What are the different software factors need to be considered when choosing a Computing platform


Cloud technology has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, and cloud software and platforms are becoming the norm for organizations of all sizes. And the market for cloud software is just getting bigger—IDC predicts that cloud spending (including cloud services and IT products) will exceed $500 billion (USD) by 2020. With the latest reports from Forrester indicating that cloud is “cannibalizing” traditional on-premises technology, there’s no looking back—the cloud is here to stay.

1. Delivery model flexibility

With the many varieties of cloud delivery models out there, there are more choices but also more flexibility. Some cloud vendors offer the flexibility to change delivery models as business needs change—without modifications to configuration or the user interface.

What are the different software factors need to be considered when choosing a Computing platform
First you must decide which type of cloud your company is best suited for, public or private, or a hybrid option offering private features in a public cloud. The public cloud offers a shared environment, where hardware, network, and storage are hosted in the provider’s data center and the control of each company’s data is handled by the public cloud provider. By contrast, with a private cloud, services and infrastructure are maintained on a private network behind a firewall. They offer more control but at a significantly higher cost than a public network. With a hybrid cloud a company can use both private and public options for different parts of its business. There is also sometimes the possibility to switch between private and public cloud modes as needed.

Which service model to use is another decision companies have to make when selecting a cloud solution. Cloud computing architecture relies on three main parts, or layers: technology, application, and information. These layers of architecture are delivered via three main service models: software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS), listed in order of increasing external hosting level.

2. Ability to use the application on trial

Trial use is a feature unique to cloud deployment. The beauty of it is you can try an application before you even contact the vendor. Trying the application (with no strings attached) can give you valuable insight into the application’s usability and interface, as well as a sense of how quickly and easily tasks can be performed.

3. Integration with other applications

If you have an understanding of the number of required integration points, and how the cloud vendor will integrate (whether through APIs or an integration server), this will give you an understanding of the likely length of the implementation process.

4. Business process remodeling

What are the different software factors need to be considered when choosing a Computing platform
If using a public cloud, understand what kind of customization may be required based on desired internal business processes and see what possibilities are available with the cloud platforms you’re considering. For example, on screen adjustments, non-source code customizations, or a certain level of business processes accommodation flexibility via pre-designed system logic may be possible but the source code can’t be modified. Make sure you understand how workflows are created (point-and-click versus technical programming) with the various platforms being considered, and what kind of system integration and technical services are provided with the pricing model.

5. Security

Determine the layers of security that exist within the application and the data center. How will the cloud vendor protect your data from viruses, hackers, and theft? Another important question to ask is whether or not a vendor has its own data center and cloud technology or uses one of the large providers, such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure. The advantage of going with one of the big providers is that other packages are also developed on these platforms, so companies may find it easier to integrate systems with each other, for example an ERP with a CRM application. But using an in-house data center has its perks too, such as keeping company data close and being in control of updates and changes.

6. Platform/mobile compatibility

Make sure the cloud application is fully functional on the multiple operating systems and Web browsers that are likely in use at your organization. Also verify its accessibility via mobile devices if needed. It’s important to think about the future when it comes to compatibility as well. Is a mobile strategy included in the company’s IT strategy? How do the cloud applications under consideration match with your organization’s future IT, web, and mobile needs?

7. Backups and Recovery

What are the different software factors need to be considered when choosing a Computing platform
When evaluating a cloud provider, learn about its contingency, backup, and recovery plans and liabilities for both the platform and the data. Obviously these are important as with a cloud solution your data will more than likely be hosted off-site, and you want to be sure that your company’s data is safe and backed up with a reliable recovery plan in place.

8. Upgrades

Cloud vendors typically provide quicker response to innovation and new features, since deployment cycles are shorter than for on-premises applications. However, before signing on the dotted line you should ensure that these upgrades are indeed applied regularly and free of charge. Assess the vendor’s roadmap of product upgrades and determine how often they are expected.

Also, a test system or database should allow for playing with data, setup, and new upgrades/updates so the IT team is able to test new features or processes and detect any errors. Sufficient testing time should be granted to customers to test and adjust business processes along with the capabilities of the new version.

9. Service level agreements

Clear service level expectations must be documented within the service level agreement (SLA), including penalty clauses and conditions for undelivered services or unmet expectations. Make sure that the cloud vendor provides services beyond application delivery (e.g., business issues resolution, training, implementation support, and customer service).

Useful matters to also have addressed in the agreement are who owns the data (the vendor or the customer), the procedure of getting the customer’s data back to the customer in the case of a subscription contract termination or expiration, and how fast customer’s data change requests can be processed by the vendor.

10. Training and Support

In order for the cloud software to be used by users to its fullest potential, training is required. Make sure the cloud provider has well-developed training programs. Along these lines, determine what kind of training is provided for new users, as well as for system upgrades. Also, ensure that the cloud provider can handle support enquiries if your organization runs into problems or has specific questions.

11. Scalability

Evaluate the cloud provider’s scalability through such infrastructure points as bandwidth, load balancers, servers, data warehouses, etc. Analyze its long- and short-term growth strategy and level of service. Will the cloud provider be able to maintain and improve service levels with the growth of its business and clients? The vendor’s preliminary testing of the customer’s existing hardware and bandwidth along with providing technical recommendations on improving these are typically included in cloud software implementation projects.

12. Reference checks with existing customers

What are the different software factors need to be considered when choosing a Computing platform

To evaluate a cloud provider’s ability to handle your organizational requirements, conduct reference checks with established clients that have been with the cloud provider for longer than contracted by initial terms. This will demonstrate whether the provider is effectively able to maintain its customer base. If you can, do on-site visits, as these will also help you see the technology in action, and get direct user feedback about the system and its provider.

13. Vendor viability

As many cloud vendors are relatively new players in the market, you should consider a cloud provider’s financial robustness. Focus on revenue streams (since pay-as-you-go revenues need to be maintained) and venture capital (investors backing the company) to assess whether the vendor will be around and able to grow as your organizational needs grow.

Source: 13 Factors to Consider When Selecting a Cloud Solution

Cloud computing is a general term referring to any type of hosted service that is supplied through the internet. These services often comprise databases, servers, networks, software, analytics, and other cloud-based computing tasks.

Users of the service may access files and applications stored in the cloud from any location, removing the need to constantly being near a physical hardware. Historically, user-created documents and spreadsheets, for example, had to be stored to a physical hard drive, USB device, or disk. Without a hardware device, the files were utterly unavailable outside of the machine on which they were created. Few people are concerned now about destroyed hard drives or lost or damaged USB devices, thanks to the cloud. Cloud computing enables documents accessibility from anywhere in the world since the data is stored on a network of hosted computers that communicate over the internet.

How Does It Work?

Cloud computing is a software architecture that keeps data on distant servers that can be accessed over the internet. To comprehend how cloud computing works, it may be separated into two parts: the front-end and the back-end.

The front end allows users to access data in the cloud using a web browser or cloud computing applications. The backend, on the other hand, is the major component of cloud computing, responsible for securely storing data and information. Servers, computers, databases, and central servers are all part of it.

The central server makes operations easier by adhering to a set of regulations known as protocols. It employs middleware software to provide smooth communication between cloud-connected devices/computers. Cloud computing service providers often keep numerous copies of the data to prevent security issues, data loss, data breaches, and so on.

Benefits of Cloud Service Provider’s and Computing

Cloud computing has several benefits for your company. It enables you to set up what is basically a virtual office, giving you the freedom to connect to your company from anywhere, at any time. Access to your data is becoming much simpler with the expanding number of web-enabled devices utilized in today’s work environment (e.g., smartphones, tablets).

Companies are information-driven. Without complete cloud management, your company is at risk of security breaches, data loss, and expensive downtime. Cloud managed service providers offer deep cloud experience to support your environment, provide cloud compliance services and fill in management gaps, regardless of whether you have a hybrid cloud or multi-tenant environment.

In the modern world, cloud computing is becoming more essential. According to Gartner senior vice president Milind Govekar, there’s no business plan that does not include a cloud strategy.

Cloud computing benefits include the following in addition to the ones listed above:

  • Automatic Software Integration: Software integration happens automatically in the cloud. This include server and computer processing power improvements, and the most recent versions of software. As a result, you won’t have to put in any extra work to personalize and integrate your programs according to your preferences.
  • Cost Savings: One of the most significant benefits of cloud computing is cost savings. It allows you to save a significant amount of money since it does not need any actual hardware investments. Furthermore, no skilled workers are required to maintain the hardware. The cloud provider purchases and manages the equipment.
  • High Speed: Cloud computing enables you to swiftly launch your service with fewer clicks. Because of the speedier deployment, you may receive the resources you need for your system in seconds.
  • Unlimited storage capacity: The cloud provides unlimited storage space. You can rapidly increase your storage space at any moment for extremely low monthly prices.

 Choosing The Perfect Software Cloud Computing Provider

Choosing the appropriate cloud provider is a need, not a choice. The cloud provider is supposed to deliver high-quality services at a reasonable price. Nowadays, the majority of businesses, whether in IT, construction, health, accounting, or finance, are migrating to the cloud. Businesses have recognized cloud computing’s advantages and the benefits it provides. However, transferring the whole company process to the cloud requires extensive study and planning.

Choosing a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) is undoubtedly the most difficult portion of the overall cloud transformation process. Various elements, ranging from performance stability to customization, are influenced by the service provider you choose. As a result, it is critical that you put much effort into the process of picking a cloud service provider.

Here are some of the aspects to consider when hiring a cloud provider:


There is absolutely no room for error when it comes to security. There are three levels of security to consider when choosing a cloud provider: network, physical setup, and host. You should verify that the cloud service provider’s security processes include sophisticated features like Intrusion Detection, multi-factor authentication, enterprise-grade firewalls, Prevention Systems (IDS & IPS access control system, and data encryption.


Almost all service providers provide data backup services. However, the scope and speed with which the backup procedure is performed is crucial in assisting you in selecting a cloud service provider. There is no purpose in opting for a backup facility that does not backup the data at least daily.

Most prominent service providers, including ACE Cloud Hosting, provide backup for over a month. They should even offer a custom option to prolong this length based on your desire. You should also inquire about the backup process’s security and how to restore it if necessary.


A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a written agreement that specifies the service terms, conditions, and standards. This document also specifies how the hosting provider will pay if the set requirements are not met. You may also ask the service provider to develop a unique SLA for bespoke cloud solutions.

Before deciding on a cloud hosting service, it is suggested that you properly study the SLA.


BCDR is an acronym for Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. It shows the service provider’s capacity to restore hosting service after an interruption caused by a disruptive event such as a natural disaster. The CSP must be able to recognize the many sorts of risks that might obstruct the business process and establish methods to reduce them.

Other variables that indicate the BCDR requirements of the providers include data replication at multiple points and infrastructure redundancy at different levels.

It is a standard component of any cloud hosting provider, and you should not anticipate any additional fees.


The presence of IT difficulties necessitates the consideration of support availability when choosing a hosting company. Some hosting companies provide help for a restricted number of instances and only during business hours.

If you anticipate yourself, your employees, or your customers to work on holidays or weekends, choose a hosting company that provides unrestricted 24/7 assistance, including on weekends and holidays.

It’s also vital to consider the assistance delivery method. What methods do you want them to use to contact you — email, phone, or chat?

Many companies are able to quickly adjust their services to meet changing client demands, allowing millions of workers throughout the globe to work remotely, according to Govekar.

Private Server 

The phrase “private server” refers to a server that provides you with exclusive access to its resources without interfering with your work or the work of others. Private servers may be necessary for certain firms because their operations need extremely sensitive data or high-performance processing.

Your hosting needs are distinctive in a variety of aspects, including the apps you require, the amount of individuals you want to collaborate with, and the resources that your app necessitates. To obtain the best performance with these specific requirements, go with a hosting company that can provide a private server, or pick a service provider that provides bespoke cloud solutions.

Assistance in Transition to Cloud

You could be working on the desktop version or considering a change in hosting providers. In any event, the assistance provided by your new cloud hosting service is vital. Data migration and cloud application deployment are two things that your hosting company should be able to perform without charging extra fees.

Without a cloud provider’s assistance, you will be left stranded and will be forced to deploy your own team for setup and migration, which would cause inconvenience.


Bear in mind how simple it is to scale your business as it grows. If your chosen provider has bottlenecks at a certain magnitude, you may be forced to switch providers, resulting in several difficulties. By confirming their use limit, you will save considerable time.

Choosing a good cloud service provider can be challenging, as you want to work with a provider that provides the features you require at an affordable price. This manner, you may expand your firm to new heights while still staying within your budget.

Why Choose Sonatafy as a Cloud Service Provider?

  • Sonatafy Technology is a well-established and diverse firm that clients choose for best-in-class software consulting services, Nearshore software development, expertise, and superior customer support.
  • Sonatafy’s executives and founders have a track history of effectively building and successfully exiting software firms, as well as substantial expertise in IT services and recruiting key software engineers. They have a demonstrated track record of providing customers with high-quality people, managed services, and consultancy by assembling high-performing teams that create long-term value.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cloud Computing

Which factors are most important when selecting a cloud service provider?

Data security, support, service levels, and costs.

What would be system requirements that you look for the cloud service provider?

Any standard or conventional x86 64-bit server or Power® Linux node.

How do you evaluate a cloud provider?

By looking at risk exposure, productivity and speed, as well as workloads and infrastructure.

How do I choose the best cloud platform?

There are a few crucial factors to keep in mind in order to find the best cloud service provider, which are:

  • Performance and Reliability
  • Company profile & Business health
  • SLA’s, Contracts, & Commercials
  • Service Dependencies & partnerships
  • Vendor lock in, Migration support & Exit Planning
  • Data Governance, Data Security, & Business policies

What are the most important factors that you look for when considering cloud based business communications solutions providers for your company?

  • Month-to-Month Contracts
  • Offering a Low-Price/Premium Model
  • Negotiation Power with the Carrier
  • Strong, Local Presence in the Business Community
  • Cloud Security

What are the determining factors for when cloud computing is the right choice for a client?

Consider factors like as scalability, availability, regulatory compliance, and capacity while making a selection. Understanding whether or not cloud computing and the accompanying services are appropriate for your business will also require analyzing your organization’s risk profile.

What makes a cloud service provider?

A third-party company that provides infrastructure, a cloud-based platform, storage, application, or service. Companies often pay just for the cloud services they use, much as a household would pay for a utility like as electricity or gas.

What makes an application suitable for cloud?

Cloud computing is ideal for applications that need to develop rapidly, such as those that are projected to get a significant number of visits at any one moment or those are expected to grow exponentially. Examples of good candidates for cloud hosting include email hosting services.

How do you decide suitability of workloads for cloud?

By keeping in mind your organization’s threats, planning a migration road map, considering your technical requirements and how your apps will integrate.

What is one of the most important criteria organizations should consider during the selection of a cloud technology solution?

When it comes to choosing a cloud service provider, trust is the most crucial criterion.

What are the 6 most essential things that must be followed before going for cloud computing platform?

  • Business continuity
  • Compliance
  • Cloud computing data integrity
  • Uptime
  • Loss of data
  • Data storage

What are cloud strategies?

A cloud strategy is a succinct representation of the organization’s cloud use. It’s designed to bridge the gap between a high-level business strategy and a cloud deployment, adoption, or migration plan. A cloud strategy is distinct from a plan to deploy or migrate to a cloud service.

How cloud First strategy helps clients?

Businesses may save money on platforms, infrastructure, and software by adopting a cloud-first approach. Instead of developing their own technology stack, companies subscribe to a service provider that may deliver quality services at a lower cost.

What is cloud first strategy differ from other approaches to cloud?

It allows a business to totally migrate to the Cloud without the need for infrastructure or maintenance. It preserves all of the services provided by legacy systems while gradually migrating to the Cloud.

What are the 3 main cloud computing scenarios?

Cloud computing is classified into three types: Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Companies use IaaS to handle their own computing, networking, and storage components without having to manage them physically on-premises.

How do you develop a cloud strategy?

Desired State:

Define the best IT environment for you. Where can you make improvements to your existing situation?

Current State:

Assess present cloud/IT capabilities in terms of people, procedures, and technology. Examine the operational preparedness and architecture.


Prioritize the list of actions and initiatives based on the gaps that, when filled, would result in the fulfillment of the intended business plan.


Identify the gaps in current-state capabilities against desired-state capabilities. Recognize the main cloud adoption competencies necessary to meet corporate goals.

How do you plan a cloud strategy?

  • Set business objectives.
  • Define the existing business situation.
  • Examine the current IT architecture.
  • Analyze Future / Target state analysis.
  • Analyze gap and activities planning.
  • Assess Risks.

What is cloud transformation strategy?

Cloud transformation, on the other hand, enables a comprehensive company development. To do this, firms must prioritize migration, administration and optimization, cloud strategy, data and analytics, and cloud security in order to become more resilient and competitive.

How do I create a cloud deployment strategy plan?

  • Discover how the cloud can help your business now.
  • Outline and prioritize your objectives.
  • Examine the present status of your company’s IT.
  • Select the best cloud deployment model.
  • Align, prioritize, and choose cloud efforts for review.
  • Select the appropriate kind of cloud service.

Why cloud strategy is important?

A cloud plan is critical for guiding your company through the cloud migration process by combining anticipated advantages with risk mitigation measures. Without a plan, business units and users will embrace new productivity-enhancing technologies when they become available.


With all of these benefits, we can’t deny that Cloud Computing is the fastest expanding segment of network-based computing. It provides significant benefits to clients of all sizes, including basic consumers, developers, corporations, and all sorts of organizations. As a result, this technology will be around for a long time.