Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone, Jakarta - Kali ini, tim Tekno akan mengulas trik membuka situs dengan tampilan dekstop di peramban Safari iPhone.  

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Biasanya, saat Anda mengakses sebuah situs di Safari, situs akan langsung memuat tampilan mobile. Nah, terkadang tidak semua situs memuat seluruh menu di tampilan mobile. 

Tips ini dapat menjadi referensi Anda yang lebih nyaman mengakses situs dengan tampilan penuh. Perlu diketahui, cara ini tak berlaku bagi iPhone dengan iOS versi 7.

Tanpa berlama-lama, seperti dikutip dari Business Insider, Selasa (17/5/2016), simak ulasan singkatnya berikut ini:

1. Buka Situs
Kami menjajal langsung cara ini dengan mengakses situs Ketuk icon "share" berbentuk persegi dengan arah panah. Opsi ini akan menampilkan beberapa menu untuk membagikan tautan, mengkopi, hingga menambahkan ke daftar baca.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

2. Geser ke Kanan 
Eit, ternyata masih ada opsi-opsi lain di sisi kanan. Swipe kolom menu tersebut ke arah kanan dan ketuk menuh "Request Dekstop Site".

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

Ini artinya, Anda meminta peramban untuk memuat situs dengan tampilan penuh.

3. Tampilan Dekstop

Voila! Situs pun berubah dari tampilan mobile ke tampilan dekstop. Anda dapat menjelajah berbagai menu dan konten di tampilan ini.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

Untuk memperbesar atau memperkecil layar, Anda tinggal mencubit (pinch) layar. Selamat mencoba!


Why view the desktop version of a website on a mobile browser?

Both Safari and Chrome are well optimized for accessing the web on mobile devices. However, a few websites still exist that do not provide an optimal surfing experience on mobile devices. As a result, the user might not be able to access critical functionalities of that web page on a mobile browser.

In such a case, users need to switch to the desktop version of a website from their mobile browsers. Doing this enables them to view the entire web page at once.

Note: Safari is the second most preferred browser in the world after Chrome. Naturally, anyone catering to iPhone users has to optimize their web applications for both mobile and desktop versions of Safari.

Post demonstration, this article also explains how teams can test their websites instantly on Safari directly from their browsers on real desktop and mobile devices.

Which is the most popular browser in the world?

Now let’s get started with the demonstration.

Try Testing on iPhone Devices for Free

How to request a desktop site on the iPhone

Listed below are the steps one can follow to view the desktop version of a website in Safari running on iPhone (iOS 13)

  1. Open the Safari browser and navigate to any website.
  2. Once the website loads, click the “aA” icon available in the top corner positioned before the address bar. It opens the website view menu.
  3. From the available options, choose the “Request Desktop Website” option.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone
Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

In case, one wants access to the latest iPhones for testing,

Try Testing on iPhone Devices for Free

Read More: How to Debug on iPhone Safari for Windows

Individuals who are using iOS 12 and earlier versions, follow these two steps:

Step1: Open the Safari browser window and navigate to the desired website. Once the website loads, tap and hold on the “Refresh” button next to the address bar.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

Step 2: A pop-up appears at the bottom of the screen, choose Request Desktop Site from the two options.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

Following the steps above will help in viewing the desktop version of any website.

Now, let’s understand how teams can ensure that their website is optimized for both mobile and desktop versions of Safari.

There are two easy methods:

Method 1: Manually downloading latest and legacy browser versions of Safari

Developers and QAs can download the latest and older versions of Safari manually on their devices and test websites on it. However, this process is extremely time-consuming and effort-intensive. Downloading and installing individual browser versions is an inefficient task.

Besides, testing different versions of Safari on real iOS devices means requires teams to have on-premise device labs. Having such labs incurs huge investments, both financially and in terms of human effort. Maintaining and updating it on a regular basis comprises an additional overhead.

Read more: Why are Cloud Device Farms need of the hour for every firm?

Method 2: Using BrowserStack to test websites on real devices

For comprehensive cross browser testing across a variety of browser versions and devices, teams need the ideal test infrastructure. BrowserStack exactly does that by providing teams cloud-based access to 2000+ real devices and browsers. BrowserStack’s real device cloud provides the following:

  1. Real Android and iOS devices (latest and legacy handsets)
  2. Windows and macOS environments running on real machines
  3. Popular browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera and others

What is the best way to request a desktop site on multiple iPhone models?

QAs or developers just need to choose the desired environment (macOS or iOS), followed by the device type and browser versions. Then, they start testing.

Start Testing on all Browser Versions for Free

BrowserStack enables effortless testing on both mobile and desktop versions of Safari. This is because teams can select the desired test environment with a few clicks. The image below represents the real iOS devices and macOS environments provided by BrowserStack for testing.

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

Now, let’s have a look at a sample Safari session running on iPhone 11 Pro.BrowserStack also provides the following vital features:

Cara mode desktop Chrome di iPhone

  1. Geolocation testing to evaluate the geography-based behavior of the website.
  2. Integrations with popular bug reporting tools like Jira, Trello, and Slack.
  3. Instant access for developers and QAs to Safari DevTools.
  4. Testing of haptic features like pinch to zoom in or zoom out or device rotation.

Thus, one can easily view desktop versions of websites on iPhones. One can also conclude how platforms like BrowserStack can make the process easier, faster and foolproof.

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How to inspect element on iPhone

3 Easy Ways to Make Cross Browser Compatible Websites

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Expect a curated list of guides shortly.

Bagaimana cara situs desktop di iPhone?

2. Aktifkan Mode Desktop untuk Situs secara Permanen Kunjungi situs yang ingin Anda muat dalam mode desktop. Selanjutnya, ketuk ikon aA, lalu ketuk Pengaturan Situs Web. Pada menu yang muncul, hidupkan sakelar di sebelah Request Desktop Website. Ketuk Selesai, dan hanya itu.

Bagaimana cara mengaktifkan mode desktop di Chrome?

Cara buka versi desktop di Chrome Android.
Luncurkan Chrome, kemudian kunjungi website apapun..
Setelah dimuat, tap ikon tiga titik vertikal di kanan atas..
Centang opsi Situs desktop..
Chrome akan memuat ulang halaman secara otomatis ke tampilan desktop..

Apakah safari Bisa mode desktop?

Di kolom pencarian Safari (tempat memasukkan alamat website), tap pada simbol huruf AA yang ada di sebelah kiri kolom Search. Tap Request Desktop Website. Secara otomatis tampilan blog Apple Mama akan diubah ke dalam mode desktop alias tampilan yang biasa ditunjukkan untuk layar komputer.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan mode desktop?

Mode desktop Android Q menawarkan beberapa fitur baru yang keren: Dengan mode desktop, suatu aplikasi dapat digunakan secara bersamaan pada smartphone dan monitor. Pada tampilan sekunder (monitor), mode desktop Android Q dapat membuat jendela aplikasi kedua.