Heart rate over 200 bpm when exercising Reddit

Well, I just hit 204 Heartbeats per min… from AppleWatch

I'm a 21 year old female, weigh about 173 pounds and I'm 5'3". I've been working out regularly for about a month now, weight training and cardio.

Today I was on the elliptical (I can't run for long due to bad knees, hoping they get stronger with time) and my Fitbit (Charge 2) told me I hit 197 BPM and stayed within that zone for 7 minutes.

I felt great, it was definitely hard but I never felt dizzy or nauseous. I had to sit down afterwards to catch my breath and my energy level had decreased a bit, but I didn't pass out or anything.

My question is, is this healthy? Is it dangerous?

Edit: thanks for all of the responses! I just want to clarify a few things:

I'm not asking for medical advice. No one here knows my medical history, I'm moreso asking a general question about exercising and peak/max hr. Google doesn't give much about perks or downsides, or whether or not it's dangerous (which I understand depends on the person), or when to do it or when not. My question was definitely vague but I hope that clarifies things.

the Fitbit app gives a chart which shows the hr over time. You can see that the "peak hr" ranged from about 190 (maybe 170?) to 197. So during those 7 minutes my hr could have been anywhere within that range. chart of hr during exercise

I already planned on seeing a physician, and no, I won't be taking medical advice from strangers on Reddit.

Hi everyone!!

I'm new to OTF and took my third class today. I'm really enjoying it and I'm already planning to upgrade my membership because I started out with the Basic one to try it out first. Class today was amazing; I burned 658 calories and felt like I was excelling during the floor/rowing section, but when I got to the treadmill my heart rate got super high and it scared me. The instructor kept saying that if you're still in the red, it's fine as long as you're not light headed or dizzy and I was one of only two people in the red. My heart rate got up to 219 and I got scared and slowed down/lowered my incline until I was in the green zone again, then worked my way back up. Even though my heart rate was so high, I felt fine and didn't even feel out of breath. I'm not new to working out at all, but running has always been hard for me. Even then, I've never seen my heart rate so high. What are your heart rates usually like on the treadmill? I also got 46 splat points, which is more than double what I got in my first two classes. It was a leg and lower body day so maybe that's why?

Hi r/running!

I am a pretty novice runner, have been consistently running for a few months now and am absolutely loving it. I got a Garmin Vivoactive3 for Christmas, mostly just to track my distance and time etc but I have gotten interested in tracking my heart rate. It has been a month now so I am hoping that it has ‘settled’. My resting heart rate is consistently around 58-60avg over the past month, but when I am running it is always pushing 200 (198-203) no matter the distance I am running.

I always feel like I am working hard, but rarely feel like my tank is completely empty after a run. My pace isn’t super quick either, avg 6:30min/k.

I guess I am wondering how accurate the Garmin heart rate monitoring is, and if it is accurate, am I damaging my body pushing my heart rate so high?

In case it helps, I’m 26F, 5’11” and 62kgs.

Grateful for any insight!


Hi guys - just to preface this, I will ask my Dr and trainer about this as well tomorrow but just wanted to check with you lovely people: I reached 200bpm during 22 this week. Is this a good thing as in I was pushing myself a lot or should a heart just not beat that fast…. ? Thanks in advance .

Please excuse me if this isnt allowed here, but I started to worry about this.

Im 23, never worked out in my life, not overweight at all, standard average guy 150(most of my life until now) about 5' 10"

I recently started going to the gym and its been a month now and I feel amazing to get my body going and bulk up muscle. I noticed when I run (which is also hard to do because my form is fucked on the treadmill) my BPM usually is at 190+ but never past 205. Is this normal? I alternate between different 10 minute cardio before my workouts so some days itll be running some elliptical and some bike.

I obviously breathe very very heavily because I have never been an endurance runner but fast short distance sprinting. Sometimes I feel like I lost focus and will have weird vision "impairment" I dont know how to describe it besides like my brain isnt getting enough oxygen or blood or something. Like hanging upside down too long.

What should I do? Is this normal because I never have done things like this until now and my body isnt used to it? Is my BPM actually okay under heavy endurance cardio?

Again, sorry if this is frowned upon but I dont know where else to ask this besides all yall. Thank you.

Edit: Thank you all for the replies! I will for sure bring the intensity of my preworkout cardio down but increase the duration of it. Today, after doing the bike on level 8 (is that the same across all bike equipment? 🤷🏻‍♂️) for 10 minutes, my HR was 170ish. Its not running, so maybe the endurance running I do IS the problem after all.

Race heart rate hitting 221bpm. Too high/dangerous? from running

Hi, I started doing interval training on the treadmill back in November 2012 and my heart rate would go up to about 190, but at that time I was unfit and struggled to run for even a minute.

A little background info: I'm 19 years old, 5'8", 127 lbs, depressed (but not sad, just a lack of interest and motivation in life). I started running because I read about how exercise helps with depression. The effects I get are subtle unfortunately, but since I have no hobbies or social life it's easy to go to the gym rather than stare at a wall or computer screen all day.

Anyway, I used to be able to only run at 7 KPH for 1 minute and rest for 2. Then I improved to 8 KPH, then 9, 10 and now 11. I run for 1 minute then rest for 2 and repeat this for 30 minutes or until I burn out. I go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I rest the other days.

When I started being able to run 9 KPH for 1 minute my heart rate increased to 200+ BPM and now whenever I run faster than 9 KPH my heart rate increases to 200+ BPM. It has never gone past 203 though.

Should I worry about this or is this perfectly normal?

Also, is what I'm doing considered regular interval training or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)?

So, I'm a stay at home dad and I also recently quit smoking. I'm about 5'6' and 180 lbs, but I do have a good amount of muscle on me.

I've decided to get more serious about my health and fitness, and got my ass back in the gym today. I was running the elliptical, at a bit over 7 MPH for about 40 minutes out of the 60 I was on there. My heart rate slowly climbed up to the 190's toward the end and then reached 200.

It freaked me out a bit so I slowed my pace down too about 3-4 MPH and my heart rate went back down to the 160's. I was having a bit of pain in my chest the first few minutes but as I kept running it stopped and didn't seem to bother me too much, I just slowed down because I didn't want to over exert myself.

My question is, is it bad that my heart rate went up to 200? Should I consider slowing my pace down on my hour-long runs? Did I hurt myself by doing too much? I don't feel any pain now and I feel fine. I was just a bit concerned..