How do I stop someone from seeing my posts without unfriending them?

There are a couple of ways to hide certain posts from a person. You can click on the “hide” link next to a post to hide it from that person’s public view. Another way is to report the person’s posts as spam or offensive.

You can also undo the action, which will allow the post to show up again.

Facebook has a section for this in its settings. It’s under the subhead ‘Who can see what I post’. By editing this setting, you can permanently block certain people from seeing your posts. You can also block a specific person by blocking them.

Blocking someone will freeze their timeline and prevent them from seeing your new posts.

While unfriending a person is the most common way to block someone from seeing your Facebook posts, there are other options you can use to limit access. One option is to put them on a Restricted List.

This way, only posts that you tag yourself in will be visible to your list.

Another option is to remove the person’s account from the Facebook website. Deleted posts are not visible to other Facebook users. Facebook users can also restrict their accounts by making it visible to a few people.

You can check this by checking their “Friends” page. A Facebook user can do this by following a few simple steps.


  • Can you hide your posts from a specific person?
  • What happens when you restrict someone on Facebook?
  • How do you tell if someone is hiding posts from you on Instagram?
  • What does it look like when someone restricts you on Facebook?
  • How do you tell if someone blocked you from seeing their posts on Facebook?
  • Does someone know when you restrict them on Facebook?
  • When you restrict someone on Facebook can they still message you?
  • Can restricted friends see photos?
  • Can someone on my restricted list see my likes and comments?

Can you hide your posts from a specific person?

Yes, you can hide your posts from a specific person on most social media platforms. On platforms such as Facebook, you can set your posts to a limited audience, which will allow you to exclude certain people from viewing them.

On Twitter, you can protect your tweets, which will make it so that people must request permission to view them – thus allowing you to controll who can and cannot view them. On Instagram, you can block specific users from viewing your account, or you can make your profile private, which allows you to manually approve followers and only the followers that you have approved will be able to view your posts.

What happens when you restrict someone on Facebook?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, it limits their visibility and ability to interact with the content you post. Restricted users will still be able to see the profiles of your friends and any posts or comments made on a mutual friend’s profile, but they won’t be able to interact with your posts or join any of your groups.

They will also not be able to see your profile or message you. Any content they post on a mutual friend’s profile will be hidden from you. Additionally, they will no longer be able to see when you’re active on Facebook, even if they can see your profile.

The person you restrict will still be able to search for your profile and contact you. Note that if you and the person you restrict are connected as friends on Facebook, even after you restrict that person, they will still remain connected as friends until you decide to fully remove the friendship.

How do you tell if someone is hiding posts from you on Instagram?

If you feel like someone is hiding posts from you on Instagram, there are a few things you can do to check.

First, see if that person is consistently active on Instagram. If they are, but you’re not seeing all of their posts in your feed, it’s likely that they’ve hidden some from you.

Second, take a look at the person’s profile and see if their posts are set to ‘Public’. If they’re not, then only people who follow them will be able to see their posts.

Third, see if the person is using any hashtags in their posts. If they are, check to see if the hashtags are set to ‘Public’. If they’re not, then only people who follow them will be able to see their posts.

Fourth, check to see if the person is tagged in any posts. If they are, check to see if the posts are set to ‘Public’. If they’re not, then only people who follow them will be able to see their posts.

Finally, try searching for the person on Instagram. If you can’t find them, it’s likely that they’ve hidden their account from you.

What does it look like when someone restricts you on Facebook?

When someone restricts you on Facebook, they are blocking you from seeing certain posts or interacting with them in certain ways. This includes blocking you from seeing posts in their timeline, restricting who can comment on their posts, blocking messages from you, as well as tagging you in posts and/or photos.

If you are restricted, you will be unable to see posts or have interactions with them on any public area of their page. The same goes for if someone restricts you from viewing their profile and cover photos.

If you are restricted, you will still be able to see posts the person makes that are shared with a wider audience, such as their friends list, or in more public Facebook Groups. However, if you are restricted from commenting on their posts, you will be blocked from contributing to any conversations they are having with other people in that group.

Restricting someone generally means they do not want to engage in any type of communication with you on Facebook. This is a serious action and should not be taken lightly. Be aware that if someone restricts you, it is not easily reversible as Facebook does not offer an option to request an un-restriction.

How do you tell if someone blocked you from seeing their posts on Facebook?

If you think someone has blocked you from seeing their posts on Facebook, there are a few steps you can take to confirm. First, search for their profile on Facebook. If you cannot find their profile or if it does not appear in the search results, then it is a likely sign that you have been blocked.

Additionally, if their profile is still visible but their posts are not appearing in your newsfeed, it is possible that they have blocked you.

You may also want to try and contact them directly. If they do not respond to any messages you send, it is possible they have blocked you. Similarly, if your direct messages go unread, this could indicate that you have been blocked.

Lastly, if you try to view their profile and cannot, then it is also a good indication you have been blocked.

Taking all of these factors into consideration can help you figure out if someone has blocked you from seeing their posts on Facebook.

Does someone know when you restrict them on Facebook?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, they will not be able to see your posts and profile information as if you were not friends. They will also not be able to contact you through Facebook Messenger or look you up in search.

This applies to posts you make in public groups or non-public groups, as well as comments you write either on public or private posts. If the other person is in the same group as you, they will still be able to see your posts and comment, but they won’t be able to see your profile or send you messages or posts.

You may also disable their ability to tag you in posts, photos, and other content. Please note that when you restrict someone, they will not be notified, and therefore will not know that they’ve been restricted.

When you restrict someone on Facebook can they still message you?

When you restrict someone on Facebook, they are still able to send you messages, but those messages will not appear in your regular inbox. Instead, they will be filtered into the ‘Message Requests’ tab, and you will have the option to accept the messages and view them, or reject the messages.

You can also choose to accept the message, but limit the person’s ability to message you again by selecting ‘Ignore and Block’ in the Message Requests tab. Doing this will ensure that any messages sent after will not reach your inbox, and will be blocked completely.

Can restricted friends see photos?

No, if someone has been restricted from seeing a user’s profile, they will not be able to see any photos or posts that the user has shared through their profile. This means that if a user restricts someone from their profile, even if the restricted individual was previously friends with the user and was able to see their photos, they would no longer be able to see them.

If a user does not want someone to see any of their posts or photos, it is a good idea to restrict them from the profile, as it prevents them from being able to view any of the user’s content.

Can someone on my restricted list see my likes and comments?

No, someone on your restricted list cannot see your likes and comments. In order to restrict someone from seeing your likes and comments, you will need to turn on the option to hide posts of the people you’ve restricted.

By doing this, the people you’ve restricted will no longer be able to see your activity in their news feed. Your likes, comments, and posts will still be visible to the rest of your friends on Facebook.

However, they won’t show up in the news feeds of the people you’ve restricted. This prevents configured restrictions from being violated, so keep in mind that even if someone you’ve restricted is still able to view your profile, they won’t be able to see your likes or comments.

What happens when you restrict a friend on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you'll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they'll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.

How do you stop someone from seeing your posts but not block them?

Add your friend to your “Restricted” list to prevent them from seeing what you share.
Share an update with “Friends” , people in your “Restricted” list won't see it..
Share an update with “Everyone” ... .
Tag your friend in an update, they will see it even if they are in your “Restricted” list..

How to block a person from posting on your Facebook wall without unfriending them 2022?

To prevent your friends from posting on your profile:.
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Scroll down and tap Settings..
Scroll down to Audience and Visibility and tap Profile and Tagging..
Tap Who can post on your profile?.
Select Only Me..

Can you hide posts from someone on Facebook?

You can hide someone's posts or unfollow that person, which means you remain "friends" but no longer see their posts on your News Feed. You also have the ability to snooze someone's posts for 30 days.