How do you make guided meditation audio?

Recording Your Own Guided Meditations: Tools You’ll Need

1. A Quiet, Echo Free Room

First, find a quiet room with relatively little echo. This will make it much easier to create a clean recording that will require much less editing later.

If you can find a room with carpets, curtains, bedding, or all of these, that’s perfect. You can also set up a voice booth to get the sound you want. (Here are some examples of how to do this.)

2. Your Laptop or Computer

Next, set up your laptop or computer in a place near you where you can access it comfortably. If you’re going to be reading a script, make sure you can see and scroll your screen without straining. (You can use your computer or tablet for this, whichever is easier for you.)

You don’t need a super high tech computer to record your voice. However, having a fast enough processor and decent size RAM helps to keep your computer cool while you’re recording. This will reduce the amount of white noise in your audio tracks. (If you do get some fan noise though, it’s relatively easy to remove with the right audio editing software.)

3. Best Microphones for High-Quality Voice Recordings

The question I probably get asked the most is what microphone to use for guided meditation recordings. There are lots of great options out there, depending on your budget, but here are my personal favourites:

For this reason, I now like to recommend the Blue Yeti rather than the Blue Snowball for guided meditation recordings. I haven’t personally tested it yet, but have heard lots of great things from friends, and I’m planning on getting one for myself next time I record a new guided meditation series.

5. Recording Software

If you’re recording your guided meditations using a USB plugin mic, you’ll need an audio application that you can use to record your tracks on your computer.

My two favourites are Audacity and GarageBand, both of which are free.

6. Editing Software

To edit my voice recordings, I use a combination of several applications, both free and paid.

For very basic editing such as cutting out bloopers and parts of the recording that you don’t want to keep, Audacity works great. For more advanced editing, I prefer iZotope RX. I use the Standard version, which is great for white noise removal as well as editing out awkward clicks and mouth noises.

After I’ve cleaned up my audio files, I put all the pieces (voice and music) together in GarageBand. (Pssst! If you’re looking for beautiful royalty free music for your guided meditations, click here!)

The Recording Process: How to Create Your Own Guided Meditations Step by Step

Alright, now you have all the equipment you need! What’s next?

You’ll probably develop your own style and process after a while of regularly creating your own audio recordings, but if you need some inspiration to get started, here’s how I typically go about recording my guided meditations:

1. Use a Script or Channel Live?

If you’re wondering whether to channel your guided meditations live or prepare a script before you start recording, I don’t have the ultimate answer for you. I’ve tried both, and have found that both of these can work depending on the situation.

Channeling your meditations live can feel more natural, but at the same time, it can be annoying if you get interrupted and have to start all over again. If I know that I might get some noise interruptions in the middle of a longer recording (yep, my dog likes to bark randomly sometimes), I often prefer to use a script—especially if I intend to publish the recording on iTunes, Amazon & co.

For shorter meditations and recordings that I might publish on YouTube or as an opt-in only, channeling live can work just great (and is quicker).

2. Drink Water Ahead of Time

This may not be the same for everyone, but if you’re a noisy speaker like me, you’ll find that drinking lots of water at least a few hours before you start recording can help to reduce clicky mouth noises.

You can also use an audio editing program like iZotope RX for this, but eliminating as much noise as you can from the start will save you lots of time, and you’ll end up with a better quality recording.

In addition to making sure you’re well hydrated, I also recommend avoiding foods that can cause mouth dryness or other unwanted effects such as coffee, dairy, or carbonated drinks.

3. Create a Sacred Space

Setting up your recording equipment properly is one thing. If you’re creating guided meditations or other inspirational audio products, you’ll also want to make sure you have a sacred space in which you can feel at ease while you’re recording.

Eliminate as many distractions as you can (such as your phone, Facebook notifications, etc.) and do whatever it takes to high-vibe your energy before you get started. I typically prefer to record when there’s nobody else in the house, and I always take some time to meditate and relax before I hit the record button.

If I’m super stressed or unfocused, I go for a walk or take a nap beforehand.

4. Recording Your Audio Track(s)

Once you’re ready to start recording, sit down in a comfortable position that allows you to access your mic, recording device, and script (if you have one) easily.

If you haven’t already, record a few short samples before you begin to make sure that your equipment is set up properly and that your mic is picking up your voice correctly. (Believe me, you don’t want to skip this step! There’s nothing more annoying than realizing after half an hour of recording that your mic wasn’t plugged in or that you were using the wrong device!) ;)

Once everything is set up the way you want it, go ahead and start recording.

Do your best to stay as relaxed and natural as you can while you’re speaking, and don’t worry too much about making everything perfect.

If you make a mistake, just repeat that last sentence one more time (you can cut that out later), and continue as if nothing had happened. I promise no one will notice! :)

If you like, record each track twice just in case. I don’t always do this, but when I do, I often find that one of my recordings is more clear or natural than the other. And, if there’s any hard-to-remove noise in the recording, I can just replace that section with a clip from the other version rather than having to rerecord the whole thing.

5. Editing Your Audio Tracks

There’s a lot that can go into editing your audio tracks, and I’m not a professional audio engineer, so I’ll just cover the very basics here. (If editing audio is not your thing, consider hiring someone to do it for you—it may be a bit of an investment, but can also save you a lot of time.)

Anyway, here are the steps I typically include in my editing process:

  1. Save the audio file you just recorded.

  2. Open it in your preferred audio editing program (see suggestions above).

  3. Listen to the recording, cut out any parts that you don’t want to keep, add pauses where needed.

  4. Open the audio file in iZotope RX (or whichever software you prefer), adjust the audio volume if necessary, and remove white noise.

  5. Listen to the recording again and remove any other noise (such as awkwardly loud mouth clicks).

  6. Save and export the audio file.

  7. Open GarageBand (or whichever software you prefer). Import your voice and music tracks and play around with volume settings, special effects, etc. until you’re happy with the quality and feel of your recording.

  8. Listen to the complete mix and make any final edits if necessary.

  9. Export your finished guided meditation.

  10. Split into multiple tracks if desired. (See an example of this here!)

How do you add music to guided meditation?

Once you have some meditation music in your possession, adding it in the background of your meditation is easy. Simply drag & drop the music file onto a new track in your DAW & adjust the volume level so that it's properly balanced with your voice.

What do I need to record a meditation?

Recording Your Own Guided Meditations: Tools You'll Need.
A Quiet, Echo Free Room. First, find a quiet room with relatively little echo. ... .
Your Laptop or Computer. ... .
Best Microphones for High-Quality Voice Recordings. ... .
Pop Filter. ... .
Recording Software. ... .
Editing Software..

How do you create and sell your own guided meditations at home?

What you'll learn.
PREPARE and create a guided meditation script..
USE microphones correctly to capture good quality voice recordings..
DOWNLOAD, install and operate free recording software..
APPLY audio editing techniques to maintain good sound quality..
Use sound effects to ACHIEVE professional sounding results..

How do you speak in guided meditation?

Use a calm, relaxed, and authentic voice. Let your tone of your voice model the peace, serenity, and calmness that you want those meditating to feel. Speak how you would speak when you are peaceful, calm, and relaxed. Speak how you would speak when sharing an emotionally intimate moment with others.