Excel multiple print areas on one page

Print area specifies a range of cellsfrom an Excel worksheet which will be printed instead of the total sheet when you give the command to print. It is a useful feature of Excel because it allows printing only the specified parts of a worksheet. In this article, I’ll show you 4 easy and effective ways to set a print area in Excel.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Suppose, you have the following dataset and you want to print only a portion of this dataset. That’s why you need to set a print area.

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5 Ways to Set Print Area in Excel

1. Set Print Area From Page Layout Tab

The easiest way to set the print area is by selecting the Print Area option from the Page Layout tab. First,

➤ Select the cells which you want to set as the print area.

After that,

➤ Go to Print Layout > Print Area and select Set Print Area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, the selected cells will be set as the print area.

Now, to view the print area,

➤ Go to the View tab and select Page Break Preview.

As a result, your Excel spreadsheet will be shown in Page Break view. You will see in this view the cells which you set as the print area are marked as page 1. So, when you will give the command to print, this area will be printed on the first page.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Read More: How to Change Print Area in Excel (5 Methods)

2. Set Print Area From Page Setup Window

You can also set the print area from the Page Setup Window. First,

➤ Go to the Page Layout tab and click on the little arrow icon from the bottom right corner of the Page Setup ribbon.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

It will open the Page Setup window.

➤ Go to the Sheet tab in this window and click on the Collapse icon from the end of the Print area box.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

It will collapse the Page Setup window. Now,

➤ Select the cells which you want to set as the print area and click on the Expand icon in the Page Setup – Print area box.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

It will expand the Page Setup window.

➤ Click on OK.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, the selected cells will be set as the print area.

Now, to view the print area,

➤ Go to the View tab and select Page Break Preview.

As a result, your Excel spreadsheet will be shown in Page Break view. You will see in this view the cells which you set as the print area are marked as page 1. So, when you will give the command to print, this area will be printed on the first page.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Read More: Excel VBA: How to Set Print Area Dynamically (7 Ways)

3. Set Multiple Print Areas in Excel

You can also set multiple print areas in excel. Let’s see how to do that. First, you have to set up a print area.

➤ Select the cells which you want to set as the print areas.

After that,

➤ Go to Print Layout > Print Area and select Set Print Area.

So, the first print area will be set.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Now, if you select adjacent cells to the first print area, the cells can be added with this print area.

➤ Select adjacent cells to the first print area and go to Page Layout > Print Area > Add to Print Area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, these cells will be added to the previous print area. You can see that from the Page Break Preview of the View tab.

Excel multiple print areas on one page


➤ Select cells which are not adjacent to the 1st print area and go to Page Layout > Print Area > Add to Print Area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Now, Excel will set these cells as a different print area. You can see that from the Page Break Preview of the View tab. So, in this way you can set multiple print areas in your Excel sheet.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Related Content:How to Print Excel Spreadsheet on Multiple Pages (3 Ways)

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4. From Page Break Preview

You can also set the print area from the Page Break Preview option of the View tab.

➤ Go to the View tab and select Page Break Preview.

➤ Enclose your desired area to set as print area by dragging the blue lines in your desired location from the outside of the page.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, Excel will set the boxed area with blue lines as the print area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Read More:How to Set Print Preview in Excel (6 Options)

5. Set Print Area in Multiple Sheets Using VBA

You can create a Macro to set print area in a sheet or multiple sheets by using Microsoft Visual Basic Application (VBA). First,

➤ Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA window.

In the VBA window,

➤ Go to the Insert tab and select Module.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

It will open the Module(Code) window.

➤ Type the following code in the Module(Code) window,

Sub Print_Area()

    Dim PrintArea As Range
    Dim PrintAreaAddress As String
    Dim Sheet As Worksheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set PrintArea = Application.InputBox(" Select a Range for Print Area", Type:=8)
    If Not PrintArea Is Nothing Then
        PrintAreaAddress = PrintArea.Address(True, True, xlA1, False)
        For Each Sheet In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
            Sheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = PrintAreaAddress
    End If
    Set PrintArea = Nothing

End Sub

The code will create a Macro named Print_Area. This Macro will open a window for Input where you can select cells and set the cells as the print area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

➤ Close or minimize the VBA window.

5.1. For Single Worksheet

To apply the Macro for a single sheet,

➤ Press ALT+F8.

It will open the Macro window.

➤ Select Print_Area from the Macro name box and click on Run.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, a window named Input will appear.

➤ Select the cells which you want to set as print areas and click OK in the Input window.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, Excel will set the selected cells of this sheet as the print area.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

5.2. For Multiple Worksheets

This Macro will also allow you to set a cell range from multiple sheets as the print area.

➤ Select the sheets where you want to set the print area by pressing CTRL and clicking on the sheet name from the Status Bar.

Excel multiple print areas on one page


➤ Press ALT+F8.

It will open the Macro window.

➤ Select Module1.Print_Area from the Macro name box and click on Run.

The Macro, Print_Area was created in Module1 of the VBA sheet but we are using it in other sheets. So, Excel is mentioning the module name of the Macro before its name.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, a window named Input will appear.

➤ Select the cells which you want to set as print areas and click OK in the Input window.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

As a result, the selected cells will be set as the print area in all the selected sheets. If you open the Page Break Preview of any of these sheets, you will see the selected cell ranges are made as to the print areas.

Excel multiple print areas on one page

Read More:How to Print Multiple Sheets in Excel (7 Different Methods)


That’s for the day. I hope now you know how to set the print area in Excel. If you have any questions or confusion, feel free to leave a comment.

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How do I print non adjacent areas on one page in Excel?

Print Area option in Excel Select the rows, columns or any part of data hold control key and select parts using mouse. Go to Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area.

How do I print a range of areas in Excel?

You can define an area so that any time you print, only that cell range is printed..
Select the cells you want to print..
Click the Page Layout tab..
Click the Print Area button..
Select Set Print Area..

How do I print the same thing twice on one page in Excel?

Printing Multiple Pages On a Piece of Paper.
Display the Page Layout tab of the ribbon..
Click the small icon at the lower-right corner of the Page Setup group. ... .
Click on the Options button. ... .
Using the Pages Per Sheet control, specify how many pages you want printed on each sheet of paper..

Can you print multiple tabs in Excel on one page?

In the Print What area of the dialog box, choose the Entire Workbook option. Click the Properties button. Excel displays the Properties dialog box for the printer, with the Layout tab selected. Set the Pages Per Sheet control to 4.

How do I print multiple rows on one page in Excel?

Change the Scaling (Fit All Rows/Columns in One Page).
Click the File tab..
Click on Print (or use the keyboard shortcut – Control + P).
In the Print window, click on the Scaling option (it's the last option on the left).
Click on any one of the options: Fit Sheet on One Page. Fir All Columns on One Page..

Is there a shortcut to set print area in Excel?

If you ever need to adjust the print area, simply select the cells you want to include in the print area and then click the Page Layout tab on the ribbon. In the Page Setup group, click Print Area and then click Set Print Area. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt+P+R to quickly set the print area in Excel.