How do I install Windows 2022 Essentials?

How do I install Windows Server Essentials?

Log on to your server as a local administrator. Open Server Manager, and then click Add Roles and Features. In Select server roles, select the Windows Server Essentials Experience role. In the dialog box, click Add Features, and then click Next.

Is there Windows Server Essentials 2022?

Windows Server 2022 Essentials is a specialized version of Windows Server. It is a specialized for small to medium sized businesses with that sweet spot of 25 users and 50 devices.

How do I access Windows Essentials?

On the Dashboard Sign in page, type your network administrator credentials, and then press ENTER. A remote connection to the Windows Server Essentials Dashboard opens.

Can I install 2022 without TPM?

TPM 2.0 is mandatory (should be installed and configured) for the following PowerEdge Servers shipping with Windows Server 2022 Operating System. For the list of Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers supporting Windows Server 2022 Operating System, refer to DellEMC's OS support guide .