What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

Image source: Adobe Stock/michaeljung.

The term “diverse learners” covers a broad range of abilities, communities, backgrounds, and learning styles.

Modern approaches to accommodating diversity in the classroom are shifting from teaching to the average student to more inclusive methods that afford equitable learning opportunities for all students. This does not mean tailoring lessons to each individual student, but rather exposing all students to a variety of materials, activities, and assessments. A range of technologies provide useful support for teaching diverse student populations, from initial engagement and information gathering to creating active and adaptive lessons and leveraging flexible eLearning tools.


What are diverse learners?

Student populations in any age group contain learners with a wide variety of different characteristics, including academic ability, physical ability, language, gender, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic factors, and personal experiences. Discussions about teaching strategies sometimes try to name and categorize diverse groups, such as English learners, Gifted or Talented, Special Needs, or ethnicity. You may also see references to different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and tactile. These categories can be useful for identifying some important accommodations, but they can distract from the broader point that effective teaching strategies must include all students, not just a few with different learning abilities.

Effective teaching strategies for accommodating diverse learners

Some terms that you will often hear when discussing support for diverse learners are Differentiated Instruction, Inclusive Pedagogy, and Universal Design for Learning. These and other teaching strategies are representative of the shift in approach towards providing learning opportunities for all.

An essential part of these strategies is building profiles for each student, not just those with IEPs, to make it easier to plan lessons, meet individual needs, and assess student progress. It is important to design accommodations that do not make some feel like second class citizens. For example, if some students need note-taking assistance, making notes available to all students benefits everyone without singling out those in need.

Inclusive teaching is not meant to be resource intensive and does not require tailoring lessons to each individual student. Instead, the emphasis is on teaching in a variety of ways and exposing all students to a mix of materials, activities, and assessments that promote participation and engagement. Techniques that help one type of learners are of value to others, as most students do not have a single learning style.

How technology can be applied to support diverse student populations

Digitization, adaptive learning, and educational technologies can significantly reduce the workload and resources required for effectively teaching a diverse student population.

Build student profiles
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and similar learning profiles provide useful information but can take a long time to compile through multiple interactions with students and parents. Digitizing this process is a terrific way to speed it up and make the information more readily accessible to teachers. Using Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Sign and online meetings can reduce this process from an average of more than 30 days to less than one week, making this crucial information about a student’s needs and abilities available sooner. Staff can use these digital tools to easily create and securely send out forms that are pre-filled with existing data, reducing duplication and repetitive paperwork. Automated workflows ensure that forms follow the school’s approved process, effortlessly keeping all stakeholders involved.

Providing teachers with binders full of student IEPs can be an ineffective method of communicating student information, forcing teachers to wade through multiple pages of unnecessary and sometimes confidential information to find the key data they need. Instead, With Adobe Acrobat, teachers can combine multiple digital IEPS plans into one searchable PDF, providing each teacher with a quick cheat sheet about the students in their class. Not only does this provide a more usable format for teachers, but it also takes less effort than photocopying and collating multiple sheets for each class.

Use active and adaptive learning
Another technology that is helping teachers support diverse groups is active and adaptive learning. These tools, such as Adobe Captivate, make it faster and easier to create personalized, modular, and customizable learning experiences. Instead of a strictly linear flow through a lesson, adaptive learning enables dynamic flows for each student or group, based on their prior knowledge and skill levels. Shared projects help get you started with downloadable materials that you can use in directly in your class or to provide inspiration for your own adaptive lessons. And tools like Adobe Acrobat have accessibility features built-in, to ensure that any classroom materials you create can be read and used by all students.

An essential part of adaptive learning is designing tests that evaluate understanding and expose key conceptual gaps to provide feedback and guidance for the next module. For example, in a multiple-choice math test, the incorrect answers are not randomly chosen but selected based on common conceptual misunderstandings. Results from tests provide students and teachers with more useful information on areas of weakness than a percentage correct. In another case, a university course allowed students to repeatedly take the weekly online tests until they passed, regenerating questions after every third attempt. Analyzing the results gave the professors a much clearer picture of the students’ knowledge and skill gaps and enabled them to adjust their teaching and enlist additional supports, long before any student was at risk of failing.

Leverage educational technologies
A wide variety of education-specific tools and even popular cloud-based applications enable faster customization of lesson materials, varied assessments, and engaging activities for all subjects and age ranges. These tools help teachers address all sorts of differentiation and customization needs, ranging from classroom aids and reference materials to supplementary tutorials, virtual learning environments, and multimedia enhancements. One of the big benefits of educational technologies (EdTech) is the wealth of shared resources online. Resource sharing sites, such as the Adobe Education Exchange, make it much easier for teachers to go where others have gone before.

Learning games are one example of EdTech that facilitates differentiated instruction and assessment, with different learning paths, immediate feedback, and supportive repetition. Trying to solve a problem several times with different approaches is very accepted in modern gaming, and since many students are familiar with different types of video games, they can find this approach less intimidating than a typical marked test or project. They can also facilitate group assessments with tasks that can only be completed by several students working together.

Greater diversity enables greater results

Teaching a diverse student body with several types of differentiated and inclusive instruction has been shown to help all students, not just a particular group or subset. Students gain flexibility and often report increased engagement, enjoyment, and motivation when exposed to a richer variety of materials and activities. Technology plays a key role in helping to reduce the cost, time, and resources required to support and teach diverse students, in large part by making it much easier to share and leverage a large set of online tools and content.

Get in touch with Adobe to learn more about how their education-focused solutions can help you support your school’s diverse student population.

A school culture where people embrace diversity in the classroom can positively impact the school community. When this happens, a school community creates a safe, supportive and purposeful environment for students and staff which, in turn, allows students to grow — academically and socially.

In an increasingly fragmented society, the ability to connect with peers, coworkers and neighbours with diverse backgrounds and abilities is invaluable. Diversity improves critical-thinking skills, builds empathy and encourages students to think differently.

If you want to support diversity, then this post is for you.

What is diversity in the classroom?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

Diversity is everything that makes people different from each other. This includes many different factors: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ability, age, religious belief, or political conviction. All these factors work together to inform how students (and teachers, and everyone else) encounter the world.

The University of Rhode Island defines diversity in the classroom as “understanding each student brings unique experiences, strengths, and ideas to our classroom … Diversity is the exploration and incorporation of these differences to enrich learning in our classroom.”

For an illustrated definition of diversity, this video breaks down what the United States would look like if it were just a group of 100 people:

These realities are already reflected in your school, and it’s important for you to address them.

Why is diversity in the classroom important?

If you ignore the issue of diversity in the classroom and choose to not promote diversity in your school, you’re not doing your job.

Children go to school to be prepared for the workforce, so teaching must effectively address and embrace the realities that come with living and working in a diverse school, community and country.

Not only that, but there are other research-backed reasons for promoting diversity in the classroom:

Diversity in the classroom builds critical thinkers

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

“Decades of research by organizational scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists and demographers show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation) are more innovative than homogeneous groups.”

The same article goes on to point out that even the appearance of diversity (and with it, the suggestion that different opinions exist) makes us change how we approach issues.

Students are no exception to this rule. Diversity in the classroom helps students develop social awareness which helps them appreciate different perspectives and draw stronger conclusions. Challenging students to consider different perspectives can also teach them how to interact with their peers on a social level, and equip them with skills they’ll use for the rest of their life.

It improves academic outcomes

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

Diversity in the classroom doesn’t just improve social skills, it can also have an impact on academic results. It improves critical thinking skills and encourages academic confidence.

According to a case study from The Century Foundation, students who attended a magnet school in Hartford, Connecticut that was required to meet racial integration standards through a lottery system outperformed students at suburban school that had a higher percentage of affluent, white students on standardized test scores.

The same report also found that effectively integrated schools had less misbehavior, lower dropout levels and noticed that students were more likely to want to pursue post-secondary education.

It helps students feel represented and included

According to OISE professor Ann Lopez, diversity can “disrupt narratives and stereotypes in the classroom that position diverse people as lacking invaluable knowledge or unqualified.”

When schools take inclusive and responsive approaches to diversity, students are more likely to see their identity represented in classroom materials or other students. When diversity is not a priority and these students don’t feel included, they’re more likely to not participate and feel inferior to their peers.

A study from the University of California, Los Angeles looked at diverse classrooms to assess the emotional gains of students, and found encouraging results. According to the study, students in the most diverse classrooms were more likely to feel safer, less lonely and less bullied at school.

Richard Messina, principal of OISE’s Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, defines this practice as “idea diversity:”

“To understand an idea is to understand the ideas that surround it, including those that stand in contrast to it. Idea diversity creates a rich environment for ideas to evolve into new and more refined forms. This pedagogical approach may help students to appreciate and value all forms of diversity and how diversity enriches learning.”

Alright. So diversity is important to cultivate in your classroom because of the academic and social benefits. That’s a great thing to know, but what does diversity in the classroom look like in action? And how can you promote it in your school?

Good news: there are lots of different ways!

1. Re-evaluate your teaching materials

Which voices are speaking in your classroom?

That is, whose stories do you tell? Especially in the humanities and social sciences, teaching materials can often be limited to Western, white, male and middle-class narratives.

Work with your teachers to see if you’re representing a wide range of voices in the curriculum. If possible, teach literature from authors of color. Examine historical narratives to see which voices are missing — for example, a discussion about the civil rights movement can examine how it intersects with gender equality, immigration and the stories of Latino, Hispanic and Native American peoples.

This is exactly what Citizens of the World Charter Schools in California is doing through a focus on a project-based, culturally-responsive and data-driven learning model.

Some of the projects they’re working on to promote diversity in the classroom include:

  • A first-grade rally to end homelessness: To learn about homelessness and civic engagement, students write letters to the mayor and use their creative skills to produce awareness materials like posters and songs.
  • Second language practice in second grade: Students who speak Spanish at home help teach their classmates and teachers how to pronounce and translate a Spanish song.
  • Fourth-grade history: While learning about the gold rush, students write diaries from a wide range of historical actors like mine workers and owners, but also from the perspective of women and immigrants that worked alongside them.

If it’s difficult to change your existing curriculum, use the opportunity to ask students why different perspectives aren’t included and challenge them to apply critical thinking skills.

2. Get to know your students

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

All the students in your school are unique individuals, so use that fact to build a diverse and inclusive school culture.

Take the time to learn about your students: Where do they come from? What kind of socio-economic situation do they live in, broadly speaking? Are they meeting academic achievement standards, or are they struggling? Do they get along with their peers?

With everything that you have to keep track of and work on, it might be difficult to find the time to intentionally build relationships with students — especially if you’re new to the school or to a leadership position.

Here are some ways to start:

  • Schedule time out of your day to visit classrooms or walk through the halls. Let students know that they can approach you with problems (or just to say hello), and then follow through on what they come to you with.
  • Communicate your vision and goals for the school to your teachers. Encourage them to come to you with any questions or concerns, and work with them to promote diversity in the classroom.
  • Show some school spirit. Participate in school events and visit different clubs or after-school activities. If students see that you’re invested in school culture, they’ll be more likely to also participate.

When you know your students and understand their strengths and weaknesses, you’re better equipped to help build a safe and secure learning environment, where all of them can thrive.

3. Be willing to address inequality

Part of supporting diversity in the classroom is creating a safe space for students and educators to talk about how issues of discrimination affect them on a personal, classroom- and school-wide level.

The more diversity is a topic of discussion in your school, the less students and teachers will hesitate to address it. As a school leader, you’re in a position to lead the conversation and inspire others in the school to take action.

This conversation shouldn’t just be limited to words — in order to make effective change, you need to take practical steps to address inequality when you encounter it, such as:

  • Use language that promotes positivity and doesn’t reinforce existing stereotypes. For example, the phrase “boys will be boys” shouldn’t be used to justify sexism or aggression.
  • Respond immediately and effectively to inappropriate comments or actions. Take infractions seriously and keep families informed.
  • Model inclusion and acceptance. Encourage students to include all of their peers if you see division forming along racial or economic lines.
  • Remove existing markers of inequality in your school. For example, make sure students who are eligible for free or reduced lunch programs aren’t singled out and made to feel different.

Fair does not equal the same — fair means making sure that every student has what he or she needs to succeed both personally and academically. When you lead the conversation and follow through with action, you signal that discrimination will not be tolerated in your school.

4. Connect with families and community

Schools are a central part of the community and should reflect and celebrate its diversity.

Communicate your goals for diversity in the classroom to families. Ask if they have any questions or concerns, and then listen. Invite them to identify areas in the curriculum or in the school culture that they feel could benefit from more of a focus on diversity.

Reach out to leaders in the community that can offer different perspectives, either as experts in their field, professionals, community workers or activists. Consider asking teachers to develop service learning projects that connect classroom learning with community initiatives.

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

When your students meet members of their community, they get to see examples of people from different backgrounds succeeding in their field and might be inspired to think differently about their own future.

Other options for staying in touch and building relationships with families and neighbours:

  • Host a community food drive. Ask students, families and neighbours to bring in non-perishable food items to donate to the local food bank
  • Start a paper or email newsletter to communicate school news and events to families
  • Host a parent or family night as an opportunity to outline any curriculum additions or special events the school is having to promote diversity

5. Meet diverse learning needs

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

Uniform standards can’t apply to a diverse classroom, so start working with your teachers to establish different approaches for students with different learning needs. Some suggestions for making sure the classroom stays accessible and equitable:

  • Introduce adaptive technologies. Adaptive technologies make learning accessible for all students. This can include anything from speech-to-text software, talking calculators for students with dyscalculia, or modified computer accessories for students with physical disabilities.
  • Encourage teachers to use different types of instruction and teaching strategies. Techniques like project-based learning, differentiated instruction and blended learning all allow teachers to help learners with different needs. (For even more ideas about classroom teaching strategies, read our Ultimate List of Teaching Strategies!)
  • Create opportunities for all students to contribute. Within groups, have students take on different roles that fit their strengths. Some students can act as note takers, while others can facilitate the conversation.

6. Hire diversely

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

The vast majority of teachers in the United States are white and female. According to federal data, 81.6 percent of teachers are white, while just 6.8 percent are black. As a contrast, 47 percent of students are white, while 16 percent are black.

In a 2018 study from the Learning Policy Institute, researchers found that having teachers of color increased the academic performance of students of color.

As a school leader, you can directly impact the diversity of your faculty through hiring and recruitment efforts. Some of the suggestions from the study for hiring a more diverse faculty include:

  • Establish programs at the district level that recruit teachers from non-traditional programs and provide financial help and training.
  • Improve the data systems that monitor diverse hiring efforts, and reward schools that meet diversity requirements.
  • Hire earlier in the year to reach more in-demand candidates
  • Support principal preparation programs, including actively recruiting teachers and supporting their professional development

It’s important to always hire the best candidate for the position, regardless of their background. At the same time, work to challenge your biases and assumptions about what makes a candidate qualified. A staff that reflects diversity in the classroom will expose your students to different ideas and teaching styles, and make them stronger as a result.

7. Support professional development opportunities

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

What are some strategies teachers can employ in order to meet the needs of diverse students?

Your teachers will probably take on the bulk of the day-to-day efforts to promote diversity in the classroom. Offer professional development resources to help them effectively respond to challenges and opportunities.

At Blackstone Valley Prep in Rhode Island, teachers go through specific professional development sessions that illustrate how structural inequalities are present in classroom dynamics, and learn to elevate student voices above their own.

This is especially important considering their student body has a great deal of economic diversity and aims to give at least half of its opening to students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. With professional development, teachers in that school are better equipped to address challenges and confront biases in themselves and in their students.

Here are some great resources and organizations to get you started:

  • National Education Association EdJustice: Here you'll find inspiring stories and resources from education justice activists along with ways to take action in your community.
  • Beyond Heroes and Holidays: This resource is for teachers, school leaders, students and parents alike. It provides a model for building a culturally responsive curriculum and includes in-service activities, strategies for teaching and offers an analysis of racial inequality in the current school system.
  • The Center for Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning is an organization that offers professional development opportunities for schools, businesses and the general public on becoming culturally responsive, “moving below the superficial focus on culture.” They offer half to multi-day workshops, as well as coaching and online courses.
  • Teaching Tolerance is an organization that helps “teachers and schools educate children and youth to be active participants in a diverse democracy.” The program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias, and offers workshops in a number of major cities as well as free online resources. They also have a team of professional development trainers available to run sessions at the school or district level.

Diversity expresses itself in so many different ways, so it can be daunting to try and start conversations around bringing it to the classroom.

The good news? Your school is already full of students and staff with diverse and amazing backgrounds, abilities and skills! All you have to do is start highlighting that diversity.

Start slowly and intentionally. Don’t be afraid to admit when you don’t know the answer, but always try to keep learning and growing. Listen to what others around you are saying, and look for feedback and ways to continuously improve. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but the most important step is getting started.

How Prodigy supports diversity

The certified teachers at Prodigy Education who create the in-game educational content care greatly about equity, diversity and inclusion.

From ethnically-diverse names to choose from, to students' abilities to personalize their avatars to look like them, to questions that go beyond traditional gender norms, our education content creators are always moving toward ensuring that the diverse group of students who play Prodigy are truly represented, and feel included and involved in their learning journey.

And, if your students have existing Prodigy Math accounts, they can modify their avatars even after they've been created.

See for yourself! Create or log in to your free teacher account on Prodigy – a standards-aligned, game-based learning platform for math that’s easy to use for educators and students alike. It’s used by millions of students and teachers.

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