How do I make my PS4 stop lagging when I stream?

We all hate game lag — this irritating issue preventing gamers from enjoying their favorite games. Unfortunately fixing lagging games is not an easy task.

In this article, we’ll list a series of solutions that you can use to fix PS4 lag. If you already powered down your router for 15 minutes, so it can get a new IP address from your ISP yet the issue persists, then use the troubleshooting suggestions listed below.

Of course, you can help us improve this article by listing your own suggestions on how to fix game lag on PS4.

How to fix game lag on PS4

How do I make my PS4 stop lagging when I stream?

1. Check your network connection settings and optimize them

If you’re lagging, this means that you’ve got a low download speed. Obviously, increasing download speed can help you fix this problem.

Follow the steps listed below to properly set your network connection:

  1. Launch Settings > go to Network > select Test Internet Connection to make sure that your network is up and running
  2. Now, go to Set Up Internet Connection > select your connection type (WiFi or LAN)
    How do I make my PS4 stop lagging when I stream?
  3. Select Custom > select your network > go to IP Settings > select Automatic
  4. At DHCP Host Name > select Do not specify
  5. For DNS Settings > select Manual
  6.  Set as your Primary DNS and as your Secondary DNS
  7. Hit Next > go to MTU Settings > select Manual > set 1476 > hit Next
  8. For Proxy server > select Do Not Use

Now, test your Internet connection. This time you should get a higher download speed. Aim for a download speed of at least 10 MB.

Test your connection several times and if you’re still getting under 10 MB, disconnect all other devices and apps using your WiFi or get a LAN cable.

You can also try to change your router’s WiFi settings from N (300mps) to B or G.

2. Free up some space

Make sure that you’ve got enough free space on your console. If you’re low on free space, this may cause system slowdowns which will then trigger game lag.

  1. Go to Settings > System Storage Management
  2. There are four main areas that you want to check and delete any unnecessary files and folders: Applications, Capture Gallery, Application Saved Data and Themes
  3. Simply select the content you want to delete > hit the Options button > hit Delete.

3. Update your console

Make sure that you’re running the latest system software version on your console. Go to Sony’s official website to download PS4 system updates.

4. Make sure there are no overheating issues

Overheating problems may also affect your console’s performance and trigger game lag issues. Unplug all cables and allow your console to cool down for about half an hour. Also, make sure that you place it in a well ventilated location.

5. Connect your PS4 to a laptop hotspot

Quite a few gamers suggested that connecting the console to a laptop’s hotspot may fix this problem. It seems this workaround worked for a limited number of users but it’s worth trying it nevertheless.

I hope something helped. If you’ve come across other solutions to fix game lag on PS4, let us know in the comments below.

Hi all.

Sorry if this question has been done to death but I streamed via my PS4 using twitch for the first time yesterday and while the chat/stream went well, the gameplay at my end was absolutely horrendous in terms of lag.

I am using a very basic setup just to trial and see if enjoy it.

My internet is not great, 40mb down and 5mb up from the PS4 which is connected to the router via ethernet.

I played about with the settings in the PS4 and even at the lowest resolution it was still unplayable.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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  3. Lag during streaming?

braves995 8 years ago#1

I changed the quality down to medium as well but it didnt seem to do too much. This is when playing NBA 2k14 online or Madden 25 online. Anyone know how to get rid of the lag/delay?


Faust21220 8 years ago#2

you mean your streaming the games? like using the streaming service?

id say your cheapest bet if you are having issues is running a cord to hardline your system if you havent already if your wireless cant handle it.

the more expensive is either new internet if you have less than 3 mb upload speed, or if you have good internet and your wireless is failing you a better wireless router would be recommended

Aegisfang22: If you play an Elder Scrolls game for the main're doing it wrong.

Neonwarrior1243 8 years ago#3

Are you talking about you watch the stream on the PC and look on the PS4 at what you'r doing but the PS4 is ahead?

Or do you mean the game you're playing is lagging or the stream is stuttering?

Since before I upgraded my internet I played Killzone SF the day before PS4 first launched and the game itself had no lag but if I looked at the stream on twitch it was stuttering this was with 1 Mbps upload.

NCPwn 8 years ago#4

I think he means the Vita remote play.

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Neonwarrior1243 8 years ago#5

NCPwn posted...

I think he means the Vita remote play.

Wouldn't he of said remote play instead?

Also can you even change the quality while doing that? I only tried it once with Warframe and stopped due the controls being weird (before you could map them).

braves995 (Topic Creator)8 years ago#6

No this is when I'm broadcasting. Sorry for not specifying before guys. So when I use twitch while I'm playing my online games and broadcasting them. Does that help?


Faust21220 8 years ago#7

braves995 posted...

No this is when I'm broadcasting. Sorry for not specifying before guys. So when I use twitch while I'm playing my online games and broadcasting them. Does that help?

refer to my post, thats about all the help we can give

Aegisfang22: If you play an Elder Scrolls game for the main're doing it wrong.

Neonwarrior1243 8 years ago#8

braves995 posted...

No this is when I'm broadcasting. Sorry for not specifying before guys. So when I use twitch while I'm playing my online games and broadcasting them. Does that help?

But what part lags? I asked above is it the game or the stream?

braves995 (Topic Creator)8 years ago#9

It's in my game. There is typically a button delay with occassional lag then "catch up" (moves super fast) The stream looks fine.


Neonwarrior1243 8 years ago#10

Oh, might just be those games or something since even with 1Mbps Killzone SF ran perfectly fine (the steam didn't though) granted that when I was trying this they're might of been less than 100k PS4s out and on the PSN network.

  1. Boards
  2. PlayStation 4
  3. Lag during streaming?

Why is PS4 streaming so slow?

When your PS4 is connected to the internet with WiFi, you might experience slower speeds because of the distance or any objects between your console and the modem that could weaken the connection. With a wired connection, your PS4 is directly connected to your internet modem using an ethernet cord.

How do I reduce lag when streaming?

Decrease your game's graphical settings to free up resources to run at a higher frame rate..
Decrease your stream's resolution..
Decrease your stream's frame rate..
Decrease your stream's bitrate..
Upgrade to a more powerful CPU..
Upgrade to a more powerful GPU..
Use a dedicated streaming PC with a capture card..

Why is my game so laggy when I stream?

Laggy livestreams are usually caused by one of two things: you're either having a problem with your internet connection or you're overloading your computer. When possible, you should be streaming using a wired connection. Plug that ethernet cable directly from your modem to your computer.

How can I improve my PS4 stream?

Improving PS Plus Game Streaming quality on PS5 and PS4.
Do a connection test. ... .
Use a wired connection. ... .
Ensure other devices connected to the network aren't using up the bandwidth. ... .
Consider increasing your internet speed. ... .
Check the PlayStation Services status..