What do you call the outdoor activity that requires you to follow a specific sequence of pre set course?

Guidelines for K–12 Outdoor Education curriculum

Outdoor Education Australia advocates that every child has a right to access quality Outdoor Education as part of a balanced curriculum from pre-school to Year 12. In order to maximise the effectiveness of this curriculum the Outdoor Education program should be sequential and with clearly aligned themes and specific learning outcomes.

 Note: Outdoor Education Australia acknowledges the unique role that a well-designed and implemented Therapeutic Adventure program has in contributing to the growth and development of specific populations, such as youth at risk, emerging adolescents, youth with disabilities or mental health issues, but is not within the scope of these guidelines

The information below represents a guideline for Pre-schools and Schools, but is not intended to be prescriptive. It is hoped that it might stimulate thinking within the school for an articulated, sequential, whole school approach to Outdoor Education either integrated with other learning areas (particularly Health and Physical Education, but not exclusively) or as a stand-alone strand that delivers a number of aspects of other learning areas.


Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Exploration
E.g. walk and talk excursion

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Exploration
E.g. Picnic in a natural setting

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Exploration through guided journeys
E.g. Day walks and lunch in a national park or other more pristine area. Sleep overs at school. Conservation activities such as tree planting

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Exploration through guided journeys with increasing independence
E.g. Overnight residential camp with roles and duties included. Conservation activities such as weed removal Conservation activities such as rubbish removal

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Exploration through outdoor activities
E.g. Overnight camps with a light weight component. Introduction to outdoor journey activities for water and land. Conservation activities such as growing native plants

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Exploration skills
E.g. Introduction to lightweight journeys. Navigation, an overnight bushwalk or canoe journey. Conservation activities such as native animal care

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Developing independent exploration skills
E.g. Adventure activities/journeys—rock-climb, kayak, ski, snorkel, surf. Conservation activities such as habitat reconstruction

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Independent Outdoor Journeys
E.g. Engaging in more technically demanding activities, preparation and participation in a self-reliant journey under indirect supervision. Leading conservation activities

Outdoor living knowledge and skills

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. carrying fruit/snack/water bottles/personal first aid. Carrying out rubbish

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Carrying food, what to bring. Using non-disposable containers. Carrying out rubbish

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Preparing own lunch, participating with a group and following a route in the outdoors.

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Assisting with food preparation, independent living in a camp setting, Outdoor living

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) Self reliance and minimal impact for lightweight camping
E.g. Packing own equipment for a multi-day camp, living in temporary accommodation

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Introduction to independent living skills and knowledge
E.g. skills and knowledge to participate in a lightweight journey with increasing independence

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Development of independent living skills and knowledge
E.g. Increasing skills, knowledge and responsibilities for independent journeys

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Self reliant living skills
E.g. assume responsibility for decisions and implementation of outdoor living such an menu and equipment

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Introduction to care for others during outdoor activities
E.g. buddy systems, staying together, reporting if your buddy is not happy

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Introduction to care for others during outdoor activities
E.g. buddy systems, staying together, reporting if your buddy is not happy

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Introduction to personal responsibility during outdoor activities
E.g. Checking have right things needed to eat and enjoy outdoors, communication responsibilities

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Introduction to natural consequences. Introduction to group roles and responsibilities
E.g. Impact of preparing well. Introduction to group roles such as leader, front-marker, navigator. Introduction to group responsibilities such as group food preparation

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Introduction to leadership
E.g. Leadership tasks, roles and methods for effective group functioning during outdoor activities

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Introduction to skills and knowledge for effective group functioning
E.g. Group task and maintenance roles during a lightweight expedition and how these can impact on the overall achievement and enjoyment of the experience

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Analysis of group dynamics on an outdoor expedition
E.g. Role and methods of reviewing dynamics on a lightweight field trip, giving and receiving feedback, and tools to facilitate discussion

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs)  Leadership styles during outdoor journeys
E.g. Situation leadership, and leadership for different group outcomes such as exploration, education, recreation

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Equipment for a fruit snack picnic (tarp, etc)

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Equipment for a picnic.

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Day walk lunch, water needs. Day pack and gear required

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Introduction to comfort away from home
E.g. Sleeping, hygiene, healthy food choices for base-camping or overnight outdoor holidays

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance for comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Beach, lake or river recreation and/or land based outdoor recreation depending on school location. Associated activity skills

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Introduction to self reliance and resilience during outdoor journeys
E.g. Associated activity skills. Equipment lists, route plans, suitable equipment

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Conducting independent journeys with support and high level supervision
E.g. Whatever is appropriate for environments that students have access to, with associated activity skill

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Conducting independent journeys with guidance and low level supervision
E.g. Students plan and implement own lightweight journey with light supervision only

Safety and well being outdoors

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Sunsmart dressing for the weather

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Sunsmart dressing for the weather

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Moving safely outdoors. Non controlled water environments, rivers, ponds and dams

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Introduction to safe decision making and exploration in outdoor environments
E.g. Bush safety. Time with nature and wellbeing, emotional responses

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Introduction to assessment of hazards, and knowledge of benefits of time in outdoor environments
E.g. Beach, lake and river safety. Outdoor first aid and self management. The role of land managers in outdoor safety

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Developing skills for assessing and managing risks
E.g. Route plans and options. First aid and repair kits. Let someone know before you go. Fitness preparation.

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Developing decision making for safe outdoor journeys
E.g. Planning an outdoor journey. Emergency procedures Fitness preparation. Real and perceived risk. Safety management

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Decision making for safe outdoor journeys
E.g. Communication during an extended journey. Incident communication and management. Matching aims and objectives with philosophy, group and environment

Environmental awareness

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Promoting curiosity, identifying fears of nature and outside environments, and promoting discussion about nature
E.g. Investigating under bark and stones, and returning these objects to their original position, exploring rock pools and creeks

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Promoting curiosity, identifying fears of nature and outside environments, and promoting discussion about nature
E.g. Observing nature, exploration of nature within boundaries

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Reflection on experiences out of doors. Emotions and responses to nature and outdoor play.
E.g. Observing nature, exploration with boundaries

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – The outdoors at night—strategies, responses, real and perceived hazards
E.g. Night/dusk walk, introduction to astronomy, introduction to hazards in natural environments

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Reading the weather for personal comfort and enjoyment outdoors
E.g. Investigating local environment temperature, wind and rainfall patterns and choosing appropriate clothing and equipment. Field observations of weather and signs of past weather.

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Identifying non-human entities and users of natural spaces
E.g. Identifying and accessing outdoor spaces for adventure recreation.

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Identifying and developing knowledge of the environment required for safe and effective outdoor activity involvement
E.g. Investigating and identifying the skills and knowledge required for a safe journey in particular environments

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Community involvement in environmental awareness
E.g. participating in local community activity to support safe outdoor travel, such as teaching others bushwalking or canoeing code

Environmental management, conservation and culture

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Minimal impact on a walking excursion
E.g. keep to designated walking tracks/board walks

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Minimal impact on a walking excursion
E.g. keep to designated walking tracks/board walks

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Minimal impact on a walking excursion, and improving local environments
E.g. keep to designated tracks, participate in clean-up of local environment

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Minimal impact on camp. Recognising impact on and care for, other species in a bush setting
E.g. engage in conservation projects at a campsite

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Impact of non-native species on natural environments
E.g. project exploring the ecological impact of introduced plants and animals and attempts to manage them

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Conservation and management codes of conduct for outdoor recreation activities
E.g. Codes of conduct for walking and canoeing. Impact of bush regeneration projects

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) Aboriginal ways of conserving and caring for nature for long term survival
E.g. Investigating practices such as fire stick farming and guidelines to ensure regeneration and minimum breeding numbers

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Political and community action for environmental management
E.g. Investigate local community and political actions to support conservation

Ecological literacy key themes

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature such as smelling crushed gum leaves, feeling prickly plants, looking after native animals

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature such as visit to area of natural significance

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature Aboriginal ways of knowing such as stories

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Humans as part of nature
E.g. Introduction to bush foods and shelters. Introduction to ecosystem changes from natural and non-natural events

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Humans and natural history
E.g. Introduction to observing nature and ecosystems such as using field guides as a naturalist. Aboriginal Lore on care for nature

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Interpreting nature
E.g. Re-visiting local natural environments in different seasons, noting changes in flora and fauna

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – Concepts of nature. Ways of knowing nature, affordances
E.g. Exploring different cultural and religious approaches to nature and the way this has impacted on wild spaces

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Interpreting the environment
E.g. An investigation of the environment in which a journey is conducted from a scientific, Indigenous, sociological, cultural, economic and personal perspective

Health and the Outdoor

Early Years (3-5 yrs) – The importance of fresh air and open space for play
E.g. Allow time for running, jumping, rolling, climbing, laughing and exploring

Foundation (5-6 yrs) – The importance of fresh air and open space for play
E.g. Allow time for running, jumping, rolling, climbing, laughing and exploring

Yr 1-2 (6 – 8 yrs) – Identifying open space play options
E.g. excursion to nearby National Park, beach or forest and identifying activities that take place there

Yr 3-4 (8-10 yrs) – Engaging in outdoor recreation in open space
E.g. Introduction to games and activities that require little/no equipment in open space areas

Yr 5-6 (10-12 yrs) – Finding out about outdoor recreation resources
E.g. Investigating ways of engaging in outdoor recreation in local area and what supports there are such as clubs and community activities

Yr 7-8 (12-14 yrs) – Benefits of outdoor activities for health and wellness
E.g. Investigate how experiences in nature can improve physical and psychological health.

Yr 9-10 (14-16 yrs) – How to access clubs and resources. Differing recreation options in parks and reserves
E.g. Participation in local community outdoor activity

Yr 11-12 (16-18 yrs) – Introducing healthy outdoor activities to others
E.g. Design an introduction to canoeing or bushwalking program for local residents

3 - 5 years

Practical – Exploration
E.g. walk and talk excursion

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. carrying fruit/snack/water bottles/personal first aid. Carrying out rubbish

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to care for others during outdoor activities
E.g. buddy systems, staying together, reporting if your buddy is not happy

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Equipment for a fruit snack picnic (tarp, etc)

Safety and well being outdoors – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Sunsmart dressing for the weather

Environmental awareness – Promoting curiosity, identifying fears of nature and outside environments, and promoting discussion about nature
E.g. Investigating under bark and stones, and returning these objects to their original position, exploring rock pools and creeks

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Minimal impact on a walking excursion
E.g. keep to designated walking tracks/board walks

Ecological literacy key themes – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature such as smelling crushed gum leaves, feeling prickly plants, looking after native animals

Health and the Outdoors – The importance of fresh air and open space for play
E.g. Allow time for running, jumping, rolling, climbing, laughing and exploring

5 - 6 years

Practical – Exploration
E.g. Picnic in a natural setting

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Carrying food, what to bring. Using non-disposable containers. Carrying out rubbish

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to care for others during outdoor activities
E.g. buddy systems, staying together, reporting if your buddy is not happy

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Equipment for a picnic.

Safety and well being outdoors – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Sunsmart dressing for the weather

Environmental awareness – Promoting curiosity, identifying fears of nature and outside environments, and promoting discussion about nature
E.g. Observing nature, exploration of nature within boundaries

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Minimal impact on a walking excursion
E.g. keep to designated walking tracks/board walks

Ecological literacy key themes – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature such as visit to area of natural significance

Health and the Outdoors – The importance of fresh air and open space for play
E.g. Allow time for running, jumping, rolling, climbing, laughing and exploring

6 - 8 years

Practical – Exploration through guided journeys
E.g. Day walks and lunch in a national park or other more pristine area. Sleep overs at school. Conservation activities such as tree planting

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Preparing own lunch, participating with a group and following a route in the outdoors.

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to personal responsibility during outdoor activities
E.g. Checking have right things needed to eat and enjoy outdoors, communication responsibilities

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Day walk lunch, water needs. Day pack and gear required

Safety and well being outdoors – Introduction to safe immersion in outdoor environments
E.g. Moving safely outdoors. Non controlled water environments, rivers, ponds and dams

Environmental awareness – Reflection on experiences out of doors. Emotions and responses to nature and outdoor play.
E.g. Observing nature, exploration with boundaries

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Minimal impact on a walking excursion, and improving local environments
E.g. keep to designated tracks, participate in clean-up of local environment

Ecological literacy key themes – Nature as friend
E.g. Sensory experiences in nature Aboriginal ways of knowing such as stories

Health and the Outdoors – Identifying open space play options
E.g. excursion to nearby National Park, beach or forest and identifying activities that take place there

8 - 10 years

Practical – Exploration through guided journeys with increasing independence
E.g. Overnight residential camp with roles and duties included. Conservation activities such as weed removal Conservation activities such as rubbish removal

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance and minimal impact
E.g. Assisting with food preparation, independent living in a camp setting, Outdoor living

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to natural consequences. Introduction to group roles and responsibilities
E.g. Impact of preparing well. Introduction to group roles such as leader, front-marker, navigator. Introduction to group responsibilities such as group food preparation

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to comfort away from home
E.g. Sleeping, hygiene, healthy food choices for base-camping or overnight outdoor holidays

Safety and well being outdoors – Introduction to safe decision making and exploration in outdoor environments
E.g. Bush safety. Time with nature and wellbeing, emotional responses

Environmental awareness – The outdoors at night—strategies, responses, real and perceived hazards
E.g. Night/dusk walk, introduction to astronomy, introduction to hazards in natural environments

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Minimal impact on camp. Recognising impact on and care for, other species in a bush setting
E.g. engage in conservation projects at a campsite

Ecological literacy key themes – Humans as part of nature
E.g. Introduction to bush foods and shelters. Introduction to ecosystem changes from natural and non-natural events

Health and the Outdoors – Engaging in outdoor recreation in open space
E.g. Introduction to games and activities that require little/no equipment in open space areas

10 - 12 years

Practical – Exploration through outdoor activities
E.g. Overnight camps with a light weight component. Introduction to outdoor journey activities for water and land. Conservation activities such as growing native plants

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Self reliance and minimal impact for lightweight camping
E.g. Packing own equipment for a multi-day camp, living in temporary accommodation

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to leadership
E.g. Leadership tasks, roles and methods for effective group functioning during outdoor activities

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance for comfort in the outdoors
E.g. Beach, lake or river recreation and/or land based outdoor recreation depending on school location. Associated activity skills

Safety and well being outdoors – Introduction to assessment of hazards, and knowledge of benefits of time in outdoor environments
E.g. Beach, lake and river safety. Outdoor first aid and self management. The role of land managers in outdoor safety.

Environmental awareness – Reading the weather for personal comfort and enjoyment outdoors
E.g. Investigating local environment temperature, wind and rainfall patterns and choosing appropriate clothing and equipment. Field observations of weather and signs of past weather.

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Impact of non-native species on natural environments
E.g. project exploring the ecological impact of introduced plants and animals and attempts to manage them

Ecological literacy key themes – Humans and natural history
E.g. Introduction to observing nature and ecosystems such as using field guides as a naturalist. Aboriginal Lore on care for nature

Health and the Outdoors – Finding out about outdoor recreation resources
E.g. Investigating ways of engaging in outdoor recreation in local area and what supports there are such as clubs and community activities

12 - 14 years

Practical – Exploration skills
E.g. Introduction to lightweight journeys. Navigation, an overnight bushwalk or canoe journey. Conservation activities such as native animal care

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Introduction to independent living skills and knowledge
E.g. skills and knowledge to participate in a lightweight journey with increasing independence

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Introduction to skills and knowledge for effective group functioning
E.g. Group task and maintenance roles during a lightweight expedition and how these can impact on the overall achievement and enjoyment of the experience

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Introduction to self reliance and resilience during outdoor journeys
E.g. Associated activity skills. Equipment lists, route plans, suitable equipment

Safety and well being outdoors – Developing skills for assessing and managing risks
E.g. Route plans and options. First aid and repair kits. Let someone know before you go. Fitness preparation.

Environmental awareness – Identifying non-human entities and users of natural spaces
E.g. Identifying and accessing outdoor spaces for adventure recreation.

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Conservation and management codes of conduct for outdoor recreation activities
E.g. Codes of conduct for walking and canoeing. Impact of bush regeneration projects

Ecological literacy key themes – Interpreting nature
E.g. Re-visiting local natural environments in different seasons, noting changes in flora and fauna.

Health and the Outdoors – Benefits of outdoor activities for health and wellness
E.g. Investigate how experiences in nature can improve physical and psychological health.

14 - 16 years

Practical – Developing independent exploration skills
E.g. Adventure activities/journeys—rock-climb, kayak, ski, snorkel, surf. Conservation activities such as habitat reconstruction

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Development of independent living skills and knowledge
E.g. Increasing skills, knowledge and responsibilities for independent journeys

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Analysis of group dynamics on an outdoor expedition
E.g. Role and methods of reviewing dynamics on a lightweight field trip, giving and receiving feedback, and tools to facilitate discussion

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Conducting independent journeys with support and high level supervision
E.g. Whatever is appropriate for environments that students have access to, with associated activity skill

Safety and well being outdoors – Developing decision making for safe outdoor journeys
E.g. Planning an outdoor journey. Emergency procedures Fitness preparation. Real and perceived risk. Safety management

Environmental awareness – Identifying and developing knowledge of the environment required for safe and effective outdoor activity involvement
E.g. Investigating and identifying the skills and knowledge required for a safe journey in particular environments

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Aboriginal ways of conserving and caring for nature for long term survival
E.g. Investigating practices such as fire stick farming and guidelines to ensure regeneration and minimum breeding numbers

Ecological literacy key themes – Concepts of nature. Ways of knowing nature, affordances
E.g. Exploring different cultural and religious approaches to nature and the way this has impacted on wild spaces

Health and the Outdoors – How to access clubs and resources. Differing recreation options in parks and reserves
E.g. Participation in local community outdoor activity

16 - 18 years

Practical – Independent Outdoor Journeys
E.g. Engaging in more technically demanding activities, preparation and participation in a self-reliant journey under indirect supervision. Leading conservation activities

Outdoor living knowledge and skills – Self reliant living skills
E.g. assume responsibility for decisions and implementation of outdoor living such an menu and equipment

Group Dynamics Skills and Leadership – Leadership styles during outdoor journeys
E.g. Situation leadership, and leadership for different group outcomes such as exploration, education, recreation

Outdoor activity knowledge and skills – Conducting independent journeys with guidance and low level supervision
E.g. Students plan and implement own lightweight journey with light supervision only

Safety and well being outdoors – Decision making for safe outdoor journeys
E.g. Communication during an extended journey. Incident communication and management. Matching aims and objectives with philosophy, group and environment

Environmental awareness – Community involvement in environmental awareness
E.g. participating in local community activity to support safe outdoor travel, such as teaching others bushwalking or canoeing code

Environmental management, conservation and culture – Political and community action for environmental management
E.g. Investigate local community and political actions to support conservation

Ecological literacy key themes – Interpreting the environment
E.g. An investigation of the environment in which a journey is conducted from a scientific, Indigenous, sociological, cultural, economic and personal perspective

Health and the Outdoors – Introducing healthy outdoor activities to others
E.g. Design an introduction to canoeing or bushwalking program for local residents