How to fix a leaning snake plant

Stanhope, NJ

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Question by mcctrm
September 22, 2002

I have a pretty old snake plant that I am trying to save. It seems to have very short roots and the plants are so close to the top of the pot that they can no longer stand up straight but instead lean completely over. I would like to just re-pot it deeper but I don't know if that will utimately help or further damage the plant. I've tried tying it up but the leaves are just too heavy. Please tell me how I can save this plant. Thank You!


How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from BonniePega
January 13, 2018

Unfortunately this is the way of Snake plants. The best solution that has worked for me, is to buy a narrow but deep pot and plant it down in the pot--about half-way down--do not cover any of the stems, but allow the sides of the pot to offer support.

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from Lindasilklemoine
January 14, 2018

I use a pretty small trellis to anchor my plants. This works well and is pretty to look at. Makes a pretty display where ever I place my plant. One can purchase the trellises most plant supply places. Readily available on line also.

Name: AnitaWest Fulton, NY (Zone 5a) "Let food be thy medicine...."

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from Lioba
January 19, 2018

I have planted it in a regular ceramic pot then set in a triangular bowl with a wide mouth. I found it at the dollar store. I was using them for serving bowls, chips but this is working out great. I'd like to post a photo.

Name: Will CreedNYCProf. plant consultant & educator

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from WillC
January 13, 2018

I agree with jessybean, that a wider pot would be counterproductive, causing the leaves to lean even further. The situation described above resulted from the plant being in low light for a long time causing the roots to weaken and die back. At this point, it may be too late for recovery.

Remove the root ball from the pot. If there are healthy remaining roots, then squeeze the rootball into the bottom of a tall, narrow pot with a small amount of porous potting mix added underneath the rootball. It should sit very low in the pot so that the leaves are supported by the sides of the pot. Move it to a sunny location and it may gradually recover.

Name: Sandra PrudenDearborn Hts, MI (Zone 6b)

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from DaylilySLP
January 13, 2018

This solution sounds good, I am having the same problem with my old plant.

Name: KayLincoln, Nebraska

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from chickadee
January 13, 2018

I have a couple old snake plants that were like you describe. I repotted one because it had been in the same pot/soil for years. I gave it a good watering, but haven't watered much more. I also read that they do not like being misted so I stopped doing that. I am seeing some new growth now. It seems they prefer neglect!

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from NGA
September 22, 2002

These plants may lean over with age when they are overcrowded or in an attempt to lean closer toward a source of light. However, the most common reason is usually overwatering. This plant really does not need much water at all, so make sure the soil is allowed to dry between waterings during the growing season and that the soil mix is a well drained one. During the winter when the plant grows little if at all, water even less often. They are naturally shallow rooted as you noticed, and burying them deeper by repotting will not solve the problem -- in fact it would not be healthy for them to be planted deeper and could make the problem worse if the base of the stems has begun to rot at all. You might spread a little sand over the surface instead and see if that helps. You could also try repotting into a wider pot so that they have more room to spread thus allowing outer portions to stablize the center. Make sure to use a clay pot and a free draining mix if you repot and take care not to overwater. Alternatively you can trim off the topplers. The tips of the trimmings can be used to make new plants. Take the tip cutting, stick it upright into barely damp sand and be very patient. Eventually a new leaf will grow next to the cut piece.

You might also want to gradually increase the amount of light your plant receives and remember to turn the pot regularly to even out the light each side receives. Good luck with your sanseveria trifasciata -- also called mother-in'law's tongue.

MO zone 6a

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from JudithL
January 13, 2018

Name: JessybeanMontreal, Quebec, Canada (Zone 5b)

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from jessybean
January 13, 2018

I'm not sure that putting it in a bigger pot would help. I did this with mine and they all fell over. Now I'm in the same boat. Snake plants like to be tight and compact at the roots which helps them stabilize.

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from cswhowe60
January 13, 2018

I grow plants in pots placed in wire or plastic milk crates. The pots are held upright, never falling over. The plant's leaves will stay upright inside the crate.

Name: Jeffrey FitchWayne, PA (Zone 7a)

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from Jsfitch
January 13, 2018

I use stretch wrap and a stake them, They look like mummies and the clear stretch wrap allows light to the leaves, I always thin them out every year at end of summer, I usually get flowering in the summer, of course we move them in and out of the house every spring and fall.
Better living with Plastics....

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from roughhiker
January 14, 2018

I have a snake plant that is almost 6 foot tall and over 10 years old. Never repotted and infrequent watering- they love a crowded pot! I agree that overwatering is the main culprit- it goes outside in partial sun in summer and in my south facing window in the winter.

Name: Donna KingSelmer, TN (Southern West TN) (Zone 7b)

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from donnabking
January 15, 2018

I have never grown a snake plant. I personally never liked them. We always called them Mother In Law's Tongue plants. My Grandmother had a large one as long as I can remember, it was long and did resemble a snake I guess. Probably the reason I never cared for the plants as I am terrified of snakes. But I cannot help but wonder if just giving the entire plant a good haircut wouldn't solve the problem and let it put up new healthy upright growth?

Name: SusanSilver Lake NY 14549 and Hilto

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from Lakegirl
April 15, 2018

Just happened to see this Snake plant question...I received my plant in a lovely arrangement when my son was born 36 years ago....I hated to remove any of the leaves even though they were leaning over and made it difficult to place the plant anywhere without a wall to support it. Two days ago I finally decided to face the difficult task of trimming this plant. I realized that if anything happened to me, my son would would probably wonder why I was keeping this crazy looking plant and he would most likely toss it.....keeping that in mind I carefully removed the plant and cut off the leaning leaves at soil level.(they were about 3 feet tall ) All the remaining roots looked I repotted my old friend in the same pot with new soil....I am amazed how terrific this plant now leaning over or propping up needed.. I am sorry I didn't do it sooner....consider it a surgical rejuvenation...I am sure my plant is much happier, in fact I think I heard a sigh of relief 😁

Name: SusanSilver Lake NY 14549 and Hilto

How to fix a leaning snake plant

Answer from Lakegirl
April 15, 2018

Just happened to see this Snake plant question...I received my plant in a lovely arrangement when my son was born 36 years ago....I hated to remove any of the leaves even though they were leaning over and made it difficult to place the plant anywhere without a wall to support it. Two days ago I finally decided to face the difficult task of trimming this plant. I realized that if anything happened to me, my son would would probably wonder why I was keeping this crazy looking plant and he would most likely toss it.....keeping that in mind I carefully removed the plant and cut off the leaning leaves at soil level.(they were about 3 feet tall ) All the remaining roots looked I repotted my old friend in the same pot with new soil....I am amazed how terrific this plant now leaning over or propping up needed.. I am sorry I didn't do it sooner....consider it a surgical rejuvenation...I am sure my plant is much happier

How to fix a leaning snake plant

A comment from dandeliongirl
July 25, 2019

I just wanted to mention that the most amazing soil I've found for sanseveria is called Bonsai Jack Succulent Mix #111. It has amazing drainage quality and works very well to be sure no standing water remains. I found mine on Amazon. I LOVE my snake plants!! My largest and first one was a rescue from the porch of a vacant home. I nursed it to health and it grew strong and beautifully until I put it out one night to breathe and someone stole it. I have three babies from it that I absolutely treasure. So next time you repot, Bonsai Jack. You won't be disappointed.

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