How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

How to avoid name conflict error when copying a sheet in Excel

Puspendu Roy Karmakar Posted on August 31, 2018 Posted in Excel Features, Excel general tips No Comments Tagged with NAME MANAGER

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

How to avoid name conflict errors when copying a sheet in Excel. In this post, I will discuss a serious problem faced by many Excel users. Whenever we try to copy a sheet Excel sometimes shows an error.

The name already exists…

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

When you press OK to it shows again with another name and you keep pressing Enter for a long time. I try to cancel it shows a Name Conflict dialogue box. This situation somehow irritated you a lot. You may have copied the sheet after a long pressing of the Entering key.

But I can show you how to avoid name conflict errors and save you valuable time.

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

Before copying the sheet you have to press Ctrl F3 together to show the Name Manager. There you will find a huge list of names with broken link references.

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

Select all of them by clicking on the first and clicking on the last pressing Shift. Then delete them by clicking on the Delete button. Now you can copy the sheet. It may show again but don’t worry. It will take very much lesser time than earlier, like a few seconds when you press Enter.

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About Puspendu Roy Karmakar

Hi! I am Puspendu. I am the founder and author of Excelabcd. I am little creative person, blogger and Excel-maniac guy. I hope you enjoy my blog.

On How to, Microsoft Excel, Troubleshooting, Windows 10,

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

When you use "Move and copy" function to  copy Sheet on Excel file. You receive a message from Microsoft Excel with content as below:
"A formula or sheet you want to move or copy contains the name "file name", which already exists on the destination worksheet.  Do you want to use this version of the name?
To use the name as defined in the destination sheet, click yes. To rename the range referred to in the formula or worksheet, click no, and enter a new name in the Nme Confilct dialog box."


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

When you choose "Yes", this message is still not lost. When you choose "No", a message windows with name "Name Conflict" that will aprrears:
"Name already exists on destination sheet.
Old Name:...
New name:...

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

You can not close this Name Conflict message, even if you fill any information at "Old name" & "New name" cell or choose Cancel.
This is a classic error in Excel. When this is the case, you can not open, modify & close to any Excel file.
Don't worry, QTit will help you fix this error with some basic step.

You can see video guide for fix error: Name conflict in Excel

How to Do:
Step 1: The first, you turn off this message by: Mouse right Taskbar > Task Manager > Process tab > Right mouse Microsoft Excel > End task.

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?


Note that all Excel files you have open will be exit after Step 1 is done.


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

Step 2: Install and open the program XLStyles Tool (this program is only supported on Windows 10)


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?


Step 3: Click Get File > find and select the path of the corrupted Excel file > select Remove All in Name Ranges With External References > Process File


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?

Step 4: Open the corrupted Excel file. Select the Formulas tab > Name Manager.


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?


Step 5: Select all values in the Name Manager table. and Delete (delete them).


How do you resolve a conflict name in Excel?


Step 6: Completed. Please open the error excel file and check it. I'm 100% successful for sure.
So you already fixed error: Name Conflict In Excel

This is a general formula that QTit has learned from experience to fix this classic Name Conflict error in Excel. Thank you for reading QTit's article.

In addition, if you have any problems with your computer, please contact us directly through the QTitHow fanpage.

How do you resolve a name in Excel?

Follow these steps to do that:.
If you already have the data in the spreadsheet, and want to assign a name to specific cells or a cell range, first select the cells in the spreadsheet. ... .
On the Formulas tab, in the Defined Names group, click Define Name, and then click Define Name..
Enter a unique name..

How do you resolve a problem in Excel?

After you define a problem, in the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options. Select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK. In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve.