How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?

Updated 2 years ago by Van Le

Follow the steps below to set up your first ad account with Facebook:

Step 1: Set up a Business Manager account

Already have one? No problem! You can skip this step. Otherwise, follow the instructions below:

  1. Go to to begin setting up a Business Manager account with Facebook. This is not required, but highly recommended, especially if you plan on using several accounts and would like to manage users/partners on your ad account
  2. When you get to the to the Business Manager homepage, click "Log in" if you're not already logged in. You need to log into your personal Facebook account here.
  3. Once you are logged in, click on "Create Account"
  4. Fill out the form with information about your business.
  5. After you are done setting up your Business Manager account, you will be taken to the Business Manager Dashboard:
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
Step 2: Claim your Facebook Page(s)

Next you'll need to claim your Facebook pages in your Business Manager account.

  1. In your Business Manager dashboard, click on the menu on the top left hand corner, then select "Business Settings"
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  2. In your Business Settings, go to the "Pages" section and click "+ Add". You can choose to add a page you already own ("Add a Page"), request access to someone else's page ("Request Access to a Page"), or create a new page ("Create a New Page").
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
    1. Make sure to add all pages you want to use for your ads.
Step 3: Claim Your Personal Ad Account OR Create a New Ad Account
  1. To claim your personal ad account:
    1. In your Business Manager dashboard, click on the menu on the top left hand corner, then select "Business Settings"
      How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
    2. In your Business Settings, go to the "Ad Accounts" section and click "+ Add". Then select "Add an Ad Account":
      How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
    3. Insert the ad account ID into the "Ad account ID" field and click "Add Ad Account"
      How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  2. To create a brand new ad account:
    1. In your Business Settings, go to the "Ad Accounts" section and click "+ Add". Then select "Create a New Ad Account":
      How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
    2. Fill out the fields requested by Facebook. At the end, choose which users in your Business you want to have access to this ad account. Make sure you grant access to yourself.
Step 4: Add a Funding Source

Almost there! Last step is to add a funding source

  1. In your Business Settings, go to the "Billing" section:
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  2. In Billing, click on "Payment Settings":
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  3. In Payment Settings, click on "Add Payment Method". Make sure your ad account is selected on the top right hand corner:
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  4. Fill out the payment form and save the payment method:
    How do I add payment method to my Facebook business page?
  5. All set! you're now ready to start running some ads on Facebook. Check out this Help Doc to get started with some Click-to-Messenger ads on MobileMonkey

How did we do?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up a payment method in your Facebook Ad Account.

Add a payment method to your account

Before taking the steps shown here, keep in mind:

  • Make sure you're an admin of the ad account you're working on. You'll have to be one to manage an ad account's payment methods. Learn more about ad accounts and permissions.

  • If your ad account is set up for manual payments (meaning you add money to a balance on your account), you won't be able to add a payment method in the same way that's shown here. Also, some payment methods won't be an available option for you to use (such as PayPal). Learn more about manual payments.

A video walk-through of this guide can be found here:

A video guide on how to set up a payment method for Facebook & Instagram Ads

Step 2: In the Payment Method section, click Add Payment Method.

Step 3: Choose your Payment Method & Enter your information

Choose the payment method you want to add, fill in your information and then click Continue. Follow any additional instructions to add your payment method.

Your payment method will saved to your account.

Remove a payment method from your account

Your Payment Settings in Ads Manager is where you can remove a payment method from your ad account if you don't want to use it to pay for your ads anymore.

Before taking the steps shown here, keep the following things in mind:

  • First make sure you're an admin of the ad account you're working on. You'll have to be one to manage an ad account's payment methods. Learn more about ad accounts and permissions.

  • If you want to remove your current primary payment method but also want to keep advertising on Facebook, add another payment method first.

  • If you've added a payment method to your Facebook account before (like to purchase games or apps), you'll see it listed as one of your payment methods. You can remove it if you no longer want it available in your account.

Step 2: In the Payment Method section, find the payment method you want to remove and then click Remove on the right.

If you don't see the payment method you want to remove, click Show More to display all of your ad account's payment methods.

Step 3: In the confirmation screen, click Remove. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Your payment method will be removed from your ad account.

Tips for Managing Payments

  • You can always check what amount your billing threshold is set to in your Payment Settings. Knowing your billing threshold can help you keep track of when you'll receive your next bill for your ads

  • You don't have to wait until you've reached your billing threshold or your bill date to pay for your ads. As long as you have a current payment method associated with your ad account, you can pay whenever you're ready.

  • When you make a payment for your Facebook ads, the transaction will appear in the Billing section of your Ads Manager. Every transaction includes a receipt that shows details about your payment, like how much you spent, the reason you were billed, the campaigns that spent money, and the results your ads got you

Why can't I add a payment method on Facebook?

You have to be an admin of the ad account to add payment methods. Check that the payment method you're trying to add is an accepted payment option for Facebook ads. If your ad account is set up for manual payments, you won't be able to add a payment method using these steps.

How do I add a card payment on Facebook?

To add a payment method:.
Open your Messenger app..
Tap your profile picture in the top left..
Scroll down and tap Facebook Pay..
Tap Add new debit card or PayPal..
Tap Add Debit Card or Add PayPal..
Enter your payment method information, then tap Save..

How do I enable payment on Facebook?

You can start using Facebook Pay on Facebook or Messenger with just a few taps: Go to “Settings” > “Facebook Pay” on the Facebook app or website. Add a payment method. The next time you make a payment, use Facebook Pay.