How do I remove someone elses shared calendar in Outlook?


Outlook 2016

  1. Click Calendar Icon in lower left corner
    How do I remove someone elses shared calendar in Outlook?
  2. In the left side bar Right Click the calendar you want to share, then click Properties.
    How do I remove someone elses shared calendar in Outlook?
  3. Click the Permissions tab
  4. Click Add to add permissions for a new user, or click the name of the existing user in the list to change their current permissions.
    How do I remove someone elses shared calendar in Outlook?
  5. Either select a predefined set of permissions from the Permissions Level pull down or specify the permission in the checkboxes below.  Common options are:
    Free/Busy TimeAllow the user to view when you are busy or free, but not the information of any of the events on your calendarReviewerAllow the user to view all of the information on your calendar, but they cannot create or edit events.AuthorAllow the user to view all calendar information and can create new events, but they cannot edit or delete events they did not create.EditorAllow the user to view all calendar information, create new events, and edit and delete existing events.

In Google Calendar, you can restrict or remove access to your calendar. This allows you to choose who can see your calendar and which apps you want to share it with. To remove access to your calendar, navigate to the Google Calendar app on your computer.

Click the “My calendar” link in the left menu, expand the list, and then select “Private calendar”. Click on “Edit permissions. ” Click the “Remove access” button.

You can also manage permissions by right-clicking the calendar, and then clicking “Permissions. ” In the permissions dialog box, click the name of the existing user and select “Remove Access” to remove that person’s access.

Once the calendar is shared, you can choose who can access the calendar, add new items, and edit existing events.

You can also unshare your calendar in Outlook. This will cancel the permissions of other Exchange users to view your calendar. You can unshare more than one calendar at once. Once you remove access to a shared calendar, you’ll receive a notification that the person has unshared it.

The default access permission allows users in the same organization to view a calendar’s availability information. Users with the AvailabilityOnly permission cannot view or edit an appointment on the calendar.

If you wish to share your calendar with other users outside your organization, you need to use the Custom access permissions option.


  • How do I stop sharing a calendar between devices?
  • How do I stop seeing someone else’s calendar in Outlook?
  • How do I Unshare a calendar on iPhone?
  • How can I tell who my calendar is shared with?
  • How do I delete a family calendar on Apple?
  • How do I change shared calendar permissions in Outlook?
  • Why can’t I delete an Outlook calendar?
  • Why are my calendar events showing up on someone else’s calendar?
  • How do I remove myself from someone else’s family sharing?
  • How do I stop people from seeing my calendar?
  • Can my boss see my teams calendar?
  • Where is settings in Google Calendar?
  • Why is my calendar syncing with another phone?
  • How do I know if my calendar is shared on Iphone?
  • How do I know if others can see my Outlook calendar details?

How do I stop sharing a calendar between devices?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the steps you’ll need to take to stop sharing a calendar between devices will vary depending on the type of calendar you’re using and the specific devices you’re using.

However, we’ve compiled a few general tips that should help you get the job done:

– If you’re using a cloud-based calendar service like Google Calendar or Apple iCloud, you should be able to log into your account on the web and disable calendar sharing from there.

– If you’re using a desktop calendar application like Microsoft Outlook, you’ll need to open the program’s settings and look for an option to disable calendar sharing.

– If you’re sharing a physical calendar (like a paper wall calendar), you’ll need to remove it from any devices it’s currently on and make sure that everyone who had access to it knows that they shouldn’t use it anymore.

With that said, the best way to avoid having to stop sharing a calendar between devices is to only share it with people who you trust not to misuse it. That way, even if someone does accidentally share it with someone else, you’ll know that it’s not a big deal.

How do I stop seeing someone else’s calendar in Outlook?

In Outlook, you can stop seeing someone else’s calendar in the calendar view by following these steps:

1. Open Outlook and click on the Calendar tab.

2. On the Home tab in the ribbon, click the “Calendar Groups” icon then select “Create New Calendar Group” from the drop-down menu.

3. In the window that appears, give your new calendar group a name, and then click “OK”.

4. Select the calendars that you would like to group together, and then click “OK”.

5. Click the Calendar Groups icon again, then select the calendar group you just created from the drop-down menu.

6. Your calendar view will now show only the calendars that you selected in the previous step. You will no longer see someone else’s calendar in this view.

How do I Unshare a calendar on iPhone?

If you need to unshare a calendar on your iPhone, there are a few different ways you can go about doing it. One way is to simply delete the calendar from your device. To do this, open the Calendar app and find the calendar that you want to remove.

Tap on the calendar and then tap the Delete button.

Another way to unshare a calendar on your iPhone is to remove it from your iCloud account. This will also remove the calendar from any other devices that are syncing with your iCloud account. To do this, go to Settings > iCloud and tap theDelete button next to the calendar that you want to remove.

Finally, if you have shared the calendar with someone else, you can ask them to delete it from their device or account.

How can I tell who my calendar is shared with?

There is no surefire way to tell who your calendar is shared with, as it depends on the calendar sharing settings that were selected when the calendar was originally shared. However, there are a few things you can do to try and determine who your calendar is shared with:

-Check the calendar sharing settings: if you are able to view the calendar sharing settings (i. e. if you are the owner of the calendar), then you will be able to see a list of all the people with whom the calendar is shared.

-Ask the person who originally shared the calendar with you: if you are not the owner of the calendar, then you can try asking the person who originally shared the calendar with you if they remember who they shared it with.

-Check your calendar sharing notifications: if you have calendar sharing notifications enabled, then you should receive a notification whenever someone shares your calendar with someone else. By checking your notifications, you can see a list of people who have recently been added as calendar sharers.

How do I delete a family calendar on Apple?

To delete a family calendar on Apple, you need to use the Family Sharing feature. First, open the Settings app and select Family Sharing. Then, select the family member that owns the calendar and tap on their name.

You will then be taken to their Family Sharing page, where you will see a list of the family members’ shared items. Scroll down to the “Calendars” section and tap on the calendar you wish to delete. Finally, hit the Delete button at the bottom of the page and the calendar will be removed.

Keep in mind that you may need the owner’s permission to delete the calendar, as they are the one who created it. After deleting the calendar, all events within the calendar will also be deleted.

How do I change shared calendar permissions in Outlook?

In order to change shared calendar permissions in Outlook, you will need to have the correct level of permissions. If you are the owner of the calendar, you can easily make changes to the shared permissions.

If you are not the owner, you will need to contact the calendar owner in order to make the changes.

To start, open Outlook and go to the Calendars section. Select the shared calendar that you want to change permissions for and then click on “Calendar Permissions” in the Calendar Tools ribbon. Here you will be able to add and remove the people who have access to the shared calendar, as well as edit the permissions that each person has.

To add someone to the list of users, click on “Add…” and then add their name or email address. To remove someone, select their name from the list and then click “Remove”.

Once you have added or removed the users, you can then assign them a permission level. There are generally four permission levels to choose from – Editor, Author, Reviewer, and Limited Details. Before choosing a permission level, you should understand what each permission level allows the user to do.

When you have chosen the permissions, click “OK” to save the changes. Finally, you can send a notification email to the people that have access to the shared calendar, letting them know of the change.

Why can’t I delete an Outlook calendar?

Unfortunately, you may not be able to delete an Outlook calendar. Depending on the version of Outlook that you are using, different restrictions may apply.

If you are using Outlook 2013 or 2016, you will not be able to delete the default calendars (Calendar, Inbox, Drafts, etc.). You also cannot delete any calendar that is a shared folder.

If you are using an older version of Outlook, you should be able to delete any calendar that you have created, however, there may be some restrictions. For example, in an older version you may not be able to delete the calendar if it is linked to an external data source.

It is also possible that you may not have the necessary permissions to delete a calendar. Depending on the type of account you have, some settings may be blocked by your IT administrator.

Finally, if none of the above issues apply, it is possible that you may be experiencing a technical issue with Outlook. If that is the case, you should contact Microsoft’s technical support to troubleshoot the issue.

Why are my calendar events showing up on someone else’s calendar?

There could be a few reasons why your calendar events are showing up someone else’s calendar. One possibility is that the two of you are overlapping in the same calendar – such as if you both are part of the same organization and are viewing a shared calendar.

Another possibility is that the person added you as a “Guest” to their calendar and they likely did this intentionally. Finally, it could be that you’re logged in to your calendar on the same device or with the same browser as the other person, so that your calendar events are appearing on both calendars.

To avoid this, you could make sure you’re logged out of your calendar when someone else is using the same device or browser.

How do I remove myself from someone else’s family sharing?

If you no longer want to be part of a Family Sharing group, you can remove yourself. Only the family organizer can remove someone from the family group. After you’re removed, you won’t have access to any of the family member’s content, and they won’t have access to yours.

You can still use your Apple ID to sign in to the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store. And if you have an iCloud account, you can keep using it.

Here’s how to remove yourself from a family group:

1. Go to Settings > [your name].

2. Tap Family Sharing.

3. If you’re using iOS 10.2 or earlier, tap Leave Family. If you’re using iOS 10.3 or later, tap your name next to Family Members.

4. Tap Leave Family again to confirm.

After you’re removed from a family, you might see a message that you can’t leave the family until you pay for any outstanding balance. If you see this message, it means that you still have an unpaid bill from another family member’s purchase.

To leave the family, the family organizer must transfer the account to another family member, or you must pay the bill.

How do I stop people from seeing my calendar?

The first way is to mark your calendar as Private. To do this, go to your calendar settings and select the “Private” option. This will prevent anyone from seeing your calendar unless they are logged in to your account.

Another way to stop people from seeing your calendar is to share it with only certain people. To do this, go to your calendar settings and select the “Share with Specific People” option. Then, enter the email addresses of the people you want to be able to see your calendar.

Finally, you can stop people from seeing your calendar by not sharing it at all. To do this, go to your calendar settings and select the “Do Not Share” option. This will prevent anyone from seeing your calendar, regardless of whether they are logged in to your account or not.

Can my boss see my teams calendar?

The answer as to whether or not your boss can see your team’s calendar depends on the platform that your team is using and the specific settings of your boss’s account. If your team is using a tool like Google Calendar, for example, then it may be possible for your boss to see your team’s calendar if your boss has been given permission to the calendar by the owner or admin of the calendar.

Even if your boss has permission, they may still need to take additional steps to view the calendar, such as adding it to their Google account. If you are using a different tool, the steps may be different, but in general, the answer is that it depends on the settings that your team has enabled.

Where is settings in Google Calendar?

The settings in Google Calendar can be found in the Settings option at the top-right corner of your Google Calendar page. When clicked, this will open the Settings window in a new tab. In the Settings window, there are a few main sections that can be accessed to configure your calendar such as General, Accounts, Event Settings, and Labs.

Each section contains various features and preferences that can be enabled or disabled by clicking on the toggle switch. For instance, the General section contains options such as whether events are shown on your calendar page, how you view your calendar, and what time zone your calendar is set to.

The Accounts section can be used to connect other calendars or add a personal or work email account. The Event Settings section allows you to control options like whether or not to show event descriptions, reminders and notifications, and the ability to share events with other people.

Finally, the Labs section contains experimental features and settings that can be enabled or disabled as well.

Why is my calendar syncing with another phone?

It is likely that your calendar is syncing with another phone because of a rule you have created in either your calendar application or your email account. Typically when a calendar is synced, it means that the events and tasks entered into one calendar are pushed to the other device.

This means that if you create an event in your phone’s calendar, the same event will show up in the other phone’s calendar.

It is possible a few different settings have been enabled that could cause your calendar to be synced with another. This can happen when your calendar is connected to your email account, when you have shared an event or calendar with another person, or if you have enabled auto-sync between your calendar and other devices.

You can check your calendar settings to review the rules you have configured and change them accordingly to prevent the calendar from syncing with the other device.

How do I know if my calendar is shared on Iphone?

If you are using an iPhone, you can check if your calendar has been shared by following these steps:

1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on the Calendars tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. Scroll down until you see the list of calendars.

4. Look for the entries that say “Shared” next to them. This indicates which calendars have been shared with others.

5. If you don’t see any of the calendars listed as “Shared”, then there are no calendars that have been shared.

Additionally, you can use the calendar sharing feature to invite others to your calendar. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on the Calendars tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. Scroll down and look for the entry that says ‘Shared’.

4. Tap the plus icon on the right side of the screen.

5. Enter the email address of the person you want to share the calendar with.

6. Select the level of access that you want the other person to have.

7. Tap Share and the calendar will be shared with the person you specified.

If you want to stop sharing the calendar with someone, you can do so by following these steps:

1. Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on the Calendars tab at the bottom of the screen.

3. Scroll down and select the calendar that you shared with the other person.

4. Tap the minus icon next to the entry for the other person’s name.

5. Confirm the removal of the other person’s access to the calendar.

By following these steps, you can easily check whether your calendar has been shared and also share it with others if you want to.

How do I know if others can see my Outlook calendar details?

To determine if people can view your Outlook calendar details, there are a few steps you should take. First, make sure that your calendar privacy settings are set to your desired settings, so that you are only sharing the information that you want to share.

If you’re using Outlook on the web or Office 365, this can be done through the ‘Settings > Calendar’ page. On the Outlook desktop app, you can use the ‘File > Options > Calendar > Privacy Options’ page.

Once your calendar privacy settings are set how you want them, you can check to see if someone else can view your calendar using the ‘Share Calendar’ feature. To do this, open your calendar details and navigate to the ‘Share’ option.

Depending on your Outlook version, this will be in different locations.

However, the ‘Share Calendar’ option should give you an option to enter in an email address and grant that user permission to view your calendar. Once you have entered the user’s email address, they should be able to view your Outlook calendar details.

If you’re unsure of someone’s ability to view your Outlook calendar details, you can always use the ‘Remove Calendar Sharing’ feature. This can be done through the ‘Share’ option in Outlook. This will allow you to revoke someone’s permission to view your calendar details and make sure that only the people you want to see your calendar details are able to.

How do I remove someone else's shared calendar in Outlook?

Navigate to the Calendar section of Outlook Mobile. Tap on the Menu button in the top left-hand corner of the app. From the menu that appears, tap on the gear icon next to calendar you'd like to remove. Tap on Remove Shared Calendar to remove the calendar.

How do I delete someone else's calendar?

On your computer, open Google Calendar..
In the top right, click Settings. Settings..
In the left column, select the calendar you want to remove..
Click Remove calendar..
Click Unsubscribe..
Click Remove calendar..

How to delete a recurring meeting in Outlook if you are not the organizer?

If you are not the meeting organizer, the only way to remove future occurrences without removing past occurrences is to delete each instance of a recurring meeting individually. Right-click the meeting in your calendar and select Delete. Under Series, select the appropriate option.

How do I delete a calendar in Outlook that won't delete?

Login to
Click on Menu on left top of the window..
Select Calendar and click on the Settings (Gear icon) at right top..
Select Calendar you want to delete..
Click "Delete" in the top menu. Look at the screen shot below:.