pages. In the blog post announcing the algorithm change, Facebook Engineering Director Lars Backstrom warned that Pages could anticipate a dip in organic reach. Research from Social@Ogilvy, now suggests that for Pages with more than 500,000 likes, organic reach is indeed as low as 2%.

The challenge

The drop in organic reach has really hit Facebook page admins hard, especially the ones who are not able to fork out mega bucks for high reach advertising. Some of the challenges associates with a low organic reach are as follows:

Fewer interactionsIt’s really tough coming up with engaging ideas for your Facebook page when you’re not getting a response to any of them. Fewer interactions also means that your page loses algorithmic power and Facebook will show it to less of your fans.
 Fewer new fansFacebook’s algorithm is set up to show posts you’ve liked to your friends. If you stop liking a page’s posts then your friends will stop seeing them too.
 Lower web trafficIf you are posting website links to your Facebook page in the hope of driving traffic then the dip in organic reach will certainly have hit you hard. It has probably hit your pocket too as less web traffic equals fewer sales.

The solution

Knowing the reasons behind the drop in organic reach is good, but what can Facebook page admins actually do to overcome this one of the common Facebook Page issues? Here are my favorite methods for organically raising your Facebook reach:

Post lessLess is more when it comes to increasing your organic reach. Remember that spamming your fans with too many posts may cause them to unfollow or mute your updates. Instead of posting mass updates, take your time and think about accompanying images, videos and high-quality content.
 Ask fans to change their settingsBy asking fans to make a simple adjustment and tick “see first”, your posts will be prioritized in their feeds, thus making user interaction more likely. Remember that your fans may not dislike your page, they just aren’t seeing your posts.

Run a contestRunning a simple contest on your Facebook page can give your organic reach a massive boost. Give away a product, offer a discount or start a competition. This will encourage more comments and shares and will push your page up the rankings.
 Make a videoResearch says that 92% of mobile video viewers share content with others. Additionally, native Facebook videos get a 186% higher engagement rate and are shared 1000% more than videos linked from other hosting sites. That’s huge and a statistic you simply cannot ignore!

Many Facebook page admins worry that they don’t have fancy video equipment and therefore avoid video entirely. That’s a big mistake. Use videos with captions and engaging visuals. Even if you make the video yourself, you will still see a boost in organic engagement.

Get personalInternet users are getting tired of the corporate blah blah that they get from many pages. One great way to overcome this is to make a Facebook Live video featuring you or a member of your team. You can view my Facebook Q&A video here. The organic response, as you can see, was excellent for a page which, at the time, had just 2000 fans.

Spend money, but wiselyIf you are happy to spend a few dollars to boost your posts then you will, of course, see a boost in engagement. That said, Facebook’s targeting capabilities are much better than they used to be, so you can now tap into specific demographics such as interests, web behavior, geography and much more. If you’re going to spend money then get the best bang for your buck.

It’s time to get creative if you really want to combat dwindling organic reach on your Facebook page. Spend more time creating amazing content, video and image assets and less time posting meaningless daily updates.

3. You’re getting some negative reviews on your fan page

It’s a known fact that 88% of online shoppers will read a review before making a purchase decision. That’s a significant number. Add to this that 62% of consumers will check a brand’s Facebook page prior to purchase, and you can immediately understand that reviews matter. So, what about the reviews on your Facebook page, how are they looking?

The challenge

If you have a physical business address or an online shop then, chances are, you will have the reviews feature enabled on your page. Depending on the nature of your business, you may get negative reviews based on any of the following:

  • A bad customer service experience.
  • A faulty or damaged product.
  • A PR scandal and user revolt.
  • Spam from a troll or competitor.

If you get lots of reviews and most of them are positive then your average will be higher and the occasional negative will not affect your scores. You can see this below for one of my favorite Med based hotels, The Princess Beach.

The hotel has received 213 five-star reviews and only three one-star reviews so their average is 4.7, which is great. Book me in ASAP!

On the other hand, if your negatives are outweighing your positives as shown below at the New World in New York then you definitely have a problem.

The solution

There are many ways that you should, and definitely shouldn’t tackle your negative review problem. Here are my best troubleshooting tips:

Always answer politelyIt can be infuriating to receive a negative review, especially if you feel that it was undeserved. However, you must always answer politely and respectfully otherwise you will be opening up a world of trouble, remember Amy’s Baking Company? Well, they are not in business anymore so that didn’t end well.

Report unfair reviewsFacebook, understandably, doesn’t allow page admins to delete reviews from their page. If, however, you feel that a review was pure spam (yes, that can happen) then you should report it. To report a review that doesn’t adhere to Facebook’s Community Standards, go to the review and click on the menu arrow in the top right corner. Be aware though, that you shouldn’t be reporting reviews just because they are complaints.
 Think about what you didIf you are getting a ton of bad reviews because you have committed a PR faux pas then perhaps you should think about what you have done. Should you be constructing a public apology to your Facebook fans before you accumulate any more negatives? It’s important that you allow Facebook users to vent their frustrations and then follow up with a meaningful apology and plan to rectify whatever it was that you did.
 Disable your reviewsUntruthful or spammy reviews can damage your business so if you have answered politely and they still keep coming then you might want to consider disabling ratings and reviews entirely. You should be aware, though, that if you are doing this to hide from a public outcry, you will just drive the problem elsewhere!
 Encourage good reviewsI’m a big fan of encouraging happy clients to leave reviews, and this is a great way to raise your overall star rating. You could add a link to your review page in an email to your client database or simply post on your page and ask if your loyal fans would oblige.

So, there you go, three common Facebook Page issues and how to solve them. Did you find the answer you were looking for? Comment below and let us know.

Why can't I access my business page on Facebook?

Due to Facebook's policies, you need to have a personal account with admin rights to access a business page. Due to how Facebook works, admins are needed to control the business page as business pages cannot be logged into directly without first logging into a personal Facebook account.

What happened to Facebook business pages?

The Facebook company is now Meta, and Facebook Business Suite is now Meta Business Suite.

How do I get access to my Facebook business page?

Steps to request access to a Page from Business Manager:.
Go to Business Settings..
Below Accounts, click Pages..
Click the blue Add dropdown button..
Select Request Access to a Page..
Enter the Facebook Page name or URL..
Use the toggles to choose which permissions you need..
Click Request Access..

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