What is app secret in Facebook for developer?

Facebook app is used in many cases, the most used case is Facebook login integration on the website. In this tutorial, we’ll provide the step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook application. To implement login with Facebook on the website, you need to register an app in Facebook developers panel. You’ll get App ID and App Secret from the Facebook app, these details are required for authenticating your web application with Facebook.

Facebook Apps Creation

Follow the below steps to create a Facebook App and generate App ID & App Secret.

  • Go to the Facebook for Developers page and login with your Facebook account.
  • At the right corner of the top navigation bar, click the My Apps link and select Add New App.
    • Enter the Display Name and Contact Email.
    • Click the Create App ID button.
    • The new App will be created and redirected to the Facebook App Dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Settings » Basic page.
    • In App Domains field, specify the domain name of your website (ex: codexworld.com).
    • In Privacy Policy URL field, specify the privacy policy web page URL for login dialog (ex: https://www.codexworld.com/privacy-policy/)
    • Select the Category of your App.
    • Click the Save Changes button.
  • At the left navigation menu panel, click the PRODUCTS(+) link and navigate to the Add a Product page.
    • Select Facebook Login product and click the Set Up.
    • Select Web as the App platform.
    • Enter the Site URL (ex: https://www.codexworld.com).
    • Click the Save button.
  • Navigate to the Facebook Login » Settings page.
    • Go to the Client OAuth Settings section. In the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs field, specify the Redirect URL of your OAuth application (ex: https://www.codexworld.com/facebook-login-php/).
    • Click the Save Changes.
  • Change App Status:
    • By default, the App will be In Development mode. To change the App status in Live, click the toggle switch at the top header.
      What is app secret in Facebook for developer?
    • On click the Status On/OFF switch, a confirmation dialog will appear. Confirm to make your app public.

Navigate to the Settings » Basic page, copy the App ID and App Secret. This App ID and App secret are required to access the Facebook APIs.

What is app secret in Facebook for developer?

Note that: You need to specify the App ID and App secret in the script when calling the Facebook API. Also, the URL specified in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs must be matched with the Redirect URL specified in the script.

Permissions to Get User Profile Data

The default and email permissions are approved by default and do not require App Review.

The default permission grants your app to access the default fields of a user’s public profile.

  • id
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • middle_name
  • name
  • name_format
  • picture
  • short_name

The email permission grants your app to access a user’s primary email address.

Go to the App Review » My Permissions and Features page to know about the Approved Permissions of your Facebook App.

What is app secret in Facebook for developer?

To retrieve the user’s Facebook Profile URL and gender, the user_link and user_gender permissions need to be Approved.

  • user_link: This permission grant your app to access the Facebook Profile URL of a user.
  • user_gender: This permission grant your app to access a user’s gender.

Follow the below steps to get user_link and user_gender permissions.

  • Go to the App Review » Permissions and Features page.
  • Click the Request link to submit a request for the respective permissions. Also, you need to provide the required information for submitting the approval request.
    What is app secret in Facebook for developer?

Once the App Review process is completed and approved by the Facebook, you will be able to get the Facebook profile link and gender of the user.


You only need the App ID and App Secret to integrate Facebook Login in the web application. Check the following tutorials where we’ve used the App ID and App Secret for accessing Facebook APIs (OAuth API, Graph API, etc.).

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How do I get the Facebook app Secret developer?

There are 4 simple steps to creating a Facebook App, which we've outlined below..
Step One: Visit The Facebook Developers Page. ... .
Step Two: Input Your New App's Information. ... .
Step Three: Locate and Copy your App ID and Secret Key. ... .
Step Four: Paste these values into the App ID and Secret Key fields inside the plugin..

Where is Facebook app secret key?

Go to Settings -> Basic -> App Secret (type your password and you're ready to go). Save this answer.

What is app key and app secret?

The app key and app secret are created when a Fabric app is published to a runtime environment. They can be viewed by clicking the key icon from the publish page on the runtime on which app was published. You can configure specific values or let the system auto-generate those.

Is app Secret embedded in the client?

Is App Secret Embedded In the Client. If the Native or Desktop App toggle is set to Yes, then you will need to set this field. This restricts the app secret usage to methods allowed by a Client access token.