How do i turn up the volume on my computer

I got up at the crack of dawn to hike up a volcano in Mexico, then binged on great local food and drink all afternoon. Finally drifting back to my hotel late in the evening, it’s time to call it a night.

Impulsively, I reach for my laptop. What better way to relax after a long day than to watch a good documentary? Sadly, the sounds of the city haven’t yet faded, and it’s not long before I realize I can’t hear half of the movie over the roosters and “Banda” music blaring in the streets.

Whether it’s noisy neighbors, nearby traffic, or that pesky rooster that seems to be following you around Latin America, it can be hard to hear what’s coming out of your laptop speakers. If you’re like me and have found yourself wishing the sound was just a little louder, this article is for you.

Take heed, Mac and PC people. I’m going to walk you through how to crank your speakers up beyond their normal limitations. Or, if you’re a Nigel Tufnel fan, turn them up to 11.


Being a full-time Mac user, I first discovered how to amplify my speakers with a program called Audio Hijack, from Rogue Amoeba. This software lets both audio professionals and hobbyists perform all kinds of useful tricks, such as recording Skype calls for podcast interviews and capturing the audio from a webinar.

The sheer power and simplicity of the interface is impressive. Follow the steps below just once, and you’ll be ready to crank your speakers up to 4x their normal maximum volume* each time you open the program.

  1. Open Audio Hijack
  2. Click and drag the Applications block into the main window
  3. Select the Application you’d like to make louder from the drop-down menu
  4. Repeat step two with the “Volume” module (under “Built-in Effects”.) Your main window should now look like this:
    How do i turn up the volume on my computer
  5. Click and drag the “Output” module into the main window.
  6. Set your output device to “Internal Speakers.”
  7. Click the button in the lower-left corner of the program to run your audio through Audio Hijack.
  8. Adjust the audio level to your hearts content using the Volume module. A good starting point is to select the “2X” button under “Overdrive” and move the volume slider up. If this isn’t enough, experiment with the “3X” and “4X” overdrive.

This is what your final settings should look like:

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

Audio Hijack is available on Rogue Amoeba’s website for $65. There’s also a free, limited version you can try to make sure it works for you.

Note that if you don’t need any of the other features that Audio Hijack provides, it’s worth checking out SoundSource instead. Developed by the same company, it provides all the same audio-boosting goodness as Audio Hijack at around half the price.

*The tech that makes this possible is interesting, but without getting into the nuts and bolts of it, this app won’t damage your speakers. However, I recommend against blasting your Slayer collection at 4X for an hour, just to play it safe. Stick with movies and YouTube.


To my dismay, I discovered some Windows users might actually have an easier fix for this problem. Then I researched some more, and realized that it’s a little more complicated depending on what type of sound card you have. That sounds more like the Microsoft I know.

Don’t worry, there is a solution for you Windows folks: it’s just that you may have to try more than one of the following approaches.

The Built-in Windows Solution

  1. Open your Control Panel
  2. Select “Sound” under Hardware and Sound
  3. Select your speakers, then click Properties
  4. Select the Enhancements tab
  5. Check Loudness Equalization
  6. Click Apply

If you made it to the end of all six steps without scratching your head, congratulations. You’re good to go.

If not, you probably got stuck at step four or five. Some sound cards apparently don’t give you this option, or Microsoft thought it’d be too easy if all machines had volume equalization. Either way, there’s hope for you yet.

PC Alternative #1

  1. Open your Control Panel
  2. Select “Sound” under Hardware and Sound
  3. Select your speakers, then click Properties
  4. Select the Enhancements tab
  5. Select Equalizer
  6. Turn up each EQ band.
  7. Save this setting as a preset for easy recall* (Optional)

If you got stuck here, it was probably on that darn step number four or five again. Luckily, there’s still one more option.

PC Alternative #2

  1. Download and install this software: Make note of the install location. You’ll need this later.
  2. Select your speakers under the Configurator window that will pop-up while installing.
  3. Restart your computer.
  4. Go to the location where you installed the software.
  5. Select the “Config” folder.
  6. Open the config text document. Delete everything in the file.
  7. Type the following into the document: Preamp: +10 dB
  8. Click Save.

The changes will be effective immediately. You can edit the config file again if you need to adjust the volume.

Updated: 07/31/2022 by Computer Hope

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

There are several options for adjusting (increasing or decreasing) or disabling your sound, depending on what you want to accomplish. You may want to disable sounds from a program, the internal speaker, a modem, sound from the speakers/headphones, or disable an onboard sound card. For more information on these options, review the options below if they apply to what you're trying to disable.

To disable the sound from the speakers or headphones, you can mute them (turn the volume off) or turn down (adjust) the volume.

  • How to mute.
  • How to turn down and adjust the volume.

How to mute

Mute in Windows

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

In Windows, click the sound icon in the Windows Notification Area of the Taskbar that looks like a speaker. In the small window that appears, check the Mute box or click the sound icon (shown to the right) below the volume to mute the sound. To un-mute it later, you can follow the same procedure.

Mute in the software program

If you only want to mute a movie, sound file, or audio in programs, most programs include a configuration option to mute the audio through the program or audio player. Look for a sound icon and click the icon to open the sound properties or mute the sound.

Mute on speakers

Look for a mute or power off button on your computer or speakers as another alternative.

Mute on headphones

Some headphones and headsets have a button on the cord that connects in-between the headphones and the computer. Pressing this button may mute the sound.

Mute on laptop

Some laptops have buttons that control the audio. If the laptop has buttons similar to those shown below, press the crossed-out speaker button to mute the laptop speakers. If your laptop does not have these buttons, look for an Fn key combo to mute the speakers. The Fn key combination is specific to your laptop brand or model, so examine the keyboard or check your laptop documentation.

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

How to turn down and adjust the volume

Turn down the volume in Windows

In Windows, click the sound icon in the Windows Notification Area of the Taskbar that looks like a speaker. In the small window that appears, drag the volume down to turn down the sound. You can follow the same procedure and drag the slider up to the desired volume level to turn it back up later.

Turn down the volume in the software program

If you only want to adjust a movie, sound file, or other audio program's volume, most programs include a configuration option to adjust the volume through the program or player. Look for a sound icon or volume slider to adjust the audio settings. If you're in a game, you may have to go into the game's audio settings to adjust the volume.

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

Adjust the volume on speakers

All computer speakers have a volume knob that can be adjusted on the front of the speaker. Moving that knob to the left turns down the main speaker volume.

Adjust the volume on headphones

Some headphones and headsets have a volume control on the cord connecting between the headphones and the computer. Moving this knob in one of the available directions turns down the sound.

Adjust the volume on the laptop

Some laptops have buttons that control the audio. A laptop with buttons similar to those below can press the button with the least amount of sound waves (usually the left) to turn down the volume. If your laptop does not have these buttons, look for any Fn key combo to adjust the speaker's volume. The Fn key combination is specific to your laptop brand or model, so examine the keyboard or check your laptop documentation.

How do i turn up the volume on my computer

Adjust the volume using a keyboard

Some computer keyboards include special keys or secondary functions on the function keys to increase or decrease sound volume without using a mouse. If you have a multimedia keyboard, it may have a volume control knob too. Look for any volume control keys or knob or any Fn key and function key combo to adjust the speaker's volume.

How to disable an onboard sound card

If you want to install a new sound card and need to disable the onboard sound card on your computer, follow the steps below.

Disable through Microsoft Windows

  1. Open the Device Manager.
  2. Click the + or > symbol next to the Sound, video and game controllers option in the list.
  3. Right-click the onboard sound card.
  4. In the pop-up menu that opens, select the Disable device option.

After disabling the onboard sound card, you can shut down the computer and install a new sound card.

  • How to shut down a computer.
  • How to install a computer video card.

Disable through BIOS


Before performing the BIOS steps below, we recommend installing a new sound card to use in place of the onboard sound card.

  • How to enter and exit the BIOS or CMOS setup.
  1. In the BIOS, look for an option like Integrated Peripherals, Integrated Devices, or something similar. Depending on the type of BIOS, you may need to look in a section named Advanced or Configuration. Access that option to view the next screen of options.
  2. Look for an entry like Audio Device, Onboard Sound, or something similar. To the right of that entry, change Enable or Enabled to Disable or Disabled.
  3. Look at the bottom of the BIOS screen to see which key or key combination to press to save the BIOS settings change. F10 or F12 are common keys to save BIOS settings changes. Press the appropriate key to save the changes.
  4. After saving the changes, exit the BIOS. The key to exit the BIOS is shown at the bottom of the BIOS screen.

After exiting the BIOS, the computer will restart. Because the onboard sound card is disabled, you need to connect the speaker's mini plug connector to the new sound card.

  • Does my computer have an onboard (integrated) sound card?