How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Table of contents

  1. How Do I Advertise My ClickBank Products the Easy and Effective Way?
    1. How to Promote ClickBank Products
      1. Social Media
      2. Paid Ads
      3. Blog
      4. Forums
      5. Email Marketing
      6. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
      7. Target Audience
    2. Can I Promote ClickBank Products for Free?
    3. What Are the Best ClickBank Products to Promote?
    4. How to Sell ClickBank Products—Bottom Line

How Do I Advertise My ClickBank Products the Easy and Effective Way?

As one of the most advancing retailers, ClickBank has been getting some serious traction over the past few years. More and more people are becoming successful affiliates of the platform, as it offers plenty of opportunities.

Thanks to platforms such as ClickBank, unemployment rates have dropped. Living in a world where many people can’t make ends meet is difficult, but with the arrival of online retailers and marketplaces, the issue is getting solved, slowly but surely. Whether you want to sell clothes, makeup, white label software products, exchange software, or social media marketing tools matters little—there is a space for everything today.

The Internet has enabled us to make the most of life, even though we either abuse it or take it for granted more often than we would like to admit.

Selling products online can be one of the most rewarding jobs in plenty of ways, but do you understand how it’s supposed to work? Do you know how to promote ClickBank products effectively?

If you find yourself clueless about the matter, don’t worry—many people lack marketing skills when they first start out. To learn how to advertise your ClickBank products better, just keep reading.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: ClickBank

No matter if you’re a ClickBank affiliate or trying to sell your own products on the platform, there are a few key aspects to need to pay some extra attention to:

  • Social media

  • Paid ads

  • Blog

  • Forums

  • Email marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Target audience

If you, as an affiliate, want to launch a campaign for your product, it is necessary that you consider at least half of these promotional aspects to achieve positive results. Your overall online presence needs to be in line with the latest standards because the market is packed with all sorts of products. It is nearly impossible to present a brand-new product that will make consumers’ jaws drop at this point.

To conquer the market, you just need to master the art of storytelling and stay true to yourself and your brand. Remember that you aren’t selling the product but the concept and emotion behind it.

The whole world revolves around social media, and we’re all aware of it by now. All brands have established an online presence because they realize that their target audience spends a big portion of their time scrolling through social media channels.

Not all channels are equally as relevant, though—you don’t need to create accounts on 20 different platforms. The primary ones for businesses are:

  1. Facebook

  2. Instagram

  3. LinkedIn

The best way to promote ClickBank products is to utilize these platforms wisely.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: Pixabay

Although Facebook has fewer users each year, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a page dedicated to your brand or products. Accounts are perceived as IDs, so it would be quite odd if you decided not to have a Facebook page. Of course, this platform isn’t a deal-breaker, but if you can choose between not having and having it, you should opt for the latter.

When it comes to Instagram, we believe it’s necessary to have it, especially when targeting people under the age of 40. If you’re curious as to why that’s the case, it’s simple—this platform replaced Facebook in a way. Remember how odd it used to be for someone not to have a Facebook account? Well, that applies to Instagram now. Most of us can’t imagine that a person under the age of 40 doesn’t have an Instagram account—and just from that, it’s clear how valuable the channel is.

As far as LinkedIn is concerned, pretty much anyone involved in any type of business has it now. Over the past few years, it’s become a favorite of many because it allows for plenty of valuable connections and opportunities.

If you believe your product suits the theme of the platform, you can also give Pinterest a try. Keep in mind that you need to be wherever your target audience is, though—if you’re targeting 40-year-old men in Denmark, Pinterest won’t cut the mustard.

Paid Ads

Even if you have a small budget, it would be a good idea to invest a part of it in paid ads. All platforms are flooded with them, which doesn’t necessarily mean that your ads won’t be noticeable. As long as you know who to target, your ad campaigns should be successful.

It matters little whether you’re selling clothes, SEO tools, or digital products—paid ads will work like a charm if you utilize them correctly.

Don’t forget that you need to choose adequate platforms for your ads, though—if your audience doesn’t use Instagram, don’t waste your money.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: Pixabay


Blogs are often overlooked, but they are as valuable as they’ve always been—well-produced content will never go out of fashion. Write about your products, promote them, and make sure that whatever you’re saying in your blogs is relevant to your audience. 

The most important part of writing about products is that you make your copy eye-capturing. Even if the reader isn’t interested in what you’re selling at first, you should make them curious about it through the words you use. Try to evoke a feeling, no matter which one it is—just don’t make your readers hate you—that should be clear. Nothing sells better than emotions—remember that.

Writing blog posts will also boost your SEO game, as long as you understand how to make that happen, which we will get to in a second. All in all, don’t take your blog for granted—utilize it in a way that sells.

If you want to learn about some of the best white label SEO audit tools, you can check out our article for further information.


Forums, such as Quora, have been one of the biggest off-page SEO secrets for the longest time. Everyone uses forums to promote their products and services, so why wouldn’t you hop on board? 

People ask all sorts of questions, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find some related to what you’re selling. Explain how your product solves the issue they have and why it’s better than other, similar ones—again, you need to make the copy eye-capturing and emotion-evoking. 

As long as you understand which problem your product solves for your customers, your business will bloom. Knowing your target audience is going to help you answer plenty of questions, which will make you realize how to take your sales to the next level.

If you want to strengthen your SEO through guest posting, you can find lots of platforms that offer to post your articles. Of course, you would have to pay for it, so you should do your diligent research and find out how much it would cost you.

Some of the most popular platforms that offer guest posting services are:


What it’s meant for


HubSpot has three main blog categories that include Sales, Service, and Marketing sections.


Mashable is an excellent platform that has over 40 million page views per month. The most popular categories are tech, business, entertainment, and social media.

Social Media Today

If you want to see the latest news on social media, this platform is the perfect resource. It allows for guest posts within the marketing and social media fields as well.


If you want to write about SEO, social media, content marketing, email marketing, and marketing automation, GetResponse is the right choice for you.


You can write all about SaaS, software guides, reviews, opinions, etc. on this guest post platform.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing methods—which isn’t to say that it’s obsolete. If you know how to utilize it properly, it’s going to work like a charm. Most companies don’t understand how effective email marketing can be because they don’t spend enough time writing eye-capturing content pieces that evoke curiosity.

Promotional emails get the receiving end nothing but frustrated because they contain no value. As long as you understand that you need to pay extra attention to how you word your message, email marketing is going to be beyond useful. 

Try not to have an overly sales-oriented approach—this is what turns the majority of people off. We’ve seen it thousands of times before—and no, it isn’t true that this is a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Be realistic and honest with your customers because that’s what’s going to earn you some extra commissions. 

Target your audience—the people who are actually looking for what you sell, and not just anyone. You don’t need to send an email to a 28-year-old Josh who works at Microsoft as a software engineer if you sell female fragrances.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: Pixabay

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) consists of three main elements:

  1. On-page SEO

  2. Off-page SEO

  3. Technical SEO

To reap all the benefits from SEO, you need to include all three of them in your plan. Are you uncertain what each of them is supposed to stand for? We’ll summarize it for you:

Type of SEO

How to utilize it


On-page SEO is the ranking of your own website. Everything you write on your website will go through the search engine and rank the website for the most relevant keywords you picked.


Off-page SEO encompasses all the activities you perform outside the borders of your website. Guest posting and link building go hand-in-hand when it comes to this type of SEO.


Technical SEO is the implementation of keywords in alt tags, meta tags, etc. which optimize your website for indexing and crawling. This is more of a ‘programmer’ type of SEO.

Anytime you wish to analyze your process, you can use some SEO tools that will tell you how well or poorly your platform is performing in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS), which is outstandingly helpful.

If you’re uncertain which tools you should use, we’re going to suggest some of the most popular ones:




  • Lets you research keywords

  • Gives suggestions for keywords that are easier to rank with

  • Allows for keyword density research


  • Includes an estimate of traffic generation

  • Shows backlinks

  • Allows for keyword research


  • Shows a website’s referrals

  • Shows a list of similar competitors

  • Lets you see how much traffic a website gets from social media, organic searches, etc.

As soon as you start using SEO tools, you will advance your business in no time, as they offer valuable insight into your performance, which you can tweak in line with the results. Never underestimate the power of SEO!

Target Audience

If you’re trying to figure out how to promote ClickBank products, you need to know who your ultimate buyer persona is. This is key information that’s going to either make or break your business.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling yoga mats, digital products, or exchange software—your target audience is unique, and you need to research their wants, needs, and desires.

To help you understand the importance of a buyer persona better, we’ll give you an example.

Let’s say you’re trying to sell mascara. You’ve worked on this product for what feels like centuries, and it’s just perfect. You managed to tweak it to the point where it’s like no other mascara on the market, and now you need to sell it.

What do you do? You start advertising your product everywhere—apps, Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. Setting parameters is unnecessary because who wouldn’t want to have this masterpiece of yours?

It’s been a month since you started your product campaign, and the results are anything but satisfying—you made only a few sales and thought you’d make hundreds of thousands.

What went wrong?

Your mascara ended up being advertised to middle-aged men in Malaysia. Needless to say—they neither need nor want your product.

For your products to sell successfully or get more commissions, you need to think of who your buyers are. If you’re unsure how to form an idea of your target audience, try asking yourself some questions:

  1. How old is my target audience?

  2. Where do they live?

  3. Does my product solve an issue for them?

  4. What fuels their buying decisions?

  5. Are they single?

  6. Who do they trust?

  7. What do they do for a living?

  8. What is it that turns them away from buying a product?

  9. What does my product do for them?

  10. Which emotion does buying my product evoke in them?

If you’re able to answer all of these questions with ease, you are good to go, and in case you aren’t, it might be a good idea to do some research on what your competitors are up to.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: Pixabay

Start by asking yourself the following questions about their campaign:

  1. Are the background colors and images good enough?

  2. Are there any social media icons here?

  3. Is the content an attention-grabber?

  4. Is this too much information?

  5. Does the CTA do its job? 

  6. Is the information clear or confusing?

  7. Are they trying to gather data through surveys?

As soon as you find answers to these questions, you can start tweaking your competitors’ material and make it ten times better so that you earn a bigger commission percentage. Don’t copy what they’re doing, though—the idea is that you get some inspiration from it.

If you want to be a successful affiliate and boost your commissions, don’t forget that knowing your audience is key.

Yes, you can promote ClickBank products for free. You don’t need any money to start a blog, open social media accounts, or send emails to your customers.

Many people are tricked into thinking that marketing is something you need to pay lots of money for and that they can’t do it on their own. The truth is, you only need a bit of time and patience to get familiar with digital marketing, and you’ll be able to do everything A–Z.

If you can’t afford paid ads, don’t opt for them—it’s as simple as that. You can boost your sales or earn lots of commissions without investing a dime.

How do I promote ClickBank products with ads?

Source: Pixabay

If you’re looking for the best ClickBank products to promote, we suggest that you start with the following ones:

  1. The Venus Factor 2.0

  2. The Stress-free Golf Swing

  3. Paleohacks Cookbooks

  4. Power Efficiency Guide

  5. Shyness And Social Anxiety System by Sean Cooper

  6. Truth About Abs

  7. Clickbank University

  8. The Woman Men Adore

  9. Flat Belly Fix

  10. Vert Shock

  11. John Cresting IM Jetset

  12. New Battery Reconditioning Course

  13. Cinderella Solution

  14. The Lost Ways

  15. Singorama

In 2019, these 15 products were bestsellers, and their popularity hasn’t died out in 2020, meaning that you should try promoting them for a successful start. These are definitely the best ClickBank products to promote if you’re looking to achieve optimal results in no time.

How to Sell ClickBank Products—Bottom Line

When you first start out in the world of marketing, it is not going to be easy. There are lots of tricks and marketing schemes you need to catch up with before you get the gist of how it’s supposed to be done.

You don’t need to have a budget to promote ClickBank products, as we’ve already mentioned. As long as you follow our advice, you will undoubtedly achieve success. The only important thing is that you’re consistent and provide value to your consumers.

Nothing is as powerful as emotions, so it’s your task to take your customers on an emotional rollercoaster. As long as you don’t make them hate you from the bottom of their hearts, you should do a good job.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your target audience—it’s the key to success.

Can I promote ClickBank products directly?

So, you should create a Squidoo Lens for every Clickbank product that you want to promote. You can add articles, write product reviews, or make a sales copy. You should add your affiliate link together with relevant keywords, customer testimonials, and products.

What is the best way to promote ClickBank products?

You can promote ClickBank products through social media channels, email marketing, or your own website. You can also choose whether to invest in paid advertising (such as PPC and banner ads) to drive traffic, or to rely on search engine optimization to bring in free traffic.

How do I promote my ClickBank products with Google Ads?

So, visit the official website of ClickBank and select a product that you want to promote. After that, create a landing page since you cannot directly link your ClickBank product with Google Ads. You can use any landing page builder to create it.

Where can I advertise ClickBank?

YouTube. YouTube is watched by over 1.8 billion people worldwide. Most people interested in the Clickbank products you're promoting are likely to be among YouTube's engaged audience. Promoting Clickbank links on YouTube is one of the best ways to sell Clickbank products without a website.