Excel axis text instead of numbers

Have you ever encountered a problem that the text labels cannot be shown correctly on the X-axis of a scatter chart as below screenshot shown? In this article, I introduce an around-way for solving this problem.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Display text labels in X-axis of scatter chart

Display text labels in X-axis of scatter chart

Actually, there is no way that can display text labels in the X-axis of scatter chart in Excel, but we can create a line chart and make it look like a scatter chart.

1. Select the data you use, and click Insert > Insert Line & Area Chart > Line with Markers to select a line chart. See screenshot:

Excel axis text instead of numbers

2. Then right click on the line in the chart to select Format Data Series from the context menu. See screenshot:

Excel axis text instead of numbers

3. In the Format Data Series pane, under Fill & Line tab, click Line to display the Line section, then check No line option. See screenshot:

Excel axis text instead of numbers

If you are in Excel 2010 or 2007, check No line in the Line Color section.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Then only the markers are displayed in the chart which look like a scatter chart.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Tip: If you usually use complex charts in Excel, which will be troublesome as you create them very time, here with the Auto Text tool of Kutools for Excel, you just need to create the charts at first time, then add the charts in the AutoText pane, then, you can reuse them in anywhere anytime, what you only need to do is change the references to match your real need.  Click for free download it now.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

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I have a chart as part of a template which gets plotted based on source data. Data seem to be fine but labels in x-axis are shown as sequence of numbers 1,2,3,4,etc., instead of actual labels(these change with source data).

Excel axis text instead of numbers

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This tutorial will demonstrate how to change Number Values to Text in Y Axis in Excel

Changing Number Values to Text in Excel

We’ll start with the below information. This graph shows each individual rating for a product between 1 and 5.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Below is the text that we would like to show for each of the ratings.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Create a table like below to show the Ratings, A column with all zeros, and the name of each

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Add Ratings Series

  1. Right click on the Graph
  2. Click Select Data

Excel axis text instead of numbers

3. Click on Add under Series

Excel axis text instead of numbers

4. Select the Header for the Series Name

5. Select the Series Value for the Values and click OK.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Format XY Series

  1. Right click Graph
  2. Select Change Chart Type

Excel axis text instead of numbers

3. Click on Combo

4. Select Graph next to XY Chart

5. Select Scatterplot

Excel axis text instead of numbers

6. Select Scatterplot Series

7. Click Select Data

Excel axis text instead of numbers

8. Select XY Chart Series

9. Click Edit

Excel axis text instead of numbers

10. Select X Value with the 0 Values and click OK.

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Change Labels

  1. While clicking the new series, select the + Sign in the top right of the graph
  2. Select Data Labels
  3. Click on Arrow and click Left

Excel axis text instead of numbers

4. Double click on each Y Axis line type = in the formula bar and select the cell to reference

Excel axis text instead of numbers

5. Click on the Series and Change the Fill and outline to No Fill

Excel axis text instead of numbers

6. Click on the Original Y Axis Series with numbers and click Delete

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Final Graph with Numbers Replaced by Text

Excel axis text instead of numbers

Excel axis text instead of numbers